The second I walked through the door, Rachael and Micah’s personalities were evident. The floors were recently stained the perfect shade, the dog bed was in the perfect spot and the throw pillows matched the blanket. Even though they had only moved in a few months ago, you can tell it was their home and their home was full of love.
“We treat our dog like a child.” Rachael said as she got little Badgely ready for our big photo session and with that, I knew that Rachael and Micah were my kind of people.
As we walked around Queens Village with Badgely trotting along next to them, I couldn’t help put think that Rachael and Micah’s relationship should have a RomCom made after them. Not only are they incredibly sweet and amazing individuals but their relationship is nothing short than inspiring!
I felt like they were in on some big inside joke and I was lucky enough to witness it. When Micah takes Rachael’s hand, you could just tell that he loves her more than anything in the world and would do anything to make her happy. And when Rachael looks up at Micah, you could see that she wants nothing more than to hang out with Micah for the rest of her life. These two are not only partners and fiances, they are best friends in every way. I don’t think I have ever had two people laugh as much as they did during their engagement session! It was truly amazing!
Rachael and Micah, I could not be more touched by the love you share with each other. It is beautiful, pure and incredibly sweet. I wish for you to always have that inside joke and laugh with one another til 150 years old!