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You are about to be announced as Mr. and Mrs. for the first time. You’re still flying high from the amazing morning surrounded by family and friends, your emotional and intimate first look and the best wedding ceremony you could have asked for. Now, as your guests are getting seated and situated, it’s time. Time to bustle that dress. Maid of Honor this is all you!

Bustling a wedding dress can be a daunting task! Every wedding dress has its own, unique bustle and if you are anything like me, I wouldn’t even know where to start. That’s why, I always suggest being prepared!

Here are YPPs “Maid of Honor Bustle Five Step Survivor Guide” for all the amazing and incredible Maid of Honors out there!

Step 1: Go to the Wedding Dress Fitting!

Cue the tears and the champagne!! As Maid of Honor it is not only a privilege but your duty to go along to at least one of your besties wedding dress fittings! Seeing your best friend try on her dress before the big day is a moment you will cherish forever! Plus, it gives you the perfect opportunity to watch the pros at work and see exactly how to bustle the dress! The bustle isn’t usually designed until the alterations begin so this is a great opportunity to really understand the bustle for the wedding day!

Step 2: Record it!

Imagine, you are watching your BFF stand in front of you in her white dress, huge smile and twinkling eyes. It’s her final wedding dress fitting. All the alterations have been made. The bustle has been perfectly placed and her wedding is in just a few short weeks. You are in complete awe as you watch the bride-to-be glow in every way. Get your head in the game! You are here for a reason! Ask the stylist to show you exactly how to bustle the dress. Pull out your phone and hit record! Make sure you get every detail on video. It will make it that much easier to bustle it on the big day!

Step 3: Take note of how long it takes!

As you stand there watching the stylist expertly bustle your friends dress in, pay attention to how long it takes her! Bustles can go from a simple, one button contraption to a few dozen hooks, you need to make sure you have plenty of time to bustle the day of!

PRO TIP: I always suggest adding an extra buffer of 10-15 minutes for the bustle just in case!

Step 4: Squad Goals

Although the responsibility usually falls on the Maid of Honor, it’s never a bad thing to have a few other helping hands! Grab a couple of the other bridesmaids to help you bustle as quickly and as well as possible! The more eyes on the video, the more people holding the dress, the easier and faster it is to get your bride moving as swiftly as possible!

Step 5: Emergency Kit

Bustles are delicate. Buttons can pop, ribbons can break, ties can loosen but the show must go on! Your responsibility as the Maid of Honor is to make sure you have a back up plan. More often than not, a damaged bustle can be fixed with a safety pin! That’s right, a safety pin! To be the ultimate Maid of Honor and win major points, come prepared. bring a little bag full of all different sized safety pins. You will be the hero of the night!

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“I just stopped eating meat” Lisa said holding up a piece of my hair to assess as I sat in front of her in her salon chair. “One day. I just stopped and I never looked back.”

“I’ve been the same way with dairy. Haven’t touched the stuff in years.” I responded. A few minutes later, we were done, my hair was looking way healthier and I was on my way but her comment and her lifestyle stuck with me.

It’s funny how that happens, a short conversation, a few exchanges of words with a complete stranger can make a huge impact. Maybe I’ve been subconsciously contemplating this for awhile, maybe hearing how easy it was and how better she feels was just a small push in the right direction, whatever the reason was, I found myself googling Pescatarian Diets at 2am that night and if I am going to be completely honest, I loved everything I was seeing.

Better for the environment, check, against animal cruelty, check, tons and tons of health benefits, check. Everything I read just furthered my desire to go cold turkey (no pun intended) and start my Pescatarian Diet right away and that my friends, is exactly what I did.

That night, after my late night googling session, I decided to give this Pescatarian lifestyle a real chance. I don’t know if it is a life long change or just a fun, healthy experiment, but I decided to go pescatarian for 30 days. To me, a month seemed like a great place to start, no pressure, no real commitment, but a chance to live a cleaner, healthier and fresher lifestyle.

It’s been seven days. Seven days with just vegetables, fruits and fish. I thought it would be harder. I thought my body would crave the things it is now lacking, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. I feel energized. My runs are easier, my sleep is deeper and I wake up feeling fresh and ready to go. Seven days down, twenty three to go, or maybe, just maybe this month will change my lifestyle forever.

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There were three flags. One Brazilian, one Israeli and one Maryland flag. As dozens of Rachel and Binny’s friends stood behind the flag that best represented their connection with the newlyweds, I felt a rush of warmth and happiness flood through my body. “Ok everyone!” I said smiling as big as can be. “Look over here!” I waved and started clicking the shutter.

As soon as we finished taking the photos, the flags were whipped off to the dance floor. “BE MORE LIKE BALTIMORE, BE MORE LIKE BALTIMORE” was chanted as the Marylanders took turns dancing with the yellow and red flag we (Marylanders) are all so proud of. As Robert and I continued to smile and snap away, I couldn’t help but be amazed by the incredible community Rachel and Binny had created for themselves. It is pretty amazing to see. Friends from childhood, from the IDF and even school were all there. People flew in from thousands of miles away. One of Binny’s oldest friends even surprised him from America.

Seeing this community, these friends, celebrate as if it was their own wedding, speaks volumes.

Binny and Rachel are both incredible people. I have known Binny for way over a decade and I know for a fact that my life would be completely different without him. Binny has always had more charm in one finger than I have in all 5′ 0″ of me! Seeing him with the love of his life, the one woman who could make him this happy was a a huge honor. I could barely hold back sobs of joy as I watched them under the Chuppah looking over the water in Caesarea! As Binny made his promises to love and protect Rachel for the rest of their lives, my heart sighed.

The second the ceremony was over, everyone rushed to congratulate the bride and groom. There was so much love, so much joy and so much community that I know, Rachel and Binny will only have the best of lives together. I know that their future is going to be full of love, kindness and happiness!

Rachel and Binny’s wedding took place at the beautiful Caesar Yam in Caesarea, Israel. With the enchanting old stone all around us, the flowers from Queens Flowers every where and the delicious smell of Israeli food lingering as we danced the night away. It couldn’t have been a more loving and incredible night.

Thank you Binny and Rachel for including Robert and I in this magical day! We will forever have you in our hearts!

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“Let’s welcome Yael Pachino to the stage!” and everyone started to clap. I stood up from my seat in the back of the room. Took a deep breath in. I tried to smile as I walked up to the stage. The lights were bright. The clapping was loud and the butterflies in my stomach were fluttering like never before. I turn to face the crowd, put one hand on the microphone and feel complete and utter fear. It was Tribe 12’s Fellowship Pitch Night and I was one of the 2019 Fellows. I had about 0.2 seconds to start my pitch before the silence became awkward and uncomfortable. Here. Goes. Nothing, “Racheal was crying,” I heard myself begin.

I had practiced for this. I had literally spent hours trying to memorize the 172 words, in the shower, on the stair-master, on the way to the gym, on the way back from the gym and even when I was brushing my teeth. Over the last week, I have recited my pitch so many times that I honestly think Robert had it memorized too. Yet, no amount of preparation was relieving the nerves and fear I had of reciting a memorized speech in front of hundreds of people. Memorized being the keyword.

Don’t get me wrong, usually, I don’t mind public speaking at all! When I can just get up there and do my thing, it feels like second nature. But this was different. This was way more than just speaking about something I love. This was a pitch about something I had been dreaming about. This was a pitch I had been working towards for months. This was THE pitch and I was terrified.

Memorization has never been my strong suit. To be honest, it’s been a challenge ever since I was in elementary school dealing with my learning disabilities for the first time. Although, my learning disability had never been fully diagnosed, I know my limits. I know what I struggle with and I know how hard I have to work to overcome it. Just because I am adult, doesn’t make it easier. Unfortunately, society doesn’t seem to always comprehend that.

So as I stood there, on stage, feeling like I was back to being 9 years old in my 5th grade play “The Plant that Ate Dirty Socks”, I looked out into the crowd and felt the love.  The only thing I saw was smiling faces and warm eyes looking up at me. I knew I was surrounded by an incredibly supportive and understanding group of people. I knew this community, my community, only wants the best for me. I knew this group of people would not judge me if I fumbled.  Although, I felt my entire body shaking the entire minute and thirteen seconds I was up there,  all I could do was stand up straight and power through.

That is all we can really do, isn’t it? Jump on in and ignore the fears. Prepare and believe in yourself. Work hard and have faith in your determination. No matter how scary it is, how intimidating it feels, if it is worth it, you will have the strength to overcome.  Don’t give up on yourself. You are more powerful than you think.

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The second I walked through the door, Rachael and Micah’s personalities were evident. The floors were recently stained the perfect shade, the dog bed was in the perfect spot and the throw pillows matched the blanket. Even though they had only moved in a few months ago, you can tell it was their home and their home was full of love.

“We treat our dog like a child.” Rachael said as she got little Badgely ready for our big photo session and with that, I knew that Rachael and Micah were my kind of people.

As we walked around Queens Village with Badgely trotting along next to them, I couldn’t help put think that Rachael and Micah’s relationship should have a RomCom made after them. Not only are they incredibly sweet and amazing individuals but their relationship is nothing short than inspiring!

I felt like they were in on some big inside joke and I was lucky enough to witness it.  When Micah takes Rachael’s hand, you could just tell that he loves her more than anything in the world and would do anything to make her happy. And when Rachael looks up at Micah, you could see that she wants nothing more than to hang out with Micah for the rest of her life. These two are not only partners and fiances, they are best friends in every way. I don’t think I have ever had two people laugh as much as they did during their engagement session! It was truly amazing!

Rachael and Micah, I could not be more touched by the love you share with each other. It is beautiful, pure and incredibly sweet. I wish for you to always have that inside joke and laugh with one another til 150 years old!


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“We might have to get a doubt-conversion .” My Mom announced as I kicked off my fake Uggs and put my backpack down from my long day of Jewish Day School.

“What do you mean?” I asked walking into the kitchen.

“Well, if I can’t find out who my birth-mom is… We don’t really know if I am Jewish which means you might not be technically Jewish and we will all need to perform a doubt-conversion.” My mom was on a mission. See, my mom is adopted and although her adoption was through Jewish Family Services, she never received any details.

My mom wanted to be 100% sure we were Jewish. We always thought we were. If I’m being honest, there was not a doubt in my mind that we weren’t Jewish. But with us girls getting older, a future-son-in-law and prospects of grandkids in the picture, my mom wanted to be more than certain.

“What if I don’t want to be Jewish?” I responded. My mom shot me a baffled look.  I was fifteen years old and fed up with my Jewish Day School. I was doing terribly in my Hebrew class, my Jewish Studies bored me, my teachers misunderstood me and I was sent to the principle’s office daily for wearing skirts that weren’t below the knee.

Over the next few weeks, I gave this some serious thought. I was raised in a Jewish Orthodox household. Everyone I knew was Jewish. Everywhere I went was Kosher. Even our gym was the Jewish Community Center. It was my entire life, but what if it didn’t have to be? What if I had the chance to change this part of who I was? What if, instead of struggling with who I was and what it all meant, I could start over?

A month later, we found out we were 100% Jewish and I thank God every day that I am. I look back on my fifteen year old self and laugh. Of course I love being Jewish!  Don’t get me wrong,  I struggled in high school with my religion. I struggled with not feeling the same connection towards Jewish Orthodoxy as my family did. I struggled with constantly hearing from others that “I was not like my sisters” or “I was the black sheep of the family.” The struggle was definitely real. But after years of searching and growing, I have left the hardships behind me and have allowed myself to fall deeply in love with my heritage. And you know what? I wouldn’t change it for the world.

I love my Jewish legacy. I love all the traditions that my Judaism has brought me. I love the connection that I feel with someone when they say “Hey, I am Jewish too!” I feel at peace as I watch Robert light our Chanukah Candles. I feel supported when I walk into Break the Fast after Yom Kippur and I feel encouraged by the incredible Jewish Communities that has been so welcoming and so loving in every city I have lived in.

To all those people who are battling with who they are, I just want you to know you are not alone.  Take a deep breath and give yourself time. You will figure it out. Just give it time.



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Photo Credit: Rachel Abramowitz

“Call me when you get there” Robert, my boyfriend of exactly 58 days, said as he closed the trunk of my 2010 KIA SOUL. We walked hand in hand to the front of the car.

I nodded. I couldn’t get myself to say anything. This past summer has been a whirlwind. Between leaving my cushy job, moving away from the state I had called home for 22 years and meeting the best human a girl could ask for; I was overwhelmed by the thirty different emotions I was feeling all at once.

I was taking a leap of faith into the unknown, which, if you knew me, wasn’t something I often did. I like to be in control. I like to understand, process and execute. But this time, there was no processing. This time there was definitely no real understanding. And this time, there was only executing. I went with my gut and my gut was now completely terrified.

“We are going to be ok. I know it” Robert said as he pulled me into a big hug. He brushed the hair away from my face. All I could do was nod again. I was on my way to Western Massachusetts for ten months and as I stood there in Philadelphia, staring into Robert’s deep, gorgeous blue eyes, for the life of me, I couldn’t remember why I was going. Robert let go and turned to open the car door.  I should stay I thought.

He gave me a big smile, nudged me to the front seat “let’s go, you need to hit the road and start your adventure already” he said with his award winning smile.

He was right. Robert is always right (don’t tell him I said that).

I had to go. I had this incredible opportunity and I wouldn’t let it go to waste. Hallmark Institute of Photography was waiting for me and I wouldn’t let my fears and insecurities get in the way. I promised myself I would get everything I could out of this experience. I promised myself I would give this a real shot. I promised  myself I was going to live photography, breath photography and do nothing but think about photography…and maybe the gorgeous, blue-eyed, law student who was waiting for me back in Philadelphia.

I was giving myself ten months. Ten months to go outside my comfort zone, move to New England and see if I got what it takes. Ten months to fall even more deeply in love with the art of Photography. Ten months to figure out how the heck to start a business and if I could make this entrepreneurial thing work. In the grand scheme of things, ten months was nothing and I owed it to myself and to my soul to go up there, to freezing cold Massachusetts and give this photography thing one hundred and fifty percent.

So with tears falling down my face and with my Google Maps calmly telling me to make a left onto Girard in 200 feet. I gave Robert one last hug and slowly, climbed in to the car.

“Ok. I am ready”  I said turning on the car and starting the ignition.

“It’s only ten months. We got this!” Robert said.

“We got this” I repeated.  He closed the door and stood back. I put the car in drive.  Looked out my window at Robert. He waved. I pulled out of his drive way. Robert was still standing there. I looked back one last time before turning onto Girard. He was still standing there…and with that I was on my way.

To be continued…

Missed Part 1 & 2? Don’t Worry! You can catch up here!

How YPP Began Part II

How YPP Began Part I

Want to keep reading?

How YPP Began Part IV

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Although most men haven’t been dreaming up their wedding day since they were five years old, might not know what an Arbor is or have any idea how to pin his boutonniere on correctly, your groom still wants to be involved. It is their special day too. They want the planning to be as easy as possible for their bride. They want to help but may not even know where to begin! Here are the Yael’s top 10 ways your groom can assist and contribute to make things a whole lot better for you!

  1. The Guest-list and keeping track:

    He is going to know his side of the party way better than you! It is up to him to figure out his side (and parents side) of the guest list, find the addresses, follow up and make sure he knows who wants chicken or salmon!

  2. Guest Accommodations:

    This one is something he can totally do and it will make you the happiest of brides! Give him the responsibility of reserving the rooms for the out of town guests and making sure they have all the details. Even if your venue has rooms as part of the package, some guest might need different price points. Your future-hubby will totally be able to handle these logistics!

  3. Pick the Wedding Music:

    The music you request for your wedding can really set the tone. The process can be long, overwhelming and very time consuming. Giving your groom this task will make him feel like the king of the party! When he sees his friends and family having a great time on the dance floor, he will feel amazing! But between you and me, I would write down your favs too!

  4. His side of the family:

    Wedding planning can make things a little tense and uncomfortable with your future-in-laws. To navigate through all the chaos as smoothly as possible, make sure he is the one communicating with his family. He knows how to best talk to his parents, so let him handle it!

  5. Learning how to dance:

    Enough said…

  6. Groomsmen Gifts:

    Boys will be boys which means one thing, let him pick the gifts for his friends. They have inside jokes and interests that you and no one else will ever understand so let him take this one for the team. Just smile and nod with whatever great idea he comes up with!

  7. Vows/ Letter to the Bride:

    No matter what you do, let him be in control of what he says, how he shares and what he promises to you on your wedding day. This is for both of you! You will thank me!

  8. Planning the Honeymoon:

    No matter when the honeymoon is, right after your wedding, six months into your marriage or even a few years down the road, let your man plan the details! He will have such a great time imagining you laying on the beach in Mexico or hiking up the mountains in Colorado, it will make him feel like a hero!

  9. Don’t forget to say ” I love you”

    Make sure he knows to up the cheese-factor! With your busy schedules, everyones opinions and advice about your marriage and the insane amount of decisions you two will have to make during this season of your life, make sure he knows to say “I love you” in every way he can. On post-it notes, grocery lists, even on a top of a cake or using those HUGE letter balloons. Keep the love alive and strong!

  10. Make your engagement as fun as possible

    If you are anything like me, you stress and over-analyze everything! Let your fiance know that you are going to need his help making this engagement as fun and as easy as possible. You are a team, you are going to need him to help you blow off steam by practicing your first dance in your kitchen or by turning center-piece decorating into a drinking game. He will know exactly how to calm you down and make things fun again!


There you have it ladies, the ultimate guide to making both of you happy! Now go on, hand over some of the responsibility to your eager and amazing fiance! You both will be so happy and so excited to be able to contribute to your big day in a big way!

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“I don’t have shoes on and it’s freezing outside” one of the Rebecca’s Bridesmaid said as we walked over to the first-look.

“Do you want to go get some shoes?” I asked, concerned about her bare-feet…

“No!” she said, “I want to see this! I need to see this!”

And with that, the girl gang escorted Rebecca down the street to her first look. No complaining, not even a second thought. They just wanted to witness their beautiful bride see her handsome groom for the first time.

And that was just the way it was… all day : )

It was obvious from the minute I met Becca and Ben that they are deeply loved by everyone around them. Their wedding day was one for the books.  It was an incredible day to witness. The energy, love and excitement that was present in every moment of their wedding day at the Hilton, Philadelphia City Ave hotel made my heart smile on every level. The way the Wedding Party anticipated Becca and Ben’s every need assured me that they have one incredible chevra (group of friends).

Becca and Ben are the sweetest thing you can imagine and they fit together like milk and cookies. They just were meant to walk through life together hand in hand.  The way Becca and Ben smile at each other and the way they whisper back and forth to each other, makes me feel like they are in on this amazing secret, but it is only for the two of them.

Ben’s smile as he waited for Becca to tap him on the shoulder made my eyes water. The tears started falling down my face as soon as he turned around and saw his sweet, strong and stunning Becca. With the Wedding Party in the background cheering them on and the sun peaking through the clouds, it was the perfect moment.

Becca and Ben, you are two amazing individuals, your smiles light up the room, your laughter brings joy to everyone and your hearts are so full of love and kindness, you touch everyone around you. I wish for you to keep whispering to each other for the next 120 years! Your love is beautiful, don’t ever forget it!



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“Kipper is shivering! Let’s finish these photos inside!” Brittany said. We all looked at Kipper in his adorable, yellow raincoat shaking from the cold. “That’s a good idea!” I said worried about their sweet, little dog. As we walked back toward Brittany and Will’s Fairfax, Virginia apartment in the rain, I smiled. Brittany and Will only adopted Kipper a few months prior to our session and they were already so in tune and such good care-takers. They had all the Kipper essentials and than some. It was clear, that they put Kipper first and were happy doing so.

Once we got into their homey, warm apartment, Brittany took Kipper’s raincoat off and they all began to play. All three of them looked so happy and content just hanging out together, throwing and catching a stuffed bunny. It made me think,  this is what it is all about. Togetherness, happiness, love. And love there was! In every detail of their apartment, in every word spoken and in every joke made, you could see that their life was full of love and admiration for each other…. and of course Kipper too.

Brittany and Will have been together since before Instagram was a thing and I absolutely admire their commitment and connection to one another. It is evident that they are best friends, partners and each others biggest support systems. Brittany and Will’s personalities complement each other. From High School to College, all the way to moving to Fairfax, Virginia together, they have been a united front that can take on anything and everything.

These two are such a unique couple, and their puppy engagement session was no different! Once we realized that Kipper was not a happier camper outside, we moved our engagement session inside. It was no longer just an engagement session but a session about the home they built, the puppy they adopted and the life that they had created.

Brittany and Will, you have found it. The happiness, the love and the excitement for your future that everyone searches for and I hope your happiness and love grows until the end of time! I cannot wait to photograph your wedding! July is too far away!!


Work With Yael

My mission is to not only craft images, but really celebrate the unique spirit of Jewish love. I'm here to honor our culture, capture the magic of your love, create family heirlooms for your future and do it all with a whole lot of heart and soul.

For Jewish Couples who want to honor our past traditions, feel the present moment and create a legacy for the future.