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I remember like it was yesterday… I was standing outside of Cornerstone (the college bar I worked at all through undergrad), in my dirty yoga pants that smelled like beer and my VOUS T-shirt that was still drying from my very busy happy hour which happened to include countless of vodka spills. I was surrounded by a bunch of the girls who were sticking around Collage Park for the summer when someone pointed out a beautiful brunette walking towards us. “I think that’s the girl you are going to be living with next year” she whispered to me. I looked up. Cassie’s eyes were sparkling. Her smile wide and inviting. She sported a high ponytail and looked like she was just about to hit the gym.
“Hi, I’m Cassie! I think we are living together next semester” she waved. I was already in awe of her.
“I’m Yael” I waved back. “I think you are right” Her smile grew. Mine did too. In that moment, I felt a strange sense of calmness and excitement all in one.
Cassie has always had such a big, loving presence. She is one of the most loyal friends I have ever met. Even as just a College senior, she was so honest and so aware of who she truly was. Her confidence and assurance, impressed me daily. Cassie is the sweetest combination of intelligent, fun, hard working and goofy. In other words, she is an incredible human and she deserves the best.
Thank god Chris is the best.
The second Chris opened the car door and smiled at me, I could feel his warmth. It was 5am, the sun wasn’t even in the sky and we were about to spend the next two hours taking photos. Yet, he was still smiling, ready to go and it felt like I had known him for years.
I quickly recognized that Chris is the perfect match for Cassie. His whit, charm and kind nature complements Cassie to the T. It warmed my heart to see the love and respect flow between them with every glance and every touch. Their love is strong, pure and overwhelmingly delightful. As we walked around Canton, chatting about their life together I felt myself getting more and more excited for Cassie, Chris, Kona, their adorable puppy and their future together. With those two together, nothing is going to get in their way.
Cassie, thank you so much for always being such a bright light in my life. Chris, thank you so much for loving my dearest Cassie. I cannot wait to see where life takes you two : )
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A girl never forgets the first time she talks to a someone about Harry Potter.
I remember like it was yesterday… Jessica, one of my closest friends growing up, and I were sitting down on one of the couches in the backroom of our local synagogue. We were playing cards, gossiping about the latest drama, when a spunky redheaded girl, who was two years older than us and WAYYY cooler in every way, walked in and said, “I was up until 3am reading Harry Potter!” She climbed up onto one of the chairs next to us. My entire body tingled with the feeling of magic as we discussed the mystical world of Hogwarts.
A few years later, my parents decided to take us to Disney World. To be totally honest, I was not happy about it! The day we went to Magic Kingdom, I was even more pessimistic than usual. As we waited in line to for some ride that I had absolutely no interested in, I saw a familiar face. It was Adam! Adam was a year ahead of me in school, but way more in touch with himself. As I was playing it cool, acting as if I hated everything and anything that was within a 30 yard circumference, Adam was insanely happy. At the time, I could not have been more envious!
Over a decade later…
“I didn’t meet Adam until I lived in Philadelphia” Marla said beaming as she was talking about her fiance. I was shocked. As someone who grew up in the same Jewish Community as both Adam and Marla, I thought everyone knew everyone, no matter what school, synagogue or group they belonged to. I guess the world wasn’t ready for the amazingness that is Marla and Adam until five years ago.
Roughly five years ago Marla and Adam met, and the world has been a little brighter ever since. Best friends first above everything. They are one of the sweetest couples I have ever met. Marla and Adam have a spark between them that is not only beautiful, fun, loving but also magical in every way.
I have known both of them for as long as I can remember and am in awe of the incredible couple they have become. Both smart, ambitious and good to the core. Both Marla and Adam have the biggest smiles and the best of hearts. The first time I saw them together I thought “YES! That is what it is all about! That is what love is supposed to look like!”
When they are together, you can feel the bond and the love between them. It is truly an incredible thing to witness. Hogwarts and Disney World have nothing on the magic between Marla and Adam. They have more inside jokes and more fun than any two people I have ever met.
My wish for you Marla and Adam is to keep the magic and love alive. Keep loving each other the way you do, there is nothing like it!
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The second I walked through the door, Rachael and Micah’s personalities were evident. The floors were recently stained the perfect shade, the dog bed was in the perfect spot and the throw pillows matched the blanket. Even though they had only moved in a few months ago, you can tell it was their home and their home was full of love.
“We treat our dog like a child.” Rachael said as she got little Badgely ready for our big photo session and with that, I knew that Rachael and Micah were my kind of people.
As we walked around Queens Village with Badgely trotting along next to them, I couldn’t help put think that Rachael and Micah’s relationship should have a RomCom made after them. Not only are they incredibly sweet and amazing individuals but their relationship is nothing short than inspiring!
I felt like they were in on some big inside joke and I was lucky enough to witness it. When Micah takes Rachael’s hand, you could just tell that he loves her more than anything in the world and would do anything to make her happy. And when Rachael looks up at Micah, you could see that she wants nothing more than to hang out with Micah for the rest of her life. These two are not only partners and fiances, they are best friends in every way. I don’t think I have ever had two people laugh as much as they did during their engagement session! It was truly amazing!
Rachael and Micah, I could not be more touched by the love you share with each other. It is beautiful, pure and incredibly sweet. I wish for you to always have that inside joke and laugh with one another til 150 years old!
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“This is actually where my Dad proposed to my Mom!” Crysta said with a huge smile on her face as she pointed to the park behind Independence Hall. And with that, my heart sighed. I was reminded of how important family is to this amazing and sweet couple. They wanted nothing more than to share their love story with their friends and family. They wanted nothing more than to spend their special day with all the people that matter the most. And they wanted nothing more than to laugh with each other for the rest of their lives.
As we walked around Philadelphia, Crysta and David sunk into each other with such ease and grace that it was obvious they are one heck of a match. In every move, in every touch and in every laugh, there was an abundance of love and admiration. The way Crysta’s eyes smile every time she looked at David made my heart turn to mush and my finger click the shutter as much as possible. Our session was even during the second half of the Eagles game and David didn’t complain once, that is how much he loves Crysta!
Even with the craziness of their work and school schedules, David and Crysta make one another a priority. They are a team, a united front to take on the world together and if you ask me, nothing is going to get in their way. They are both ambitious, extremely personable and kind in every sense of the word and I know they are going to have one amazing marriage and go on to have the most incredible family of their own.
Crysta said it best “your humor matches mine perfectly.” and what could be a better recipe for a happy life together?!
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There are not many things in this world that can make me happier than photographing a wedding (besides my family, friends and my Robert). So on Saturday, when I checked my phone after the bride and groom portraits and right before the wedding ceremony began, I didn’t think I could get much happier, but then I received this text message… “This is Juan, and I got engaged today!”
OH MY GOD was all I could say as I quickly typed a response and went back to capturing the wedding even happier than before.
About a year ago, I met Juan. He was looking to get back into the dating game and wanted to update his online dating profiles with some new, professional portraits. Of course, being the romantic sucker I am, I was more than happy to work with him! As we walked around, we set him up in different poses and had a few different outfits to work with. Juan told me about his tight-knitt family, his career, what he is looking for in a wife etc… I really felt like I got to know him. We worked together to capture the essence of who he truly is and let me tell you, Juan is a great guy. He is personable, smart, sweet, accomplished, and I waked away from our session thinking whomever he ended up with was going to be one lucky woman.
A few months later, I was with one of my 2018 amazing YPcouples (shout out to Brittany & Greg) on the warmest January day when we ran into Juan right in front of his apartment building. He was with a beautiful woman and I could already tell that there was a spark between them. I didn’t want to interrupt what looked like one hell of a date, so I said my quick hello, gave him a huge smile and went on my way with Brittany and Greg.
“I took his dating profile photos!” I explained as we crossed the street into the square. I couldn’t help but think I hope the photos helped!
“The photos you took peaked her interest” Juan told me as we waited for Lilly in the lobby of their apartment building. All I could do was smile. They were so happy, so in love and so perfect for one another… I felt honored to have had a small part in helping them find each other. Lilly is just as incredible as Juan. An elementary school teacher with a heart of gold, a loving personality and a smile that could light up any room. She is even better than the woman I envisioned all those months ago at my first session with Juan. And as I saw them together, it was obvious that Juan had never been happier.
We spent the chilly Autumn morning walking around Rittenhouse Square. Although the park was bustling with people. It felt like we were the only three there. Lilly and Juan’s love was evident in every touch, every word and every smile and I know that they will have a strong, powerful and loving marriage.
Lilly, Juan, I cannot even begin to express how much it meant to me to capture this chapter of your love story. Cheers to many, many more chapters and many, many more incredible, heart-felt moments.
Work With Yael
My mission is to not only craft images, but really celebrate the unique spirit of Jewish love. I'm here to honor our culture, capture the magic of your love, create family heirlooms for your future and do it all with a whole lot of heart and soul.