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I don’t know if you guys know this about me, but I have two old sisters, Becca and Shana.
They have always been my biggest role models and my strongest advocates. They have always showed me the way by achieving greatness in their studies, their personal lives and even killing it on the basketball court. Now, more than ever, I admire them. I admire them for the strong, beautiful relationships they have with their husbands. I admire them for the incredible bond they have nurtured and created with each of their children. And I admire them for the courageous and independent women who they continue to be each and every day.
Basically, they are super women and I am lucky to be their little sister.
Simcha and Moshe (aka brother-in-laws) are both a close 3rd when it comes to role models. I can talk to them about anything and they will give me honest and loving responses and I am lucky to be their sister too.
When it comes to advice, these four awesome humans are always the ones I turn to, and never once have they steered me wrong. That’s why, I am excited to share with you”3 things you should do before you tie the knot!” Three things my sisters and brother-in-laws advice me to do before I get married. Five pieces of advice to make sure you start your marriage off on the right foot.
Focus on each other instead of yourselves. Think about what you can give to your SO instead of what you can get from them. You can no longer just think about your needs and your desires. Remember you two are a pair which means, if you put them first and they put you first, everyone will be happy! I am not saying you need to surprise them with a trip to Hawaii every weekend, or you need to just drop whatever you are doing at all times when they call, but if you know your partner is having a rough day, maybe pick up their favorite chocolate on the way home from work or make sure all the dishes are done before they get back… it’s the little things that matter. Start putting them first today, and you will have a very successful marriage tomorrow.
Exercise: Every morning while you are in the shower, sipping your first coffee or the day or walking your puppy, instead of stressing over the tasks of your day, ask yourself this “What does [Insert Fiances Name] have going on today, what can I do to make it easier? What will make them smile today? If you start doing this today, it will become easier and easier, until it is just second nature.
I know, this one isn’t anything new, but it is so important to reiterate. Being on the same page concerning your finances before you get married, will be a game changer! Be open about the student loans you owe, the credit card debt you have built up and the credit score you have earned. Financial surprises are going to arise no matter what, be a united front instead of two independent contributors.
So where do you even start? Once you and your fiance have it all out on the table (remember, no surprises!), begin with discussing what your financial goals are. How was money discussed and dealt with during your upbringing, and if you are going to have separate accounts or joint banking? With these big questions answered, understood and agreed upon, it will help shape your financial relationship moving forward.
Exercise A: Sometimes, it is better to see it than talk about it. That is why I love spreadsheets! Pick one month out of your engagement to write down all of your expenses. Every night before you go to sleep, open up your spreadsheet and write down what money you have spent that day, your fiance should follow suite. Divide it into three categories, (A) Parter One, (B) Partner Two and (C) Both. This way, at the end of the month, when all expenses are accounted for, you both can see exactly who is spending what and what you need to work on to reach the financial goals you desire as a couple.
Exercise B: Swap credit cards for just a month. That’s right, you heard me, that means your partner will have your credit card and you will have theirs. This exercise will help open the financial conversation. This will aid you two to really start thinking about it as “our money” instead of “my money.”
As the years go on, your work schedules get crazier, you’ll throw in a dog, two cats and 3 kids. The bills and the duties pile up and a night out with your husband or wife might start feeling like just another responsibility. Don’t let it. Make sure you look forward to that time alone together. Make sure you still get excited to go out with the one person you see every day, the one person you have chosen to built a life together, a family together. Dating doesn’t stop just because you say ” I do”
Exercise: Date night! You don’t need synced Google Calendars to schedule date night, but you do need to put it in! (To be honest though, synced calendars are always super helpful when two people are co-existing). At the beginning of every week, take a look at your calendars together and choose a day that works best for both of you. Pick a day that you and your partner will not be stressed out trying to make it on time. Choose a night where you can calmly get ready and head out together. Once you are on the date, leave your phones in the car or on airplane mode in your bag. You do not need them! This will keep you and your partner focused on one another during this precious weekly date night. It will help you connect and bond that you and your partner will look forward to your weekly date nights more and more each week.
Marriage isn’t easy, but it can be a beautiful and powerful thing when you want it to be. Take the time to cherish your relationship, grow in your partnership and thrive in your unity. I am lucky to be surrounded by incredible marriages and I wish nothing but the best for yours!
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As Sarah walked up behind Al, you could see the excitement in his eyes. He was ready. He was ready to see his beautiful bride. They have been planning for months. They have been waiting for months. They have been talking about this wedding every day for over a year. And now, it was finally here. He was standing with his back turned away in the courtyard of the cute AirBnB they rented, and his Sarah, the love of this life, was right behind him and he was not allowed to look. He had to patiently, or should I say, not so patiently wait for her to tap him on the shoulder. As Sarah’s finger was in the air, about ready to tap, she looked directly at my camera with a knowing look and a witty smile. TAP! TAP! Al turned around with absolutely no hesitation. As their eyes met, the nerves washed away and the only thing left was pure, total bliss. Now, the prep was all done, the planning all over and all they could do was enjoy each other and enjoy the first day of the rest of their lives.
Sarah and Al’s wedding ceremony and reception took place in the Anthenaeum in Old Town Alexandria. With the beautiful artwork, incredible windows and their closest friends and family surrounding them, they exchanged vows that made my heart melt. Their love for each other and the life they have already built together shining through with every word and every promise uttered. I have no doubt in my mind that Sarah and Al will continue to have an amazing journey as husband and wife. The love, passion and commitment they share with each other is nothing less than a vision and I feel like the luckiest photographer in the world to have the honor to capture their big day.
Sarah, Al, the joy and devotion I witnessed on your wedding day still gives me goosebumps (in the best possible way). I remember chatting with Sarah, years ago, about the nice guy, Al, she just met. Now, you two are partners, best friends and each others biggest support system. Seeing how much your love has blossomed over the years is breathtaking. I wish you a marriage full of growth, warmth and never ending happiness.
xo – Yael
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2017. What a year. Not only was it the year that brought us the obsession of fidget spinners, the creation of the legendary Romphim and the comeback of the black leather chokers, but it was one hell of a year for YPP. When I think about this past year, one word comes to mind; unbelievable. Don’t get me wrong, there have been ups and downs. There have been weeks that I have felt like nothing could get me down. There has been days that felt like nothing was going right, and then there were those moments when I felt like I was the luckiest person in the world. I am proud to say it has been one awesome, creative and busy year. I could not thank my friends, family and clients enough for all of their support. Yael Pachino Photography has grown and flourished this year because of all of you.
I wanted to take this time to show you a little bit of what I do and what Yael Pachino Photography is all about. Here are my top 10 favorite 2017 moments captured by YPP (please note, these are not in any particular order, I absolutely love all of these photos). These are the photos that had me running past Robert to my computer to upload them immediately after I got home. These are the photos that I love, that I cherish and that keep me inspired to do more, do better and grow as a photographer, a professional and as a person. These are the couples, the people that make me smile and work harder day in and day out. So without further ado here are the Top 10 YPP Photos of 2017!
When Sylvia and Shmuel arrived at the City Hall of Philadelphia during one the hottest days of the summer, I could tell that it was going to be one fantastic afternoon. With the sprinklers going off at Dilworth Park, the sun shining bright, Sylvia and Shmuel were down for anything and never once complained about the heat. This moment is one of my favorite of the year for so many reasons. First off, look at the two of them. Sylvia’s stance is strong, feminine and sassy. Shmuels pose is manly, casual and comfortable. You can feel the love flowing between them through their eyes and their smiles. And then there is the light! I love the way the light falls onto the walls of Philadelphia’s City Hall.
Jaleel contacted me from overseas. A navy man who could not wait to propose to his girlfriend, Katylnn. As he walked into the restaurant, his smile was filled with nerves and excitement. We went out back and set up the shot, Jaleel could not stop smiling. Finally, we got the text that Katylnn was on her way. As I was hiding in the bushes, waiting for her to arrive, I laughed to myself. This girl had no idea what was coming! She didn’t even know what country he was in and all the sudden there he was, in front of her, on one knee. A week later we had their engagement session and I had the pleasure of capturing this photo. To me this photo expresses everything they feel for each other. Love, admiration, security, happiness and a future that looks bright and joyous. I love this moment it is totally and completely Katlynn and Jaleel and I feel honored to have witnessed their love.
When I met Tracy and Norman I felt right at home. As I walked toward the beautiful Memorytown ceremony location, right on the edge of a small pond, I saw a man putting up adorable photos near each aisle, casually drinking a Miller, and I laughed to myself because Norman was the calmest groom I’ve ever seen. Tracy was just as relaxed as she sat in front of the mirror getting her hair and make-up done. She pointed to her cowboy boots and her sunflowers and I knew this wedding was going to be special and completely and totally unique. This photo was captured within seconds, as Lee Shelly of Lee Shelly Photography was setting up his shot, I saw the light, I saw the pose and asked Norm to do one small thing, kiss the heck out of his wife. Everything about this photo makes me happy.
I absolutely love this photo. Coreene and Eddie had their ceremony at this gorgeous church right near the National Harbor. The day was slightly gloomy and rainy but that didn’t stop Coreene and Eddie from having an incredible wedding day. With New Orlean’s traditions laced through the entire day, I couldn’t have asked for a more fun, welcoming group of people. Coreene was stunning and Eddie was handsome as anything. This photo was right outside of the church. Every time I look at this, I smile. I am absolutely obsessed with the blue reflecting against the window, the architecture of the church and their casual, yet intimate pose. Coreene and Eddie make being in love look so good!
What can I say about Shifra and Yaakov, as we walked around Gantry Plaza State Park, you can see the respect and admiration they had for one another, it felt as if they had been together for decades. But at the same time, these two love birds were laughing and joking the entire time, as if they were two teenagers madly in love. For their 1 year anniversary, they decided they wanted to have a couple portrait session and a maternity session all in one. I’ve never met a couple like Shifra and Yaakov, so full of life, goofiness and excitement. They got married, settled down, had graduate school and a baby on is way all in one year. Just look at how happy they are to be side by side, partners in crime, in this crazy journey called life. Between the skyline in the background, the expressions on their faces and the way Yaakov is holding onto his unborn child (who, by the way, is now born, alive and named Sari), this photo makes my heart happy every time I see it.
Renee and Colin’s wedding was a dream come true. It was probably one of the largest weddings I photographed this year, but you could tell that each and every person there had a very personal and special relationship with the couple. It was truly amazing to witness. Renee looked amazing and Colin was dashing as hell. These two met in college, they lived in the same dorm and you can tell, by looking at them, that they spent the years since growing together, pushing each other to do better and become the incredible people they are today. There was so much love, so much joy and so much passion at their wedding and I could not have been happier being a part of their wedding. Renee is absolutely stunning in this photo. Her eyes look vibrant and bright. The window lighting shapes her face perfectly and her soft and casual smile makes her entire face light up. Plus, her eyelashes are on point. I love wedding portraits that highlight the unique beauty of my brides and this is one of my favorite bridal portrait of the year.
With Brittany’s sister, Sydney, there to help with outfit changes and make-up checks, we had an incredible time capturing their engagement session. I knew these photos were going to be gorgeous the moment I met Brittany and Ciaran at the Cherry Hill Panera Bread for their Wedding Consultation. There is an energy that buzzes between Brittany and Ciaran that is electric, warm and ever-lasting. No matter where they are, what they are doing, you can feel they are connected. They are not only in love, but best friends who have each others backs no matter what. This photo is one of my favorites because it says so much about Brittany, Ciaran and their relationship. There is a warmth and a calmness that is only created between two people who know each other and love each other the way Brittany and Ciaran do. I hope that we all have this kind of love!
When I met Courtney, 7 years ago, we were just two University of Maryland students trying to make some extra money working at one of the local college bars while earning our degrees at the best school in the country (I might be a little biased). When I met Gary, very shortly after, I knew that this was it for them. I knew they found the one they were going to spend the rest of their life with. They were committed to each other but also gave each other the room to grow as individuals, which was an amazing love to witness. Courtney and Gary are best friends first, boyfriend and girlfriend second (now fiance) and partners in crime third. Their bond is strong and beautiful and this photo means so much to me on so many levels. I love that I had the chance to go back to one of my favorite places in the world to capture the love between two incredible people. Maryland will forever be a part of me and I just can’t get over how beautiful the light is in this photo. The hair light alone makes my heart skip a beat. With McKeldin Library in the background and Courtney and Gary curled up snuggling in the foreground, this photo is one of my favorites because it sums up what it feels like to spend the rest of your life with your college sweetheart.
Ehmud called me an hour before our desired start time. He was surprising his wife, she just graduated from grad-school and she was nine months pregnant and all she wanted was some maternity photos so he thought this was the perfect time to have graduation photos and maternity photos. He gave me his address and I was on my way, snow was falling, cars were not moving but I was on my way! When I finally arrived, Eliana was utterly confused. She had no idea who I was and what I was doing there. Within minutes, we were out back in their beautiful winter-wonderland capturing the giddiness and happiness of two people about to be parents. Turns out, within 24 hours, Eliana was rushed to the hospital to bring their beautiful and healthy baby girl into the world. Perfect timing. This photo is one of my favorites on so many levels. The happiness and love that shines through makes my heart full, the snow gives it that extra special touch and the expressions on their faces are priceless.
Julia and Nick are truly an incredible couple that support each other and care for each other in every way. They spend their free time building shelves together for Julia’s non-profit, Kids at Play, cooking together and hiking together. They took me to the one spot that means the most to them, the place he proposed. Well, let me explain, they both planned on him proposing there, but that is part of what makes Julia and Nick so special. This photo is very special to me. Not only do I love the way the light falls on the wall, but I love the passion of the moment; the love that is so evident between Nick and Julia. I just cannot believe a place like this exists right in Philadelphia.
When I met Lauren and Tony for the first time, I thought, well that is a couple who is going to be laughing their entire life together, and guess what they did during their engagement session, laugh. A lot. I couldn’t be happier. We laughed all over Old City, Philadelphia and it was the perfect way to spend an early November morning. As we walked around you could tell that Tony and Lauren just loved to be with each other. Tony looks at Lauren with such love and admiration and it is evident that they are meant to be. I love this photo, there is so much joy, happiness and silliness and isn’t that what it’s all really about? Finding someone to love, cherish and laugh with?
I know, I know, there were 11 photos here and I originally said 10. Don’t worry, I didn’t miscount, I just couldn’t choose! I am so incredibly thankful to everyone who let me be a part of their love story, their families, their big days, their celebrations, their traditions and everything else that comes in between. There is nothing I enjoy more than seeing a couples eyes light up when they see their engagement photos, seeing a mother of the bride shed a tear as she flips through her baby’s wedding album for the first time or seeing what kind of incredible portraits we can create running around with a two year old. 2017 has been one incredible year, and I know that 2018 will be even better. Cheers to all of you and I cannot wait to see what 2018 has in store for you!
Happy New Years!
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The moment I heard Shifra’s laugh on the phone, a mix of comfort and happiness fell over me. Shifra is relatable, witty, smart, easy to talk to and hands down one of the coolest women I have ever met. Even over the phone, Shifra’s presence and personality shined through. The way she described her relationship with her husband, her family and her life, it was obvious that she was the kind of person that makes everyone feel warm and fuzzy inside. Within five seconds of meeting Yaakov, I completely understood why they worked so well together. Yaakov was just as sweet, funny and easy going as Shifra. Together, they make one hell of a team and it was truly an honor getting to photograph them as a couple.
The best way to describe our photo session at Gantry Plaza in the City is playful. Shifra and Yaakov are down right goofy. They show their love through making each other laugh, being silly and having a great time no matter what the situation is. It is evident that Shifra and Yaakov are ready to walk through life, hand in hand, enjoying every minute to the fullest. Together, they will be able to face any challenge and every obstacle that life hands them.
Shifra, Yaakov, your marriage is inspiring, your friendship to each other is beautiful and your love is one of a kind. Thank you for letting me be a part of your beautiful love story.
Cannot wait to continue watching you grow as people, as a couple and as a family : )
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The second I spoke to Sylvia on the phone, I knew this was going to be way more than just a couples portrait session but the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Sylvia and I chatted for 45 minutes, it felt like five. We spoke about her life, her husband and how crazy busy their summer would be. By the end of our phone call, I was smiling ear to ear as I walked into my favorite place on earth, DSW.
A few days later, I had the chance to speak to Sylvia’s husband, Shmuel. From the moment I got him on the phone, I could tell that Sylvia and Shmuel were perfect for one another. The way he spoke about his wife, his love for her and his appreciation for everything she does made me all warm and fuzzy inside. I couldn’t wait to get them in front of my camera.
Sylvia and Shmuel met me at City Hall in Center City, Philadelphia for our couple’s portrait session. Naturally, the day we chose was one of the hottest days in July, but nothing stopped them! They have this warm, playful nature about them that makes photographing them a dream. I am in complete and total love with each and every photo we captured.
Sylvia and Shmuel, I cannot wait to see how your photo box turns out! I love your photos and I am so proud to call you two my clients and my new friends.
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Alyse and Robert as individuals are truly amazing. Alyse is vibrant, intelligent, beautiful and incredibly sweet. Robert is kind, funny, handsome and cynically wise. Together they make this wonderful couple that is genuine in every way. Genuine in their words, genuine in their commitment and genuine in their love for each other.
This was not an engagement session, these two crazy kids are already what we single people consider an old married couple. We decided to treat our session as if Robert just popped the question, and let me tell you, the love is still very much alive; it is in the way they smile at each other, the way they look at each other and the way they laugh with each other.
I was honored to capture Alyse and Robert’s love for one another and cannot wait to photograph these two love birds again.
Keep living and loving Alyse and Robert!
Work With Yael
My mission is to not only craft images, but really celebrate the unique spirit of Jewish love. I'm here to honor our culture, capture the magic of your love, create family heirlooms for your future and do it all with a whole lot of heart and soul.