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So you did it, you found the woman of your dreams. You are totally and completely in love and you cannot wait to spend the rest of your life with this amazing woman… Now, all you have to do is ask her… but how?

Proposal season is upon us and the love of your life deserves nothing less than the best.  For most of you, this will be the first and only time you pop the question and you might not even know where to begin! But don’t you worry, I am here to help! Follow these 10 easy steps and you will have the girl of your dreams wrapped around you crying tears of joy before you know it!

  1.  The Ring: 

    Now this first step is one of the most important steps, once you get the ring, the rest will fall into place. There are a few ways to go about to make sure you are getting the woman of your dreams the ring of her dreams…
    (A) Go shopping together. Some people LOVE this option. I mean, one of the biggest parts about a successful marriage is being a team and working together, so why wouldn’t you want to share this experience with one another.
    (B) Get the Hint…. if she is the kind of woman who does not beat around the bush and has been sending you links, photos and pinterest boards for the last 18 months, you are one lucky man, you already know exactly what she wants…
    (C) Consult her bestie.  Let’s face it, women talk, this isn’t news… and what do you think one of the things we talk about when we are in a serious relationship, the engagement ring. Meet the future-maid-of-honor for some coffee, ask her to share the ring intel and get as much detail as possible. Her best-friend will be ALMOST as excited as you are…almost.

  2. Ask her Parent’s for her hand in marriage: 

    I know what you are thinking,  how old fashioned… But let me fill you in on a little secret, this small gesture will mean the world to them and to your future wife. It will make her parents feel like they are a part of the celebration and why not keep your mother-in-law and father-in-law happy from the beginning. This will set the stage of your relationship with your in-laws for years to come!

  3. Pick a location: 

    It can be as simple or as lavish as you want it to be. Just remember, you know your girl the best, you know what means the most to her and what would make her happy. It can be right in front of her favorite taco stand that she took you to on one of your first dates, or in the middle of the park that you guys walk your dog in every day or even on top of the ferris-wheel. It can be in your apartment or at a fancy restaurant. At a carnival or on vacation. Don’t over think it,  wherever you ask her, she will love it because it is your love story and you are making her dreams come true.

  4. Choose a gesture:

    Now that you have the location, it is time to figure out how, how are you going to make this moment special, how are you going to set it up and how are you going to ask her. Are you going to send her on a scavenger hunt? Surprise her from out of town? Whisk her off to a romantic city? Once you get her to the location, are you going to get down on one knee, have her nieces and nephews surround her, show her a montage of your relationship? Before you pick the gesture, you should know, that most proposals are done in private, contrary to what Hollywood portrays. Consider who she is when deciding how big or how small the gesture should be! Your proposal story will be told hundreds of times, it might even be your grandkids favorite bedtime story, so make sure that whatever gesture you choose, it is consistent with who you are a couple.

  5. Consult a photographer!

    This is it, it is the moment you both have been waiting for. The moment that will change your life forever. You are asking your best friend to be with you from now until forever, how special would it be to have this moment captured? To have this memory frozen forever. To have photos that will keep this moment and these feelings alive!

  6. Create a Master Plan:

    Now that you have the ring, the location, the gesture and the photographer, it is time to put it all together and create a master plan. You have worked hard to prepare for your big moment, winging your wedding proposal is not an option. Talk to all the necessary people to ensure that this moment goes off as well as possible. Consult the photographer about lighting and timing, even do a walk through of the location to make sure you know exactly where you are going, where she will be standing and how you will be kneeling. Consider traffic, late reservations, delays, and anything else that might create any issues. This way, you will be prepared and as ready as possible.

  7. Have a Plan B:

    It is never a bad idea to have a Plan B. You never know what is going to happen. You never know if it will start pouring 5 minutes before your candle lit balcony proposal or the restaurant sits you at the wrong table or even there is a pop up beer garden at your favorite park, therefore, come up with a simple Plan B that is easy to pivot too.  This way, you won’t add too much stress if something goes wrong.

  8. Rehearse:

    These words, this question, the look in her eyes as she listens to you, is going t be a moment that will be cherished forever (no pressure)! I don’t know about all of you, but when I get nervous, I start rambling on and on and
    usually end up not making any sense… practice what you are going to say, rehearse taking the ring out of your jacket or pants pocket and getting down on one knee. It will make your proposal go that much smoother and make you feel like you are the most romantic man that has ever been.

  9. Get her there: 

    Sometimes, getting her there can be tricky, so you have to get creative.  Make sure you know exactly how you are going to convince her to get there and consult everyone who will help you get there. I know, you are never supposed to lie to the woman you are going to marry (or to anyone in general), but let’s be real, this might be the ONLY time it is ok to tell her a small fib… She will forgive you for lying about your reservation being 20 minutes earlier or that you have to stay late at the office for a work thing. She will forgive you for not being able to meet her and her sister for brunch if that is all part of the grand proposal plan.

  10. Ask her: 

    And finally, the most important thing… ask her to marry you. It will be the happiest moment of her life thus far and you will be the luckiest man on earth. It is as simple as that.

Ok… so what are you waiting for! Go get that ring, talk to her parents and consult her best friends! Go tell her how much you love her, how much you cannot wait to grow old together and how you will never want to wake up without her by your side.

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” We have been together ever since…” Sarah said with a huge smile on her face. As we walked away from the Starbucks, the place they went on their first date, I couldn’t help but thinking about Sarah and Ron eight years ago. I couldn’t help but think about the adorable and lovely University of Maryland Freshman, Sarah, meeting Ron, the sweetest guy on campus that everyone seemed to know and love. I couldn’t help but picture 19 year old Ron, nervously sitting in the Starbucks, and wondering What coffee drink should I get her?  In typical Ron fashion, he wanted to make sure he had the right thing ordered for his date by the time she got there, but he had no idea what to get her and felt terrible when she walked in and he had nothing to offer. It’s the little things that make a relationship truly great and Ron understood this from the beginning.

Sarah and Ron had a deep, loving, committed relationship since that beautiful fall day at that Starbucks in Georgetown. They are the epitome of college-sweethearts and I couldn’t be happier for them! Amongst the craziness of college life, everyone else around Sarah and Ron were breaking up, getting together or doing the whole on again-off again thing that seems to be very popular in undergrad. Sarah and Ron never stopped loving, laughing and growing together.   And trust me on this one, I was there! I was one of the college kids who took part in the rollercoaster version of love at UMD, but not these two. These two were strong. These two learned how to flourish together, how to push each other to do better, dream bigger and live larger.

Eight years later, I had the immense pleasure and honor of photographing their engagement session. I couldn’t have asked for a better combination of passion, admiration and fun. Their expressions say it all. Walking around Georgetown, seeing where it all began and seeing the excitement in their eyes for their future together, was a dream come true.

Sarah, Ron, my wish for you is to have the most incredible life together. To continue to grow, flourish and be each others biggest support system. To never forget the amazing way your relationship began but always strive for a bigger and better future. You were such an incredible team in college and I feel lucky to have known you then, and even luckier to know you now. Sending you all the love in the world!



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“Hey! Do you want to open your present?” Logan asked as he crouched down next to his nephew, Levi. The little boy, all dressed in his adorable red tie, grey suspenders and baller kicks just stared up at him with these big eyes. “I’ll be right back” Logan said as he ran into the Groom’s getting ready room and grabbed his present for the adorable ring bearer. When he returned, Levi saw the present in Logan’s hand and for the first time all day, the two year old let go of his animal crackers. He stood next to the kneeling Logan, wide-eyed. Together, they opened the present. Both groom and ring bearer had matching smiles as they ripped off the wrapping paper. When Levi saw what was inside, his smile went from big to huge. It was a a small wooden bat that fit perfectly in the toddler’s hands. He already knew how to hold it and what to do with it.  Levi was in his stance and swinging within seconds. “My uncle got me a wooden bat too at his wedding. I was about Levi’s age then also.” Logan told me as he stood up next to Levi and patted him on the head.

The rest of the wedding day was just like that, every moment, every detail had such a beautiful meaning behind it all. From the teddy bear that the rings were tied to on their way down the aisle, to Cassie’s necklace that she carefully wrapped around her bouquet. From the pearl bracelet, a family heirloom, that Cassie’s mom gently fastened  around her wrist as they both were teary eyed, all the way to the little rocking chair where the teddy bear sat with them on the sweetheart table. Every detail, every aspect and every moment of their wedding day was full of sincere emotion and importance. It was an incredible day to witness. From the beginning, Cassie and Logan made it clear that family meant the world to them and it showed in every part of their day.

The Brandywine Manor House was absolutely radiant on this beautiful Fall day. Decorated with symbols of love, gorgeous centerpieces that Melissa, Cassie’s dad’s fiance, created and sunflowers that made the room really pop. The ceremony took place as the sun shined right by the Manor’s waterfall. Although it was the fastest ceremony I have ever seen, there was more love, honor and commitment in those few minutes than anyone could ever ask for. Seeing Cassie and Logan share their love and their promises to each other in front of everyone they cared for the most, was a breath taking moment. I am touched and honored by Cassie and Logan and everything they stand for.

Cassie, Logan, my wish to you is to have everything you ever wanted. I know you will have the most beautiful family and your children will be just as loving and as sincere as both of you. Sending all the love in the world.





Yael Pachino Photography

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As Heather pulled out the two handkerchiefs from her black bag with such grace and care, both of our eyes began to water. Heather was still in her white robe and I was set up on the Hotel Alcott terrace photographing the rings and invitations. She handed the handkerchiefs over with such delicacy and love, I was truly in awe. As we held back the tears she explained, both handkerchiefs were from two incredible women whom were no longer with us. The first, was given to Heather’s mom by her grandmother the night of her mom’s wedding. The second, was from Heather’s Father’s Aunt who helped raise Heather’s Dad from the age of ten. You could tell by the tone in Heather’s voice how significant these women were to her and how connected she felt with her family.  Heather made it clear that the most important photos to both Billy and her were the family ones. They  loved their families with all of their hearts and cared more than anything to capture every single relative who was there with them.  This was much more than just two people’s wedding day, it was a family celebration and there is nothing more beautiful and more pure than families like these two.

As Heather and Billy made their promises in front of the people that mattered the most to them, I could see the pride and joy in every single guest. There were tears and there were smiles, but everyone in that room felt like they belonged and looked like they could not have been happier.  I too, felt an abundance of love and happiness as we all witnessed the sweetest couple in the world becoming husband and wife.

The entire day was amazing. I think I may have used the word ‘perfect’ a thousand times. The weather couldn’t have been better for a late September Wedding, the couple couldn’t have been more in love and the dancing couldn’t have been more fun. Even the center pieces were stunning and custom made by Heather’s talented mother. Every detail was lovingly and carefully planned and came together in the perfect way.

Heather, Billy, you already know how much being a part of your wedding meant to me. I wish for you to wake up every day and feel even more love and support as you did on your wedding day. You two deserve a life full of adventure, bliss and boundless love. Cheers to you, your family and everything you stand for!





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The music queued, the entire church stood and turned to look back at the door. Courtney was a vision; beautiful in every way. Total bliss and love radiated off of her as she walked down the aisle. Right next to her, arm linked, ready to give her away to the love of her life, was her brother Jamie. Jamie and Courtney are Irish twins and have been through everything together. It was only fitting that he would give her away. The bond that Jamie and Courtney share is so incredibly sweet and full that I could not imagine seeing anyone else walk side by side down the aisle next to Courtney. It was evident, from the way Gary looked at Courtney, that he could not wait to be her husband. Gary’s smile only grew bigger and bigger as Courtney and Jamie got closer to him. Courtney’s eyes sparkled with joy and admiration as she saw her groom waiting for her. It was the most wonderful moment to witness.

Capturing Gary and Courtney say “I do” in front of all their closest friends and family was an honor. It felt like I was watching one of my favorite scenes in a Romance Movie that I had grown up with. Their love is strong. Their love is fierce and powerful. Their love has matured together and has helped them blossom into two incredible people (Read all about Courtney & Gary, the early years here). Not only was their ceremony and reception exquisite, but it was 100% true to who Courtney and Gary are; elegant, classic, fun and above all, family oriented.

Their gorgeously tasteful reception took place at Courtney’s family farm, The Woburn Manor. This farm had been a part of her family for over 200 years. It was near and dear to all of them in the most heartwarming way.  Every detail was carefully thought-out, planned and executed by either Gary, Courtney, or someone else close to them. From the second I drove up to the stunning farm, through the moment I saw Courtney’s mother help zip up her wedding dress, and all the way to the tears we all shed during the first dance and family toasts, it was clear that this was a family affair. Courtney and Gary wouldn’t have it any other way. Family comes first to them. I walked out of their reception feeling warm and fuzzy.  Being a part of their love story, their special day of unity and their lovely family affair assured me that I am doing exactly what I am I supposed to be doing; photographing love, life and families.

Courtney, Gary your love for each other and your love towards your friends and family is all consuming and magnificent. I could not imagine a world without the two of you being the power couple that you are.  I wish only the best to you and the newest addition to your family : ) I cannot wait to continue to watch your bond grow stronger and your love grow deeper. Cheers to hundreds of years of joy and adventure!


xo – yael

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As Sarah walked up behind Al, you could see the excitement in his eyes. He was ready. He was ready to see his beautiful bride. They have been planning for months. They have been waiting for months. They have been talking about this wedding every day for over a year. And now, it was finally here. He was standing with his back turned away in the courtyard of the cute AirBnB they rented, and his Sarah, the love of this life, was right behind him and he was not allowed to look. He had to patiently, or should I say, not so patiently wait for her to tap him on the shoulder. As Sarah’s finger was in the air, about ready to tap, she looked directly at my camera with a knowing look and a witty smile. TAP! TAP!  Al turned around with absolutely no hesitation.  As their eyes met, the nerves washed away and the only thing left was pure, total bliss. Now, the prep was all done, the planning all over and all they could do was enjoy each other and enjoy the first day of the rest of their lives.

Sarah and Al’s wedding ceremony and reception took place in the Anthenaeum in Old Town Alexandria. With the beautiful artwork, incredible windows and their closest friends and family surrounding them, they exchanged vows that made my heart melt. Their love for each other and the life they have already built together shining through with every word and every promise uttered. I have no doubt in my mind that Sarah and Al will continue to have an amazing journey as husband and wife. The love, passion and commitment they share with each other is nothing less than a vision and I feel like the luckiest photographer in the world to have the honor to capture their big day.

Sarah, Al, the joy and devotion I witnessed on your wedding day still gives me goosebumps (in the best possible way). I remember chatting with Sarah, years ago, about the nice guy, Al, she just met. Now, you two are partners, best friends and each others biggest support system. Seeing how much your love has blossomed over the years is breathtaking. I wish you a marriage full of growth, warmth and never ending happiness.

xo – Yael

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The moment I spoke to Nick on the phone, I could tell he was smiling and genuinely thrilled to be talking about the love of his life, Amanda. He could not wait to propose to his girlfriend of 6 years. He could not wait to see her face as he got down on one knee and asked her to be his partner for life. He could not wait to call Amanda his fiance.

Nick is one of the sweetest, most detail oriented men I know. Even from our first conversation, I knew that he genuinely cares about people and just wants everyone to be happy. The way he described Amanda made my heart full. He loved her with every fiber of his being and they were going to have a happily ever after, I just know it!

A few weeks before the big day, I met up with Nick and one of his closest friends at Spruce Street Park so we can choose the best location for Nick to pop the question. As we walked, we talked about life, his family, Amanda’s family and his big plan!

Nick had everything figured out. He was going to take Amanda to this great restaurant right next to Spruce Street Park. After dinner, he would suggest a nice, little stroll and BAM! That is when the magic would happen…

At exactly 7:45pm, I watched as Nick and Amanda walked out of the restaurant, hand in hand, and towards me. I got into position, camera up and my finger ready to fire the shutter. That is when it hit me, Amanda seriously had no idea, I mean absolutely no idea that he was about to ask her one of the most important questions of his life. She was just minding her own business, walking with her boyfriend, admiring the beautiful night when all the sudden he stops and starts talking. She looks at him “OH MY GOD!” he gets down on one knee “OH MY GOD! NO WAY!” he pulls out the box “OH MY GOD! STOP!” Her expression was a beautiful combination of complete, total shock and intangible, unconditional love. It was one of the most beautiful moments I have ever seen.

Once the moment was over, I ran up to them, wished them a congratulations and had the chance to chat with Amanda. She was exactly how Nick described her. Sweet, beautiful, caring and totally lovable. As I captured a few more photos of them around Spruce Street, I had the chance to watch the love flow from one another and I cannot even express how lucky I feel to have witnessed this incredible moment.


Nick, Amanda, I wish you the best engagement and the happiest marriage. Love and laughter till 150 years old!


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You would think, by early April, it would be warm, the sun would be shining and the flowers would be blooming. Unfortunately, as we all know, this year mother nature had a different plan for us. But that did not stop Imani and Keon.

From the second I shook their hand to the minute I said goodbye, Imani and Keon had smiles on their faces and love in their eyes and I knew that they had something very special together. They were not going to let anything get in their way from these photos.

Imani, Keon and I met at the La Colombe in Fishtown. As soon as I walked into the cafe, my eyes went straight to them. They looked like the perfect match in their coordinated outfits. I couldn’t stop smiling. I was already excited for our session, but seeing how much thought and effort they put into this too, made me even more excited!

“So, I heard Imani’s perspective, but I want to hear yours… How did you propose?” I asked Keon as we were walking to our first location. Keon glanced over at his joyful fiance and then back to me. There was laughter in his eyes. “The best part about my proposal was that Imani was so nervous, she started fixing my bowtie as I was down on one knee!” Keon said with the biggest smile on his face. That my friends, sums up Imani all into one.

Imani is the epitome of good-hearted. She is the sweetest little thing. The way she talks about her life, her family and her fiance showcases her genuine goodness and I swear, being around her made me feel like a better person.

Keon, may be just as motivated as Imani is sweet. Don’t get me wrong, Keon is an extremely nice and amiable person as well, but the way he talks about their business and his excitement over property investment was infectious.

Together, they have created a beautiful life together and it is only the beginning. They may have just started their business, but I know with Imani’s kindness and Keon’s drive, they will flourish in every sense of the word both personally and professionally.

Imani, Keon, thank you for sharing your hearts, sharing your personalities and sharing this time with me! I feel so fortunate to be a part of your love story. I wish you 150 years of happiness together!

Cheers to you!


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I was sitting in Starbucks, catching up on some emails and waiting for Robert to get out of his law class. It was date night and I couldn’t wait to get to our favorite place, Ponzio’s.  As I was finishing up my last email, I got a phone call. “Hello, my name is Advait and I am looking to propose to my girlfriend in March. I live in Texas and she lives in Philadelphia.” At this point, my heart smiled and I knew I couldn’t wait to photograph his proposal. Robert and I were long distance for the first year of our relationship and capturing another long distance relationship promise to spend the rest of their lives together is something that is very near and dear to my heart. I loved everything Advait was saying, from how he got the ring, to where he was envisioning popping the question, to how he was going to get his girlfriend to the chosen location. We hung up the phone after 20 minutes and I could not wait to tell Robert all about it!

Advait and I were in constant contact over the next few weeks. His attention to detail was truly amazing. I can’t tell you how touching it is to watch a man put so much thought and care into his proposal. He wanted everything to be perfect and I could not agree with him more.

Fast forward a few weeks- Senia, my second shooter for the day, and I were walking toward the Orchid Extravaganza at Longwood Garden’s. I had to keep myself from skipping all the way to the Orchids…that’s how excited I was. After weeks of planning I just couldn’t wait for Advait and Abhilasha’s big moment!

Once Senia and I got there, I realized one thing. There were a lot more people around than expected.  I even dragged my dear friend Sydney to scout it out the week before and it was significantly busier this week than last. My first thought was, we need to switch locations. Staying calm, cool and collected, I contacted Advait and explained the situation. He snuck away from his beautiful girlfriend and called me to chat. I really felt like a ninja. We made the final decision to move the proposal to right out front of the Orchid exhibit and I am so glad we did!

He saw me out of the corner of his eye and he knew he was in the right place. I sighed feeling relieved. The relief quickly turned into joy and I could not stop myself from smiling behind my camera.  He was doing it, he was really doing it! After all the energy Advait had put in to making this an incredible moment for the woman he loved, he was really doing it!  As he got down on one knee, Abhilasha’s expression was extreme shock and pure joy all mixed into one. It was one of the sweetest expressions I have ever seen. You could tell that she had been dreaming about their life together. You could tell that all she wants is to spend the rest of her life with the man right in front of her.


Thank you Advait and Abhilasha for letting me be a part of such an important moment. Cheers to always looking at each other with sweet expressions, love and joy : )



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Emily and Paul have one of those loves that you think only happen in the movies… the kind of love you see in RomCom’s, the love that can handle all obstacles, all distance and all that life has to offer. It felt magical on our cold March morning. It felt like we had the entire Fairmount Waterworks to ourselves. It felt like there was no bigger love then the one I was witnessing through my camera.

Having the luxury of speaking to both Paul and Emily before our session had me walking into it with a clear picture of who they were. Dog lovers with huge hearts and a great sense of adventure. The first thing Paul asked me was “Do you photograph dogs?” YES. I was shouting in my head. I absolutely love dogs, which if you knew my family, would totally and completely shock you. Paul and I chatted for a little bit longer and that is when the magic started. The way he talked about Emily made me feel like I already knew the warm, amazing person who she is.

“Our engagement party is going to be in North Carolina, but we wanted our engagement photos to be here in Philadelphia and  our wedding is going to be on top of a mountain in the Midwest.” Emily explained a few weeks later. I was in awe. As I was listening to her describe her wedding scene, I could tell that it was much more than just a destination, but it meant a lot to her and her family. The way she warmly talked about her life,  her dogs and her fiance made me smile throughout our entire phone call.

Fast forward to the engagement session and Paul and Emily were even greater than anticipated. Paul spent the entire session trying to get Emily to laugh. It worked like a charm, she was giggling from start to finish.  They danced to their favorite song, they cuddled in close to stay warm and they played with their two incredible dogs, Cleo and Drover. Did I mention, they didn’t complain once about the cold! With the park to ourselves, the dogs with their cute bandanas on and the love so real in front of me, I was in photography heaven.

The most amazing part was that every time Paul and Emily looked at each other respect, love and happiness charged between them. That is where the magic really came in. That is what made this engagement session so special; their sweet and beautiful admiration for each other.  Emily, Paul, shall your respect for one another, your love for one another and your happiness with one another last for the next 120 years and beyond.




Work With Yael

My mission is to not only craft images, but really celebrate the unique spirit of Jewish love. I'm here to honor our culture, capture the magic of your love, create family heirlooms for your future and do it all with a whole lot of heart and soul.