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Weddings are intimate, personal and meaningful. Some couples just simply want to have an unplugged wedding. Hey, I get it. You want your guests to be in the moment, you want your guests to really feel the love and see the magic without looking through their phone screens! But a “no phone rule” is hard to enforce, especially when you want everyone to enjoy your big day! Here are YPPs best practices to getting the unplugged ceremony you have always wanted!
One of the major questions I get from my clients is “how unplugged does my wedding have to be?” Well, it is completely up to you! If you want the entire wedding, from before the ceremony and all the way until the final dance to be unplugged that’s great! If you don’t care what happens after the ceremony that’s awesome too! It is seriously up to you! You can have your wedding as unplugged or as plugged in as you want!
Although I wouldn’t suggest announcing your unplugged desires on the formal invitation itself, there are still ways to let your guests no in advance! For example, on the wedding website, an insert that goes in the wedding invitation envelope, your wedding ceremony printed programs, a sign… the list can go on!
I love friendly reminders, especially when they are written in beautiful calligraphy! One of my favorite unplugged announcement methods is the classic sign. It’s a gentle, yet not so subtle way to ask your guests to put the phones away and be in the moment. They are there for a reason, and guess what, I (the photographer) am there for a reason too! I got it covered, I promise!
Have your officiant or Best Man make an announcement! It’s as simple as that! Most guests will have absolutely no problem putting their phones away if they are told that it’s what the bride and groom want. Remember, these are your people! Your family, closes friends and the community who have watched you grow up over the years. They want you happy and if they knew you wished to have an unplugged ceremony, that will be enough of a reason to put their phone off and away.
Don’t forget it, it’s your wedding, your dream, you get to have an unplugged wedding if that’s what you want!
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Vegetarian, vegan, pescatarian, keto, paleo, gluten-free, nut-free, carnivores, dairy-free, are just a few of the dietary options that come to mind as I am sitting at this cafe across from the five different alternative milk options.
I am proud to be a part of a generation that is so mindful and cautious about what we put into our bodies. Gone are the days in which we can order a Big Mac and be happy; we want to know what’s in our food, how it’s prepared and where it’s coming from.
Even though your guests are there to celebrate you and the beginning of your beautiful marriage, just having a vegetarian option will no longer suffice. There are so many different dietary restrictions out there and I know, if you are anything like me, you want to accommodate them all.
If you know for a fact that cousin Sarah just started Keto, your maid of honor has been dairy free for five years and little cousin Joey is gluten-free, you already have at least three dietary restrictions that you need to accommodate. It might sound overwhelming to you, but most caterers have had plenty of experience with just this so ask!
Ask them about it! Before you hire a caterer, ask them about their experience. If you know that a bunch of guests are gluten free, hire a caterer who is known for their gluten free options. You don’t want any surprises once you sign the contract!
The best way to get any information, is to ask the source. So, instead of having “Chicken or Fish” as the two options on your RSVP card, ask them if there are any further dietary restrictions you should know about. Once your guest RSVP, you, your spouse-to-be and your caterer can call sit down and design the perfect, most accommodating, menu possible!
Label everything! Thank God signage is such a wedding trend these days! Use it to your advantage. Now that you have spoken to the caterer, seen all of your guests requests and designed the perfect menu, you want to make sure you keep them separate! You don’t want your baker to create a nut-free dessert option just so it’s placed right next to the peanut butter mousse on the serving table! Keep things separate! Your guests will be forever grateful!
BONUS: Have hand sanitizer available on all serving tables, just in case.
You have done everything you can to accommodate all of your guests so don’t over think it on your wedding day. If Aunt Margie really doesn’t like onions, that isn’t on you. If cousin Sarah has given up on keto and has decided to go vegan without telling you, that’s on her! You have done enough! Once you wake up and start getting ready to walk down that aisle, your guests food restrictions should be the farthest thing from your mind!
I know keeping up with everyones food restrictions and allergies seems like a daunting task. It seems like a new dietary lifestyle appears on the scene every month, but all you can do is ask the right questions and give them the best options!
Cheers to you and the amazing caterers out there!
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I am the definition of a Type A Personality.
When I was younger, I did everything I could to pretend like I wasn’t. I wanted so badly to be that easy going, relaxed kinda girl who got things done when she got them done and nothing phased me. But I have to be honest, IT WAS ALL A LIE. I love being prepared! I love making plans and having plans for my plans! I love knowing what I am walking into. I have a one track mind and like things to be done effectively and efficiently.
Due to my textbook Type A personality, one thing is for sure, I strive to understand and know as much as possible before I jump head first into any situation. This my friends, is why I ran to my local book store to pick up “The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts” by Gary Chapman when I first started dating Robert. It was eye opening. I seriously did not expect it. I mean yes, I’ve had dozens of people recommend this book over the years. I cannot even begin to count the amount of times I have heard someone say “My love language is [Insert appropriate love language here],” yet, here I am, writing an entire blog post about how important it is to read this book, especially before you marry your best friend!
Reading this book helped me understand every single one of my relationships on a deeper, more intimate level. It helped me communicate better with my friends and family. It helped me accept the way others show their love and it helped me recognize that just because I do something out of love, does not mean Robert will do the same thing.
I don’t take book recommendations lightly, so when I say, I highly recommend reading “The 5 Love Languages” before you walk down the aisle, I mean it! Marriage is a beautiful thing, but it takes commitment, time and patience. Starting your marriage off with a deeper understanding of how you and your partner express love is a great starting point. Now don’t get me wrong, I have many other amazing book recommendations for bride and grooms to be. This is just the beginning. But, if I had to pick just one book for all of my YP couples to read before they say “I Do,” this book would be it!
So, I leave you with this thought… Do you know what love language your fiance speaks?
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“Do you know how to do this?” the Best Man asked me as he held up his boutonniere in confusion. I smiled. This is a question I get asked at every wedding I photograph. No matter how many groomsmen there are or how many weddings they have all been to, this (along with the pocket square) is always a question and a debate. There is always that one guy who knows how to do it.
Do you want to be that guy??!
Great! Here is how to properly secure a Boutonniere!
First thing is first… Boutonnieres go on the left.
Follow these 5 steps to ensure that all the boutonnieres look on point and consistent!
The boutonniere should be pined in the middle of the lapel, above the pocket square and lower than the tie or bowtie. If you are pinning the boutonniere on to someone else, it should be to the right of the tie. People are going to ask you “Are you sure it goes on the left” YES, you are sure!
I like to call this “the taco move.” Once you have the boutonniere in the correct place on the lapel, hold the flower in place and fold over the lapel. The lapel should form a taco-like shape, hence “the taco move.” The boutonniere is the beefy delicious substance and the lapel is the shell that holds it all together.
Once you have your flower taco, take the needle, (which should have been supplied with the boutonniere), and insert the pin into the back of lapel and boutonniere in a downward angle.
You want to make sure that the pin is going through the thickest part of the boutonniere, which will be the stem flower. Remember, the thicker the more sturdy it is!
The best way to ensure the boutonniere is securely fastened is by inserting the needle at a downward angle. Check to make sure it is secure by moving the boutonniere from side to side. Use a second pin if necessary.
With these 5 easy steps the bridesmaids, and more importantly the bride will be insanely impressed by your fabulous boutonniere skills!
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Although most men haven’t been dreaming up their wedding day since they were five years old, might not know what an Arbor is or have any idea how to pin his boutonniere on correctly, your groom still wants to be involved. It is their special day too. They want the planning to be as easy as possible for their bride. They want to help but may not even know where to begin! Here are the Yael’s top 10 ways your groom can assist and contribute to make things a whole lot better for you!
He is going to know his side of the party way better than you! It is up to him to figure out his side (and parents side) of the guest list, find the addresses, follow up and make sure he knows who wants chicken or salmon!
This one is something he can totally do and it will make you the happiest of brides! Give him the responsibility of reserving the rooms for the out of town guests and making sure they have all the details. Even if your venue has rooms as part of the package, some guest might need different price points. Your future-hubby will totally be able to handle these logistics!
The music you request for your wedding can really set the tone. The process can be long, overwhelming and very time consuming. Giving your groom this task will make him feel like the king of the party! When he sees his friends and family having a great time on the dance floor, he will feel amazing! But between you and me, I would write down your favs too!
Wedding planning can make things a little tense and uncomfortable with your future-in-laws. To navigate through all the chaos as smoothly as possible, make sure he is the one communicating with his family. He knows how to best talk to his parents, so let him handle it!
Enough said…
Boys will be boys which means one thing, let him pick the gifts for his friends. They have inside jokes and interests that you and no one else will ever understand so let him take this one for the team. Just smile and nod with whatever great idea he comes up with!
No matter what you do, let him be in control of what he says, how he shares and what he promises to you on your wedding day. This is for both of you! You will thank me!
No matter when the honeymoon is, right after your wedding, six months into your marriage or even a few years down the road, let your man plan the details! He will have such a great time imagining you laying on the beach in Mexico or hiking up the mountains in Colorado, it will make him feel like a hero!
Make sure he knows to up the cheese-factor! With your busy schedules, everyones opinions and advice about your marriage and the insane amount of decisions you two will have to make during this season of your life, make sure he knows to say “I love you” in every way he can. On post-it notes, grocery lists, even on a top of a cake or using those HUGE letter balloons. Keep the love alive and strong!
If you are anything like me, you stress and over-analyze everything! Let your fiance know that you are going to need his help making this engagement as fun and as easy as possible. You are a team, you are going to need him to help you blow off steam by practicing your first dance in your kitchen or by turning center-piece decorating into a drinking game. He will know exactly how to calm you down and make things fun again!
There you have it ladies, the ultimate guide to making both of you happy! Now go on, hand over some of the responsibility to your eager and amazing fiance! You both will be so happy and so excited to be able to contribute to your big day in a big way!
Work With Yael
My mission is to not only craft images, but really celebrate the unique spirit of Jewish love. I'm here to honor our culture, capture the magic of your love, create family heirlooms for your future and do it all with a whole lot of heart and soul.