
Yael’s Tip of the Week vol. 12

Yp wedding tips

“The dreaded seating chart. I just can’t get myself to start. It is already giving me a migraine.” One of my brides said as we sat across from each other at La Colombe.  We were putting together the finishing touches of her GuestBook Photo Album and she was filling me in on the ups and downs of her wedding planning. Her wedding was only a few weeks away and she still had so much to do!  “I mean even just making sure we have everyone name on the board is going to be such a process.” She continued as she unlocked her phone to take a look at her never-ending todo list. I saw her concerned expression and heard myself sigh. That’s when the lightbulb went off…

“Hey, have you seen this?” I said as I quickly opened up a new tab on my computer and typed in Digital WeddingWire Seating Chart Designer.

As she looked over the table at my laptop, I realized that she hadn’t.

“This is great!” She said as she scrolled down the page. “this is way easier than using a poster-board!”

Say goodbye to post-its and the fear of forgetting a guest or two. Say hello to the comfort and ease of digital seating charts.  The last two weeks before your wedding is full of last minute changes, unpredictable obstacles and game time decisions. The last thing you want to do is move around colorful post-it notes on a poster-board at 1am. Let’s face it, it’s 2018 and having a digital seating chart is much easier to manage. WeddingWire has created an incredible tool to make your life that much easier. In just a few easy steps you can have your seating chart designed and sent to the venue!

  1. Map out your custom floor plan
  2. Sync your guest list with WeddingWire
  3. Drag and drop names to tables
  4. BAM – that’s it






Work With Yael

My mission is to not only craft images, but really celebrate the unique spirit of Jewish love. I'm here to honor our culture, capture the magic of your love, create family heirlooms for your future and do it all with a whole lot of heart and soul.