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“I figured I’d find you here” Ayelet said as she walked up the stairs of Cornerstone Grill & Loft. I was sitting at one of the High Tops in my black yoga pants and Cornerstone zip-up, wrapping silver-wear, getting ready to start my waitressing shift.
“Where else would I be?” I said as I smiled back at my best friend. She sat down next to me and we started chatting as if we were in my living room. To be totally honest, I think I spent more time at that college bar than I did in any of my apartments or classes through out my time during undergrad. From the first week I went to the University of Maryland, I was a Cornerstone waitress. I worked 6 to 7 days a week and gave it my all. Don’t get me wrong, my education came first, but nothing came above my studies and my bar.
Years later, I might not have the same job, but I still have that same ‘work comes first’ tendency and I find myself struggling with it every day. As you all know, I absolutely love what I do. It feels like I am making a difference. It feel like I am full-filling my destiny. I have the best clients in the world and I want to do everything in my power to serve them the best way I can. But at the same time, I have an incredible relationship with the sweetest man, 9 nieces and nephews that I adore in every way and friends who support me and love me even at my worst. So, how do I balance it all? How do I put the computer away, my calendar down and switch my entrepreneur brain off? How can I focus solely on the amazing humans that love me unconditionally? How can I do it all and still have time to go to the gym?
I am not going to lie, it isn’t easy. It is probably the one thing I struggle with the most on a day to day bases. But this year, I have made it my goal to find a way to balance it all and still get enough sleep. Thank you to the book, “168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think” by Laura Vanderkam, I am changing the way I think about my time. Goodbye to the days where I hear myself constantly say “I don’t have enough time” and hello to the days where I admit to myself that if something is a priority, I will get it done. With that simple switch, I have found myself a lot less stressed, a lot more content and with way more time.
I know extra hours in the day aren’t magically appearing. I know that I still have the same amount of work to do. And I know that sometimes, I will feel overwhelmed with the amount of things I am juggling; but, when I focus on what I really want out of life, what means the most to me, I have found a lot more time and a lot more happiness. Of course spending time with my friends, family and my Robert are priorities. Of course, going to the gym and living a healthy life style are on the top of my list. And of course, serving my clients with my whole heart takes precedence. Now, all I have to do is fit it everything in to a 168 hours and that seems a lot more doable than the 24/7 mentality!
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So you did it, you found the woman of your dreams. You are totally and completely in love and you cannot wait to spend the rest of your life with this amazing woman… Now, all you have to do is ask her… but how?
Proposal season is upon us and the love of your life deserves nothing less than the best. For most of you, this will be the first and only time you pop the question and you might not even know where to begin! But don’t you worry, I am here to help! Follow these 10 easy steps and you will have the girl of your dreams wrapped around you crying tears of joy before you know it!
Now this first step is one of the most important steps, once you get the ring, the rest will fall into place. There are a few ways to go about to make sure you are getting the woman of your dreams the ring of her dreams…
(A) Go shopping together. Some people LOVE this option. I mean, one of the biggest parts about a successful marriage is being a team and working together, so why wouldn’t you want to share this experience with one another.
(B) Get the Hint…. if she is the kind of woman who does not beat around the bush and has been sending you links, photos and pinterest boards for the last 18 months, you are one lucky man, you already know exactly what she wants…
(C) Consult her bestie. Let’s face it, women talk, this isn’t news… and what do you think one of the things we talk about when we are in a serious relationship, the engagement ring. Meet the future-maid-of-honor for some coffee, ask her to share the ring intel and get as much detail as possible. Her best-friend will be ALMOST as excited as you are…almost.
I know what you are thinking, how old fashioned… But let me fill you in on a little secret, this small gesture will mean the world to them and to your future wife. It will make her parents feel like they are a part of the celebration and why not keep your mother-in-law and father-in-law happy from the beginning. This will set the stage of your relationship with your in-laws for years to come!
It can be as simple or as lavish as you want it to be. Just remember, you know your girl the best, you know what means the most to her and what would make her happy. It can be right in front of her favorite taco stand that she took you to on one of your first dates, or in the middle of the park that you guys walk your dog in every day or even on top of the ferris-wheel. It can be in your apartment or at a fancy restaurant. At a carnival or on vacation. Don’t over think it, wherever you ask her, she will love it because it is your love story and you are making her dreams come true.
Now that you have the location, it is time to figure out how, how are you going to make this moment special, how are you going to set it up and how are you going to ask her. Are you going to send her on a scavenger hunt? Surprise her from out of town? Whisk her off to a romantic city? Once you get her to the location, are you going to get down on one knee, have her nieces and nephews surround her, show her a montage of your relationship? Before you pick the gesture, you should know, that most proposals are done in private, contrary to what Hollywood portrays. Consider who she is when deciding how big or how small the gesture should be! Your proposal story will be told hundreds of times, it might even be your grandkids favorite bedtime story, so make sure that whatever gesture you choose, it is consistent with who you are a couple.
This is it, it is the moment you both have been waiting for. The moment that will change your life forever. You are asking your best friend to be with you from now until forever, how special would it be to have this moment captured? To have this memory frozen forever. To have photos that will keep this moment and these feelings alive!
Now that you have the ring, the location, the gesture and the photographer, it is time to put it all together and create a master plan. You have worked hard to prepare for your big moment, winging your wedding proposal is not an option. Talk to all the necessary people to ensure that this moment goes off as well as possible. Consult the photographer about lighting and timing, even do a walk through of the location to make sure you know exactly where you are going, where she will be standing and how you will be kneeling. Consider traffic, late reservations, delays, and anything else that might create any issues. This way, you will be prepared and as ready as possible.
It is never a bad idea to have a Plan B. You never know what is going to happen. You never know if it will start pouring 5 minutes before your candle lit balcony proposal or the restaurant sits you at the wrong table or even there is a pop up beer garden at your favorite park, therefore, come up with a simple Plan B that is easy to pivot too. This way, you won’t add too much stress if something goes wrong.
These words, this question, the look in her eyes as she listens to you, is going t be a moment that will be cherished forever (no pressure)! I don’t know about all of you, but when I get nervous, I start rambling on and on and
usually end up not making any sense… practice what you are going to say, rehearse taking the ring out of your jacket or pants pocket and getting down on one knee. It will make your proposal go that much smoother and make you feel like you are the most romantic man that has ever been.
Sometimes, getting her there can be tricky, so you have to get creative. Make sure you know exactly how you are going to convince her to get there and consult everyone who will help you get there. I know, you are never supposed to lie to the woman you are going to marry (or to anyone in general), but let’s be real, this might be the ONLY time it is ok to tell her a small fib… She will forgive you for lying about your reservation being 20 minutes earlier or that you have to stay late at the office for a work thing. She will forgive you for not being able to meet her and her sister for brunch if that is all part of the grand proposal plan.
And finally, the most important thing… ask her to marry you. It will be the happiest moment of her life thus far and you will be the luckiest man on earth. It is as simple as that.
Ok… so what are you waiting for! Go get that ring, talk to her parents and consult her best friends! Go tell her how much you love her, how much you cannot wait to grow old together and how you will never want to wake up without her by your side.
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“The dreaded seating chart. I just can’t get myself to start. It is already giving me a migraine.” One of my brides said as we sat across from each other at La Colombe. We were putting together the finishing touches of her GuestBook Photo Album and she was filling me in on the ups and downs of her wedding planning. Her wedding was only a few weeks away and she still had so much to do! “I mean even just making sure we have everyone name on the board is going to be such a process.” She continued as she unlocked her phone to take a look at her never-ending todo list. I saw her concerned expression and heard myself sigh. That’s when the lightbulb went off…
“Hey, have you seen this?” I said as I quickly opened up a new tab on my computer and typed in Digital WeddingWire Seating Chart Designer.
As she looked over the table at my laptop, I realized that she hadn’t.
“This is great!” She said as she scrolled down the page. “this is way easier than using a poster-board!”
Say goodbye to post-its and the fear of forgetting a guest or two. Say hello to the comfort and ease of digital seating charts. The last two weeks before your wedding is full of last minute changes, unpredictable obstacles and game time decisions. The last thing you want to do is move around colorful post-it notes on a poster-board at 1am. Let’s face it, it’s 2018 and having a digital seating chart is much easier to manage. WeddingWire has created an incredible tool to make your life that much easier. In just a few easy steps you can have your seating chart designed and sent to the venue!
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There are not many things in this world that can make me happier than photographing a wedding (besides my family, friends and my Robert). So on Saturday, when I checked my phone after the bride and groom portraits and right before the wedding ceremony began, I didn’t think I could get much happier, but then I received this text message… “This is Juan, and I got engaged today!”
OH MY GOD was all I could say as I quickly typed a response and went back to capturing the wedding even happier than before.
About a year ago, I met Juan. He was looking to get back into the dating game and wanted to update his online dating profiles with some new, professional portraits. Of course, being the romantic sucker I am, I was more than happy to work with him! As we walked around, we set him up in different poses and had a few different outfits to work with. Juan told me about his tight-knitt family, his career, what he is looking for in a wife etc… I really felt like I got to know him. We worked together to capture the essence of who he truly is and let me tell you, Juan is a great guy. He is personable, smart, sweet, accomplished, and I waked away from our session thinking whomever he ended up with was going to be one lucky woman.
A few months later, I was with one of my 2018 amazing YPcouples (shout out to Brittany & Greg) on the warmest January day when we ran into Juan right in front of his apartment building. He was with a beautiful woman and I could already tell that there was a spark between them. I didn’t want to interrupt what looked like one hell of a date, so I said my quick hello, gave him a huge smile and went on my way with Brittany and Greg.
“I took his dating profile photos!” I explained as we crossed the street into the square. I couldn’t help but think I hope the photos helped!
“The photos you took peaked her interest” Juan told me as we waited for Lilly in the lobby of their apartment building. All I could do was smile. They were so happy, so in love and so perfect for one another… I felt honored to have had a small part in helping them find each other. Lilly is just as incredible as Juan. An elementary school teacher with a heart of gold, a loving personality and a smile that could light up any room. She is even better than the woman I envisioned all those months ago at my first session with Juan. And as I saw them together, it was obvious that Juan had never been happier.
We spent the chilly Autumn morning walking around Rittenhouse Square. Although the park was bustling with people. It felt like we were the only three there. Lilly and Juan’s love was evident in every touch, every word and every smile and I know that they will have a strong, powerful and loving marriage.
Lilly, Juan, I cannot even begin to express how much it meant to me to capture this chapter of your love story. Cheers to many, many more chapters and many, many more incredible, heart-felt moments.
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“I have so many kids coming to my wedding.” She said as we were looking over the timeline. “Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE kids. Specially the ones coming to my wedding. I just don’t want them to get bored mid-ceremony you know?” I totally knew. This is actually a big concern for a lot of couples. They love the idea of having all of the little ones around, but get nervous about missed nap times and skipped over snacks. “Well, you know what I just saw the other day” I said as I closed my laptop to focus completely on my bride. “One of my couples put together these little fun goodie bags for all kids and gave them out right before the ceremony” She smiled.
“You mean like a bag full of distractions?”
“YES!” Exactly like that. And with that, we both opened our laptops again and started searching for the best things to put in her goodie bags.
Distract the little ones. I love kids. I mean, I do have nine nieces and nephews of my own and I want nothing more than to see them in their pretty dresses and cute bowties at my future wedding. There is nothing sweeter than seeing a child’s face as they witness the magic of a bride and a groom getting married. But, with strict timelines, the crazy chaos and complete newness of a wedding day, it can be a little much for the little ones. By the time the ceremony comes around, the children can be exhausted, hungry and overwhelmed. So, give them a goodie bag just for them. Right before the ceremony, have someone go around to each of the kids with a bag full of quite toys, such as a container of bubbles, a yoyo, stickers and even some crayons with a fun “wedding day coloring book. Anything that is quite and can keep them sitting and entertained. Their parents will thank you and you will love to see what pictures they colored at your ceremony!
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” We have been together ever since…” Sarah said with a huge smile on her face. As we walked away from the Starbucks, the place they went on their first date, I couldn’t help but thinking about Sarah and Ron eight years ago. I couldn’t help but think about the adorable and lovely University of Maryland Freshman, Sarah, meeting Ron, the sweetest guy on campus that everyone seemed to know and love. I couldn’t help but picture 19 year old Ron, nervously sitting in the Starbucks, and wondering What coffee drink should I get her? In typical Ron fashion, he wanted to make sure he had the right thing ordered for his date by the time she got there, but he had no idea what to get her and felt terrible when she walked in and he had nothing to offer. It’s the little things that make a relationship truly great and Ron understood this from the beginning.
Sarah and Ron had a deep, loving, committed relationship since that beautiful fall day at that Starbucks in Georgetown. They are the epitome of college-sweethearts and I couldn’t be happier for them! Amongst the craziness of college life, everyone else around Sarah and Ron were breaking up, getting together or doing the whole on again-off again thing that seems to be very popular in undergrad. Sarah and Ron never stopped loving, laughing and growing together. And trust me on this one, I was there! I was one of the college kids who took part in the rollercoaster version of love at UMD, but not these two. These two were strong. These two learned how to flourish together, how to push each other to do better, dream bigger and live larger.
Eight years later, I had the immense pleasure and honor of photographing their engagement session. I couldn’t have asked for a better combination of passion, admiration and fun. Their expressions say it all. Walking around Georgetown, seeing where it all began and seeing the excitement in their eyes for their future together, was a dream come true.
Sarah, Ron, my wish for you is to have the most incredible life together. To continue to grow, flourish and be each others biggest support system. To never forget the amazing way your relationship began but always strive for a bigger and better future. You were such an incredible team in college and I feel lucky to have known you then, and even luckier to know you now. Sending you all the love in the world!
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“Hey! Do you want to open your present?” Logan asked as he crouched down next to his nephew, Levi. The little boy, all dressed in his adorable red tie, grey suspenders and baller kicks just stared up at him with these big eyes. “I’ll be right back” Logan said as he ran into the Groom’s getting ready room and grabbed his present for the adorable ring bearer. When he returned, Levi saw the present in Logan’s hand and for the first time all day, the two year old let go of his animal crackers. He stood next to the kneeling Logan, wide-eyed. Together, they opened the present. Both groom and ring bearer had matching smiles as they ripped off the wrapping paper. When Levi saw what was inside, his smile went from big to huge. It was a a small wooden bat that fit perfectly in the toddler’s hands. He already knew how to hold it and what to do with it. Levi was in his stance and swinging within seconds. “My uncle got me a wooden bat too at his wedding. I was about Levi’s age then also.” Logan told me as he stood up next to Levi and patted him on the head.
The rest of the wedding day was just like that, every moment, every detail had such a beautiful meaning behind it all. From the teddy bear that the rings were tied to on their way down the aisle, to Cassie’s necklace that she carefully wrapped around her bouquet. From the pearl bracelet, a family heirloom, that Cassie’s mom gently fastened around her wrist as they both were teary eyed, all the way to the little rocking chair where the teddy bear sat with them on the sweetheart table. Every detail, every aspect and every moment of their wedding day was full of sincere emotion and importance. It was an incredible day to witness. From the beginning, Cassie and Logan made it clear that family meant the world to them and it showed in every part of their day.
The Brandywine Manor House was absolutely radiant on this beautiful Fall day. Decorated with symbols of love, gorgeous centerpieces that Melissa, Cassie’s dad’s fiance, created and sunflowers that made the room really pop. The ceremony took place as the sun shined right by the Manor’s waterfall. Although it was the fastest ceremony I have ever seen, there was more love, honor and commitment in those few minutes than anyone could ever ask for. Seeing Cassie and Logan share their love and their promises to each other in front of everyone they cared for the most, was a breath taking moment. I am touched and honored by Cassie and Logan and everything they stand for.
Cassie, Logan, my wish to you is to have everything you ever wanted. I know you will have the most beautiful family and your children will be just as loving and as sincere as both of you. Sending all the love in the world.
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“Sean came up to me the other day and said that he could never thank me enough for hosting his wedding here on my property.” Mike paused and looked at Sean and Julie sitting at the sweetheart table. Every guest was quiet as they were waiting for Mike to continue…”But, in all honesty, I cannot thank Sean enough. I have spent every day of my life trying to get Julie to smile the way she does when she is around Sean. Sean thank you for making Julie the happiest I have ever seen her. I owe you everything” And with that, Mike put the microphone down, walked over to Sean and Julie and gave them both big bear hugs.
Julie, Sean, Mike and all of their closest friends and family spent the last year transforming Mike’s beautiful property into a fairytale wedding venue. The tent was absolutely breathtaking. I heard myself gasp as I walked up the long drive way, through the fun cocktail hour area, past the portable beer taps, all the way into the classy decorated tent. “Don’t forget to look up!” Julie shouted from the driveway as she saw me standing at the entrance of the tent. I looked up and heard myself gasp again. There were a dozen beautifully white painted hula hoops decorated with vibrant pink flowers twinkling in the wind. I was in awe. Julie and Sean really did it! They had a vision for what they wanted their wedding day to look like and they put in the time, energy and love. And trust me when I say this, you could tell they loved everything about it.From the bonfire, to the dogs running around all the way to the coolest ice cream truck I have ever seen, every detail felt like them and I was amazed in every way.
Julie and Sean are the most genuine, loving couple. As individuals, they each have such a unique warmth to them that it only makes sense that they ended up together. The way they talk, the way they embrace their friends and family, the way they interact with everyone around them, is just sweet in every way. Witnessing Sean watch Julie walk down the aisle made the chili October day feel like a mid August day; beautiful, warm and full of admiration. There is nothing like it. There is no doubt in my mind that Julie and Sean will continue to create the sweetest marriage and family. I cannot wait to see the beautiful life they will share together.
Julie, Sean, my wish to you is that your life is full of amazing moments that are all as sweet as you.
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“Yael!” Everyone is booked! I cannot find a single decent band that isn’t already booked! Please tell me you have some incredible connection and can find me a band of my dreams!” My bride was getting married in three months and she and her fiance just couldn’t agree on a band… so they put it off, got caught up with everything else on their never-ending todo list and all of the sudden, their wedding was right around the corner and they were left without a band!
“Ok. Don’t worry, we will figure it out! Let me ask around! I’ll be in touch ASAP” I hung up the phone and began calling all of the local vendors I knew, I am sure SOMEONE knew someone who might still be available and within her budget. For all of my readers out there, don’t fret! She found an awesome band that she, her husband and all of their guests absolutely loved! It was an incredible wedding with tons of dancing and great music. Everything worked out just the way it should have!
One thing at a Time! Being engaged is a magical time in your lives as a couple. You just agreed to be partners for life. You and your best friend promised to spend the rest of your days next to each other, cheering each other on and being each other’s biggest support system. Planning a wedding should be exciting and fun. It’s the beginning to your marriage! It breaks my heart when I hear how chaotic and stressful it can be. The todo list feels like it just goes on and on and there is no end in sight! Take a deep breath! It is going to be ok! Instead of looking at everything all at once, focus on one big task at a time. Once you finish one thing, then go on to the next. Trust me on this one, it is way easier. I know what you’re thinking “Ok Yael, that makes total sense but what do I focus on first!? What should be my top priority when?! How do I know when to book what!?” You are in luck! I have put together a YP cheat sheet to help you figure out the ideal time to book your favorite wedding vendors!
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“Do you think people will like this!?” one of my brides texted me. I waited for the screenshot to download. It was the cutest save-the-date. They looked happy, in love and stunning in every way. I started typing back, “YES!” but hesitated, shook my head and backspaced, “The more important question, is do YOU!?” I could just imagine my bride grinning ear to ear as she read my text and looked back at the screenshot of her card. A few seconds later my phone buzzed again “I really, really do.”
Does this make me happy? I know sometimes it is easy to get caught up with other peoples opinions, specially the mother’s of the world. Sometimes, and don’t get me wrong, I am no exception, we all can agonize over the little things… Should you have the pink champagne or a speciality drink? Do you pay extra for the bigger floral centerpieces? Do you splurge for the chiavari chairs?? Sometimes, you even find yourself comparing your plans with your best friend (who happen to be getting married a month after you), wedding plan’s. While you agonize, question and compare, please take a step back and ask yourself these questions…. “Do you like it!? Do you even really care? Is this thing you are stressing about now really going to add that extra little something to your big day?” If the answer is yes, then good! Keep doing what you are doing. If the answer is no, then stop your worrying! Everything will be beautiful, lovely and completely and totally you.
Let me fill you in on a little secret… Wedding guests really only care about three things; dancing, food and whether or not they had a good time. They don’t think about how much time and effort you put into handwriting, rewriting and then re-rewriting the seating chart. They don’t know how many hours you spent contemplating if there are enough peonies in the centerpieces. And they definitely don’t have any real understanding how many emails you sent questioning the number of candles on each table. You are better off focusing on the bigger picture and most importantly, what makes YOU and your fiance happy. So, when in doubt, ask yourself this yes or no question…”Does this make me happy?”
Work With Yael
My mission is to not only craft images, but really celebrate the unique spirit of Jewish love. I'm here to honor our culture, capture the magic of your love, create family heirlooms for your future and do it all with a whole lot of heart and soul.