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I remember like it was yesterday, it was the night before my Bat Mitzvah, I was so giddy and excited that I spent the entire night staring at the light-up star stickers on the ceiling of my orange and blue painted room. All I wanted to do was start getting ready for my big party. I was only 12 years old and I did absolutely none of the planning… I can only imagine what it feels like the night before your wedding! A mix of excitement, pure bliss and tons of nerves! I mean let’s be honest, you have been planning your wedding for months, maybe even years, and it is finally here! How can you possibly sleep!!
Here are YPPs 7 Top Tips for getting the a great sleep before your wedding!!
BTW, Robert, if you are reading this, I’m sure you are rolling your eyes because I know you think I never get enough sleep!
That’s right. Get up and go for it! Sweat like never before! A few hours before you want to go to sleep, workout like you are training for a marathon! Go for a long run, hit an awesome kickboxing class or even find a great HIIT routine on YouTube! Whatever kind of workout you like, just go for it! I swear it will tire you out and relieve stress all at the same time!
I know, this one is tough, specially with all the last minute details and moving parts going on the day before your wedding, but trust me on this one, it is amazing how much quicker you fall asleep without caffeine in your system! So, get a double espresso or double fist your favorite caffeinated tea that morning , but after 12pm, stick to water!! You will be so thankful you did!
“Don’t worry, everything will be great!” It’s easier said than done that’s why, as the Type A kinda gal that I am, I suggest scheduling time to worry. Don’t let the worry and nerves take over your entire day or even your pre-wedding week. This is such a special time! You deserve to enjoy it. That’s why, scheduling a designated worrying time allows you too relieve that need to stress but then when you are done, you are done. If you still feel stressed and worried once you climb into bed, practice meditation or deep breathing! It can really help!
The blue light from your computer screen, phone screen and even TV screen can keep you up for hours after you are ready to go to bed! Turn your phone on silent and try not to get too distracted by any screens laying around!
A soft massage can do wonders for you! It can relieve the stress in your body and mind. Is a massage not an option? That’s ok! Bring your favorite facial mask or face cream to get you in the calming mood. It can really do the trick!
BONUS: Lavender scent is known to calm your mind and your body, I highly suggest bringing a lavender scented candle to light a few hours before you climb into bed! It will be discrete, yet powerful!
You are going to be feeling A LOT of different things. Grab a pen and a notebook and write them down. Letting everything out on paper is a great way of releasing it all out to the universe. Write the good and the bad! The things you are excited about and the things that might be stressing you out! You might even find yourself writing some new vows that you seriously cannot wait to share with your SO!
Sometimes, you just can’t fall asleep, don’t let that stress you out even more! No matter what you are going to have an incredible day and marry your best friend. So don’t let your sleeping schedule make you even more worried!!
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If you don’t have a wedding website, are you really getting married?!
It’s 2019 my friends! This means we must go digital! Gone are the days were an invitation and a save-the-date is enough. Online, custom websites are here and they are here to stay!
There are so many website platforms out there it can get super overwhelming! I don’t know about all of you, but I feel like there is a new one every week! You should have seen me when I was researching website platforms for my own YPP website! Let’s just say, it wasn’t my finest moment : )
Now that I have researched, seen and visited countless of couples wedding websites, I am here to share the deets! Here are YPP’s Top 4 Favorite Wedding Website Platforms!
If you ask me, The Knot Wedding website has it all! Completely free and user friendly! Is there anything else you could possibly want!?? Within minutes you can have your Wedding Website up, running and integrated with all of your favorite Knot wedding tools and The Knot App. Plus, you can also manage RSVP right through your Knot Website. I LOVE having everything in one place and The Knot’s Wedding websites are as close to everything in one as possible!
So what’s the downside?! The only L I’ve found with The Knot are the lack of guest RSVP customization, but let’s be real, if someone really wants to share their good wishes, they will reach out to you in a different way!
As always I am a huge fan of the WeddingWire! Although there is less integration with the WeddingWire, there is something so charming about keeping things just to the essentials. The WeddingWire websites are for the couples who like to keep things simple, easy and straight forward! No bells and whistles, no frills, just straight forward and to the point. The Wedding Wire websites are all about going back to the Basics. Free or you can purchase a custom domain for $12.99, plenty of options, themes and a handful of integrated planning tool options!
WeddingWire is a little less user-friendly than others and you can only edit your website via a computer, but besides that I give WeddingWire two thumbs up!
Who is almost as excited for their wedding registry as they are for their wedding party? I mean obviously nothing beats actually getting married to your best friend, but if putting together your registry with higher-end products gives you butterflies, Zola Wedding websites are the perfect option for you! Zola’s guest feature is one of the best! You can even make certain wedding events private and invite specific people from your guest lists via your Zola Website. How cool is that!? It is super user-friendly, free (custom domain for an additional $14.95), great set-up tips and tricks and has an awesome registry integration!
I know what your thinking, this sounds great! And it is, it really is, if you are a a trendy millennial who likes the finer things in life! Zola is all about higher end products, so if you are a couple who feels pure joy walking into Target, I may check out a different option!
Minted is FAB for the kinda couples who like consistency! If you want your wedding website to coordinate with your actual wedding invitations, Minted Weddings websites are for you! That’s right, you can get matching invitations right through Minted! When I saw this, I was in awe! It is a great choice for stylish, quality conscious brides and grooms who want to keep it consistent! I know what you’re thinking, consistency comes with a price… Right?! Good news! Minted Weddings has a free, yet limited, option or you can pay a one time fee of $20 for their premium website! If you ask me, it is totally worth the $20 upgrade!
The platform is super user friendly and easy to use! It is perfect for the couple who cares more about quality and consistency than integration and customization!
If I was you, I would keep in mind the fact that Minted Weddings Websites are not as customizable as one may hope and does not have RSVP features or photo album and privacy controls. Just some food for thought!
So, now that you have all the details, go create your own wedding website! I swear, it is easier than it sounds! Give your wedding the online presence that it deserves and don’t forget, enjoy every moment of being engaged!!
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You are engaged, you are planning your future with your best friend and you want to fill your home with your own personal style. Now is your chance! You get to put together a wedding registry! You get to put together a list for all your closest friends and family who want to help you fill your home with all the things you want, the things you need and all the small details that compliment you, your lifestyle and your future family. Here are YPPs top 12 tips for creating the Perfect Wedding Registry!
First thing’s first. Check to see what you both already have! Don’t get me wrong, I like new shiny things just as much as the next girl, but if you already have a blender that works like a charm, maybe skip the NINJA!
If you ask me, no need to wait for gifts : )
Sometimes, just like your stomach, your eyes are bigger than your storage… Make sure you have enough space!!
Do you like your things? Are you looking around your kitchen wondering what you possibly can put on your registry but daydreaming about hiking in Europe? Well, guess what!? You can put your honeymoon on your registry! You can put charities and experiences, not just products! You can even have your guests give to The Knot Newleywed Fund!
Register for the things that will make your home feel like you not just the ones your Mom or Future Mother-in-Law suggest. Don’t get me wrong, they are a well of knowledge and tips, but you guys have your own style, your own sense of home, keep that in mind! If your style is more traditional, great! If you love being comfy and having warm tones all around, go for it! Register for the things you want around you after you had a long day at work or when you are binging your favorite Netflix show!
Your guests and their wallets will thank you!
Registering at one store isn’t enough, registering at ten is too many, giving your guests two to four options of places to shop will keep them happy and give you options!
Turn registering into a date night! You are registering for gifts for your future together! Did you hear me? This is for your future! For your family! For you and your boo so make it fun! Go out on a date together, choose the China together, get his input on the fancy champagne flutes and definitely on the grill!
The more plates you get, the better! Your house is going to be full of love, laughter and dinner parties! Don’t settle for just the average 8 plate set, get 12 or even more!
Storage!? I know what you are thinking, why am I registering for storage!? But, this one is important! You want to keep your new sterling silver ware from tarnishing and scratching right?! Register for a place to keep them, for example, a silver chest with slotted insets (or a tightly closed drawer) lined with felt linen. Anything to keep from scratching!
A couple weeks before your wedding, check what is left on your wedding registry online. See what your guest have already bought, what is left and add MORE! Your last minute shoppers will thank you for the bigger variety!
You finally have put together your perfect registry, it is time to tell your friends, but you can’t exactly post online or send the link to everyone can you?! Have your bridal shower host put it on the invitation, slip the news to your best friend and I promise, the word will get out!
Starting your registry may seem daunting, but once you get the ball rolling, it can be fun, exciting and pretty awesome if you ask me! I mean come on, who doesn’t love putting together a list of things they want : )
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There were three flags. One Brazilian, one Israeli and one Maryland flag. As dozens of Rachel and Binny’s friends stood behind the flag that best represented their connection with the newlyweds, I felt a rush of warmth and happiness flood through my body. “Ok everyone!” I said smiling as big as can be. “Look over here!” I waved and started clicking the shutter.
As soon as we finished taking the photos, the flags were whipped off to the dance floor. “BE MORE LIKE BALTIMORE, BE MORE LIKE BALTIMORE” was chanted as the Marylanders took turns dancing with the yellow and red flag we (Marylanders) are all so proud of. As Robert and I continued to smile and snap away, I couldn’t help but be amazed by the incredible community Rachel and Binny had created for themselves. It is pretty amazing to see. Friends from childhood, from the IDF and even school were all there. People flew in from thousands of miles away. One of Binny’s oldest friends even surprised him from America.
Seeing this community, these friends, celebrate as if it was their own wedding, speaks volumes.
Binny and Rachel are both incredible people. I have known Binny for way over a decade and I know for a fact that my life would be completely different without him. Binny has always had more charm in one finger than I have in all 5′ 0″ of me! Seeing him with the love of his life, the one woman who could make him this happy was a a huge honor. I could barely hold back sobs of joy as I watched them under the Chuppah looking over the water in Caesarea! As Binny made his promises to love and protect Rachel for the rest of their lives, my heart sighed.
The second the ceremony was over, everyone rushed to congratulate the bride and groom. There was so much love, so much joy and so much community that I know, Rachel and Binny will only have the best of lives together. I know that their future is going to be full of love, kindness and happiness!
Rachel and Binny’s wedding took place at the beautiful Caesar Yam in Caesarea, Israel. With the enchanting old stone all around us, the flowers from Queens Flowers every where and the delicious smell of Israeli food lingering as we danced the night away. It couldn’t have been a more loving and incredible night.
Thank you Binny and Rachel for including Robert and I in this magical day! We will forever have you in our hearts!
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A girl never forgets the first time she talks to a someone about Harry Potter.
I remember like it was yesterday… Jessica, one of my closest friends growing up, and I were sitting down on one of the couches in the backroom of our local synagogue. We were playing cards, gossiping about the latest drama, when a spunky redheaded girl, who was two years older than us and WAYYY cooler in every way, walked in and said, “I was up until 3am reading Harry Potter!” She climbed up onto one of the chairs next to us. My entire body tingled with the feeling of magic as we discussed the mystical world of Hogwarts.
A few years later, my parents decided to take us to Disney World. To be totally honest, I was not happy about it! The day we went to Magic Kingdom, I was even more pessimistic than usual. As we waited in line to for some ride that I had absolutely no interested in, I saw a familiar face. It was Adam! Adam was a year ahead of me in school, but way more in touch with himself. As I was playing it cool, acting as if I hated everything and anything that was within a 30 yard circumference, Adam was insanely happy. At the time, I could not have been more envious!
Over a decade later…
“I didn’t meet Adam until I lived in Philadelphia” Marla said beaming as she was talking about her fiance. I was shocked. As someone who grew up in the same Jewish Community as both Adam and Marla, I thought everyone knew everyone, no matter what school, synagogue or group they belonged to. I guess the world wasn’t ready for the amazingness that is Marla and Adam until five years ago.
Roughly five years ago Marla and Adam met, and the world has been a little brighter ever since. Best friends first above everything. They are one of the sweetest couples I have ever met. Marla and Adam have a spark between them that is not only beautiful, fun, loving but also magical in every way.
I have known both of them for as long as I can remember and am in awe of the incredible couple they have become. Both smart, ambitious and good to the core. Both Marla and Adam have the biggest smiles and the best of hearts. The first time I saw them together I thought “YES! That is what it is all about! That is what love is supposed to look like!”
When they are together, you can feel the bond and the love between them. It is truly an incredible thing to witness. Hogwarts and Disney World have nothing on the magic between Marla and Adam. They have more inside jokes and more fun than any two people I have ever met.
My wish for you Marla and Adam is to keep the magic and love alive. Keep loving each other the way you do, there is nothing like it!
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I know what you are thinking, “Of course Yael. Of course I am going to try on my wedding dress and shoes together to make sure it all looks exactly the way I want it!”
It may be a no brainer for you, but as a Type A Personality, I like to be 120% confident that every bride and groom out there knows to do exactly this! I personally don’t like surprises, especially when it comes to wedding day attire! I want to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible for you the morning of your wedding, that includes knowing exactly how to secure your wedding dress and how to pin his own boutonnière!
I like to be sure. Sure that your wedding shoes are broken in, the earrings match perfectly and the groom knows exactly how to tie his wedding day bow tie! I want you to feel relaxed and ready to go. I want you to be confident that things will run smoothly when it comes to your wedding day get-up. The best way to do this is simple. Try it on. Try it all on! All of it! Don’t leave anything for chance!
For my beautiful brides, make sure you know how to climb into your dress without messing with your hair and that you know exactly how to fasten your wedding day jewelry.
For all my awesome YP grooms out there, if you do not already know how to properly secure your suspenders, cufflinks and tie, learn how to do it sometime prior to your wedding day! It is amazing what YouTube can teach you these days. Plus, if you let it slip to the future Mrs. that you are trying on your wedding outfit, she will beyond touched and excited… I like to think of it as a win, win, win!
Trust me on this, there is nothing better than having everything fit perfectly and run smoothly the morning you say “I do!” So trying on your wedding day attire before your big day, can never hurt! Plus, you chose this outfit for a reason, making sure it all works and fits correctly should be fun!
BONUS: Helpful Links for the Groom:
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You have spent months, maybe even years choosing every last detail of your bridal look. From the shoes and flowers, to the beautiful earrings your Mom picked out and all the way to the necklace that every woman in your family wore on her wedding day. Every detail counts. Every detail is important. And every detail deserves to be photographed in the best way possible.
This week, I want to share with all of you the “YPP top 5 tips for your wedding day detail photos!” When you go to check out your bridal suite, or talk to your venue florist and Maid of Honor, these are the top things to consider!
Whenever I walk into a bridal suite and see natural light flowing in and big, beautiful windows all around, my heart does a happy dance! Windows are a photographers best friend, especially in the Bride and Groom getting ready rooms! The natural light is the best light! It will make your rings shine like no other, your flowers pop and your dress look stunning and elegant all in one. Before your big day, take some time and talk to your venue or hotel to make sure there are plenty of windows in both the Bride and Groom getting ready rooms! We want to photograph your details with the best like as possible!
You have a million and ten things going on the morning of your wedding, getting all the bridal details together shouldn’t be one of them! Sometime the week before your wedding day, put all of your bridal details together in a box (besides the dress of course)! This should include everything you want photographed! Here is the YPP List of Details to consider:
If you are anything like me, you absolutely love color and tones, that is why your wedding colors are essential in telling your bridal story! Ask one of your bridesmaids to volunteer her dress while we photograph your details! It will add that little extra something to tie it all together!
You can never have enough flowers on your wedding day! They are elegant, fresh and beautiful! Have your florist deliver your bouquet to your getting ready location! This will give us plenty of time to photograph the incredible bouquet you will be holding as you say “I do!” When you chat with your florist the week of your wedding, ask them if they can include some extra petals or the flowers that they clipped off when finishing your bouquet! The petals and extra flowers will be an incredible accent for your detail photos!
I always suggest at least 45 minutes for the bridal detail photo portion of the morning! I know, you might think it sounds like too much time, but those 45 minutes fly by and your bridal details deserve to be captured and forever remembered! You carefully selected each and every bridal detail, let’s make sure we have plenty of time to feature them!
There is something so special about capturing a woman’s bridal details. It is so personal, intimate and incredibly touching. Your details deserve the best light, the best care and the best love we can offer and if you ask me, these five tips will let you love your details in the best way possible!
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It’s the day of your wedding. All your girls are there. The smell of Hairspray is in the air. Lip sticks and brushes are every where and the sound of the blow dryer is going strong. You are in complete and total awe that your big day is FINALLY here. Everyone is giddy, excited and getting ready for your wedding!! You may have one too many butterflies in your stomach to eat but your girls might get hungry!
Here are YPP’s top 6 best things for your bridal suite spread!
For the bridesmaid who loves fresh fruit as much as I do! A fruit platter puts a smile on my face no matter what kind of event I am at! It always gives me a fresh burst of energy!
No explanation needed!
For the bridesmaid who loves the crunch of a protein bar and would rather grab a bar over a plate any day of the week! Having a choice of Quest Bar or Cliff Bars may be the perfect snack to keep her satisfied until the cocktail hour.
For the bridesmaid who LOVES starting the morning off with a fresh croissant or blueberry muffin. It is easy, delicious and filling! Plus, pastries make any food platter look incredible!
For the bridesmaid who love the idea of a fruit platter but wants something a little less sweet! Carrots and celery make for great dipping veggies! They are tasty, fresh and don’t make you bloat!
This one is for ALL of the bridesmaids and you!! Every one needs to stay hydrated. Offering both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages will keep all of your ladies happy! From mimosas to orange juice, champagne to water bring it all! I promise, you won’t be sorry!
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All you wanted to do was grow up and be just like your Mom. You spent day after day trying on her wedding dress. You tried on her shoes. Mimicked the way she did her hair and put on her lipstick. Now, years later, you have developed your own sense of style. Your own dreams. Your own vision for your wedding day and your mom wants to be there for you through it all. She wants to give you the day of your dreams. She wants to help! Here are YPP’s “Top 6 Mother-of-the-Bride Wedding Duties” that will make your life easier and make her as happy as can be!
We all love family heirlooms. They are beautiful, meaningful and sometimes hard to get a hold of. Give your mom this responsibility. She will know exactly who in the family still has Great Aunt Margie’s Wine Glass or where the heck the family Chuppah is stored… Plus, she will know exactly how to handle your extended family, answer all of their wedding questions all while on the hunt for the family goods!
If you are leaning towards a more traditional wedding, than your mother’s name and address will already be on the envelope, let her be a part of this! Let her decide whether the word “TO” should be a size 20pt or 22pt. It will make her feel like she is a big part of the planning process and will take one last thing of your plate! Plus, grammar can always be double checked!
Your mom will just know. She knows exactly what you need to have the perfect kitchen set up and all the dining room essentials. She knows the best Kitchen Aid to purchase, the most elegant China Plates and even the best place to get a Menorah. Mom will have all the answers to the most overwhelming registry questions!
Your mom has been dreaming about your wedding day just as much as you have been since you were a little girl. She cannot wait to see her beautiful daughter in the white dress, marrying the man of her dreams and being as happy as possible. Your happily ever after is all your Mom wants for you. Let her be a part of the shopping. Let her be there when you say “Yes to the dress!” Let her zip you up with tears in her eyes the morning of your wedding. Let her be a part of it!
The dreaded Guest List! You want everyone there to celebrate with you and your soon-to-be husband, but cutting names of that list is literally keeping you up at night. Don’t worry, I get it and so does mom! Let her be the one to make the cuts and even be the one to get the RSVP’s. It will help you sleep at night and help her keep on top of how many people are coming! WIN WIN WIN!
I know, sometimes, it might be feel like Mama Bear is going over board with the love and all of her ideas, but maybe, just maybe let a few things slide this time. You only get married once and this is a big moment for her as well. She is watching her baby start a family! So, give her the chance to show you how much she loves you!
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You are on cloud nine! Your best friend in the whole wide world just proposed and he pulled it off better than you could ever dream of. You are happy. You are planning your future and you are absolutely loving the engagement bubble that you are living in. You are sporting a shiny new ring that fits perfectly on your left hand and you feel like the luckiest girl in the world! But what if something happens to the ring? God forbid it gets stolen or falls out of your bag while you are at the gym. Although diamonds are a girls best friend, diamonds have their own best friend named Ring Insurance. Here are YPPs top tips to Insuring your ring for the just in case situations…
Your soon to be groom can get your ring insured as soon as it is purchased, which, if you ask me, is awesome news! That means you won’t even have to worry about it! But, in the off chance that he was too busy planning the big moment instead of insuring the beautiful sentiment, pick up that phone ASAP and call your insurance provider!
Many couples put their engagement ring under their home owner or rental insurance, and that can definitely be helpful but a lot of those riders do not cover your ring outside of the house, and we all know you are planning a big honeymoon away!
Good question! The estimated cost for your engagement ring insurance will be between $1 to $2 for approx. $100 your ring is worth. I know what you are thinking, that sounds like a lot! But trust me, it is worth it! The cost will ultimately be determined by a few different factors such as the value of your ring, where you live and the theft rate in your area, and whether or not your policy has a deductible, but the good news is it will protect that ring! Remember, this is your engagement ring for crying out loud! It is a symbol of love and nothing says love like protection!
Now ladies, this one is important! You can’t protect it with out knowing what you are actually protecting!! This is what your appraisal should include: (a) the carat weight, (b) cut, (c) color and (d) clarity of your diamonds. (e) The carat weight and (f) shape of any colored stones, (g) the metal type and (h) fineness or karat, as well as any (i) identifying marks, (j) hallmarks, or (k) stamps. BONUS: Make sure you trust your appraiser! Look at their online reviews, chat with them on the phone and find someone who earned a graduate degree in gemology AND is a member of a national appraisal society. We mean business when we are talking about our diamonds!
The 4 Cs are my favorite C’s! Color, cut, clarity, and carat weight. In other words, A diamond certificate or gradating report. While this is not an appraisal, A Diamond Certificate is often provided by your jeweler if your ring is around a half a carat or larger. The 4 C’s are great for your appraiser and super important to track down your stone if anything happens to it!
Your groom made a good investment. The value of your ring will increase over the years and that is why it is super important, for insurance purposes of course, to get your ring appraised every few years. BONUS: If you go back to the same appraiser time and time again, they will already have a lot of your rings information and therefore, can cut costs! BONUS x 2: Don’t forget to bring a copy of your last appraisal with you. Always better to be safe than sorry!
This ring is way more than a ring, it is a symbol of your love for each other, it deserves to be protected! So now, go get that beauty insured and step right back in that engagement bubble! I know you want to!
Work With Yael
My mission is to not only craft images, but really celebrate the unique spirit of Jewish love. I'm here to honor our culture, capture the magic of your love, create family heirlooms for your future and do it all with a whole lot of heart and soul.