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Bridesmaids and groomsmen are like family. They have been through it all with you. The good, the bad. The happy, the sad. Having them up there with you, standing by your side as you make one of the most beautiful and important commitments of your life, means more to you than you can ever express. How can you show your bridesmaids and groomsmen how grateful you are? How can you even begin to thank them and express your gratitude? A small, personal gift can definitely do the trick! Here are YPP’s six favorite tips and tricks for picking out the perfect Bridesmaids and Groomsmen gifts”

Trust me when I say, a small token can go a long way!


Quality and Practicality

We have all gotten those gifts that we put in the back of the closet and forget about . Focus on practicality, but aim for quality! Make your groomsmen and bridesmaids gifts something that they can use and appreciate for years to come! You want your wedding party to be in awe of how nice your gift is and be amazed by how many times they see themselves using it. The goal is to show them how much you appreciate them with something that they can cherish and use on a normal bases!

Make it Personal

Some couples’ wedding party is one big friend group and that is awesome! Other couples have a mix of people from all different parts of their lives, which is just as amazing and meaningful if you ask me! If this is the case, all of your groomsmen may not appreciate the same gift. Same goes for your bridesmaids! If you have a college buddy and a little cousin, it might be wise to spend a little more time picking out personalized gifts for each of them. Remember, you want to show your wedding party how much you appreciate them. So, take the time to think about what each person will appreciate!

Spend What You Can

As we all may know, planning a wedding is expensive. The random miscellaneous costs can really add up. Your wedding party understands this. They know how hard you are trying to stay in your budget and they definitely don’t expect you to go above and beyond when it comes to their bridesmaid and groomsmen gifts. It’s the thought that counts. They will appreciate anything you do, no matter how expensive or inexpensive it is. Especially if it is something they love and can use over and over again!

Be mindful

Your friends are the best. Like seriously the best. Chances are this isn’t the first time they put on the nice attire, matching shoes and were a part of a couples big day! Keep this in mind, do a little digging and figure out what gifts they have already gotten at other weddings! You don’t want to get them the same flask as Tim did last year!

Consider the Gift of Time

Between work, marriage and keeping up with your personal needs, carving out time to spend with your friends can be a little daunting at times. Use your bridesmaid and groomsmen gifts as a way to show them you really care and will always make time for them! Give them something you both can do together once the wedding is over. A spa day, wine tasting, fishing trip or even an axe throwing day can go a long way!

Include a Thank you Card

Sometimes, it’s the things that cost nothing at all that means the most. Write each one of your bridesmaids and groomsmen a personal message. This small, yet kind gesture will make them feel that much more important.


You know your wedding party better than anyone else. You know what each person will love and care about and you know that all they really want is to be there for you and share the love on one of the best days of your lives! Take your time, pick something that they will cherish and never ever forget that your bridesmaids and groomsmen are like family. They love you no matter what!

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Robert looked confused… He was sitting across from me at Gryphon Coffee when I opened this fancy box and pulled out a pair of beautiful pink wide framed glasses.

“Why do you have glasses?!” he asked. I smiled and slid them on to my face.

“How do I look!?” I responded as I posed across from him.

At six years old, all I wanted to do was be just like my big sister in every way. So, when my mom brought her home a pair of glasses, wearing glasses became a dream of mine… at six year old. A decade later, it was my biggest fear, and now another 10 years later, I am waiting for the day my eyesight gets fuzzy and I’m going to take the plunge and buy myself a pair of real glasses.

As a photographer, I log more hours behind screens than I care to admit. I’m either sitting behind my computer, trying not to slouch, smiling as I stare at my phone responding to Instagram comments or even looking at the preview screen on the back of my camera… I am always behind screens and I am horrified to think of what the blue light is doing to my eyes and should I mention how it’s affecting my sleep!?

That’s why, when I stumbled upon Klassy Glasses, anti-blue light lenses, I was totally sold. I mean, I’m not one to impulsively buy, but when I clicked the Klassy link, I couldn’t get to the checkout page soon enough. I literally could not resist. Being a photographer, and a human, my eyes are pretty damn important and I want to do everything I can to keep from harming them.

Five days later they arrived and I was giddier than a school girl eating an ice cream cone. I love my Klassy glasses, they work like a charm. They work so well that you can 100% see the color temperature change when you look at your computer and phone. The screens are just warmer. Your eyes are less strained and you can stare at a screen way longer with Klassy Glasses on. For most humans, this is amazing, for a photographer who is constantly adjusting the color temperature of her photos, not so ideal.

On the YPP Scale of Awesomeness, I would give Klassy Glasses a 7 out of 10. They are effective, helpful, relatively well priced and adorably stylish. The only issue is that I can’t use them for the bulk of my screen work, processing photos. And let’s be real, I spend a ton of time processing photos!

For now, my Klassy glasses will always be with me, I will wear them proudly as I blog, respond to emails, post and work on my invoices. Yet, as soon as the photo processing begins, those bad boys are coming off. Because, as I say, “anything for the photo!”

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” I think I just got a minor concussion” I told Robert as soon as he picked up the phone.


I laughed at my ridiculousness.

“I sneezed as I was pulling the car door open and BAM, I smacked my head . Really hard!” Robert paused, and then burst into laughter.

I made a right turn onto Spring Garden and thought to myself,  I am totally fine. I was on my way to a wedding and couldn’t wait to capture all of the love and a small bump on my head was not going to stop me. “What is on your agenda for the rest of the day?” I ask Robert and with that, the topic was switched.

One wedding, two work outs and one headshot session later, I find myself sitting in my doctors office “I’m only here because my boyfriend was worried. I think I have a minor concussion, but I am totally fine” I explain to the doctor.

Twenty minutes later and a few sad attempts at balancing on one foot, Doctor Adams turns to me and says “Well, tell your boyfriend that you definitely have a minor concussion. So make sure you take it easy over the next couple weeks. In your free time, just sit and don’t do anything.”

In my free time?! That’s a funny one.

I pushed on the door to leave and the first thing I noticed was the bright sun setting. My eyes closed shut in pain and I felt a wave of dizziness wash over me. Ok, so maybe he has a point. I need to take it easy and give my brain the time it needs to heal, but how the heck was I going to do that?!  My week was packed and my todo list was growing longer and longer with every passing minute. Spring was just around the corner and I still had a few winter projects to finish up. This minor concussion was such an inconvenience.

An hour later. 

“What are you doing” Robert asked as soon as he walked in the door. He quickly turned off the lights and closed the laptop that was resting on my lap.

“I just have one more thing to finish up”  I open it up once again.

Taking it easy to me means not reading on my phone and maybe only answering emails once a day. Taking it easy to Robert means no screens, no gym and sitting on the couch at home with no lights on. I look up from my laptop and see a concerned Robert “Fine. I can finish this tomorrow.”

See, I am lucky. I have a boyfriend who is nothing like me. I mean, yes, we share the same political views and might check the same religious box on questionnaires, but he is totally the yin to my yang. When I want to get up and get my Sundays started at 6am, he reminds me to take a deep breath in and not over work myself. When I am trying to rush out the door because I don’t want to be late to a friend brunch, he turns the music up and moves his feet to the beat.  When I want to run to the next thing, he reminds me to walk and smell the roses. And when I want to just power through my minor concussion, Robert makes me take it easy and tells me that my work will get done once my brain is no longer mush.

I am lucky to have a best friend who is nothing like me. I am lucky to have a boyfriend watching out for me. I am lucky to have Robert taking care of me.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you… and a million more times, thank you!

I am so excited to announce that Yael Pachino Photography has received yet another incredible award, “WeddingWire’s Couples Choice Awards” and again, it is all because of you! Because of your love and your support. Because you continue to cheer me on and lift me up every single day. And because you were kind enough to share your YP experience with the WeddingWire, so thank you!

I am beyond touched by your words, your kindness and your hearts.  I couldn’t be doing what I love, with the people I admire and with the art that I obsess over, without all of you!

From the bottom of my heart, thank you to all the incredible people who have supported me throughout my journey as a person and as a wedding photographer! My dreams are coming true because of you.  I cherish every moment I spend with my amazing clients and my loving support system. So, thank you.

Cheers to all the amazing Ypbrides and Ypgrooms of 2018 and here’s to all my 2019 Ypweddings! I cannot wait for what is yet to come!

Thank you to each and every one of you!

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” We have been together ever since…” Sarah said with a huge smile on her face. As we walked away from the Starbucks, the place they went on their first date, I couldn’t help but thinking about Sarah and Ron eight years ago. I couldn’t help but think about the adorable and lovely University of Maryland Freshman, Sarah, meeting Ron, the sweetest guy on campus that everyone seemed to know and love. I couldn’t help but picture 19 year old Ron, nervously sitting in the Starbucks, and wondering What coffee drink should I get her?  In typical Ron fashion, he wanted to make sure he had the right thing ordered for his date by the time she got there, but he had no idea what to get her and felt terrible when she walked in and he had nothing to offer. It’s the little things that make a relationship truly great and Ron understood this from the beginning.

Sarah and Ron had a deep, loving, committed relationship since that beautiful fall day at that Starbucks in Georgetown. They are the epitome of college-sweethearts and I couldn’t be happier for them! Amongst the craziness of college life, everyone else around Sarah and Ron were breaking up, getting together or doing the whole on again-off again thing that seems to be very popular in undergrad. Sarah and Ron never stopped loving, laughing and growing together.   And trust me on this one, I was there! I was one of the college kids who took part in the rollercoaster version of love at UMD, but not these two. These two were strong. These two learned how to flourish together, how to push each other to do better, dream bigger and live larger.

Eight years later, I had the immense pleasure and honor of photographing their engagement session. I couldn’t have asked for a better combination of passion, admiration and fun. Their expressions say it all. Walking around Georgetown, seeing where it all began and seeing the excitement in their eyes for their future together, was a dream come true.

Sarah, Ron, my wish for you is to have the most incredible life together. To continue to grow, flourish and be each others biggest support system. To never forget the amazing way your relationship began but always strive for a bigger and better future. You were such an incredible team in college and I feel lucky to have known you then, and even luckier to know you now. Sending you all the love in the world!



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Photo credit: Robert Goldberg : )

One week later: 

As I walked out of the metro station and turned to face DC’s Chinatown, I put my hand on the camera bag that was hanging from my shoulder. My Dad let me borrow his Canon Rebel and I was terrified of loosing it. I started walking down the street to the Starbucks on 7th, right around the corner from WeWorks.  I checked my watch, I was a little early, and I was NEVER early. To me, this meant one thing, I was SUPER excited to be there. As I ordered my customary Grande Soy Chai Latte (something I could never imagine ordering now), an older man, probably early 60’s, with long hair, a funky Hawaiian shirt, a cane and a fedora walked up next to me as we waited for our orders.

“You must be a photographer?” He nodded over to the camera bag on my shoulder.

I laughed. “Not really.” I say as I adjusted the bag strap awkwardly. “I’ve never actually used this camera before. I am about to take my first photography class.”

“That’s great! I love photography!”

“Really? I think I am going to also!” I said as the barista put my latte right in front of me on the counter. I grabbed the drink, muttered a quick thank you to the barista and said goodbye to the older man.

I was feeling pretty good about my new found hobby as I crossed the street to the WeWorks. I saw one other person waiting. Before I had a chance to introduce myself, I heard “Are you guys both waiting for the Photography Class?” I’m Sam.  I will be your teacher!” I turned around and lo and behold look who it is, the older man from the Starbucks. He had the biggest grin on his face as he watched my surprised expression.

He unlocked the door and held it open for us.

“What kind of DSLR do you guys have?” he asked as he turned on the lights and gestured to the conference table.

“What is a DSLR?”  I asked as I pulled out my seat and sat down.

“You must be a beginner” he said with a knowing smiling.

“Is it that obvious?” I carefully took my dad’s camera out of the bag. To be honest, it was the first time I was using any kind of camera, besides my phone and the disposable ones that I absolutely adored back at Jewish Sleep away camp, which totally doesn’t count.

The rest of the class started filtering in behind us “Welcome to photography for beginners. Let’s get started, shall we?” And with that, class began.

One hour later, I walked out of WeWorks. One thing was brilliantly clear, my life had changed forever. I know, it sounds a little dramatic, but it is 100% true. I cannot even tell you what Sam said in that one hour class, I cannot tell you which buttons I pressed or what I photographed that day, but I can tell you that I thank G-d everyday that I found Sam’s class online.

As I walked towards the metro ready to head back to Silver Spring. I pulled out my phone and texted Marisa. “What would you say if I told you I want to be a photographer.” I stepped onto the insanely long escalator, put my phone in my pocket and adjusted the camera bag again and felt a new type of warmth and satisfaction. My adventure began and I didn’t even really know it.

To be continued…


Missed Part One? Check it out here: “How it all Began Part I”

Want to read part III?: Check it out here: “How it all Began Part III”

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“Hey! Do you want to open your present?” Logan asked as he crouched down next to his nephew, Levi. The little boy, all dressed in his adorable red tie, grey suspenders and baller kicks just stared up at him with these big eyes. “I’ll be right back” Logan said as he ran into the Groom’s getting ready room and grabbed his present for the adorable ring bearer. When he returned, Levi saw the present in Logan’s hand and for the first time all day, the two year old let go of his animal crackers. He stood next to the kneeling Logan, wide-eyed. Together, they opened the present. Both groom and ring bearer had matching smiles as they ripped off the wrapping paper. When Levi saw what was inside, his smile went from big to huge. It was a a small wooden bat that fit perfectly in the toddler’s hands. He already knew how to hold it and what to do with it.  Levi was in his stance and swinging within seconds. “My uncle got me a wooden bat too at his wedding. I was about Levi’s age then also.” Logan told me as he stood up next to Levi and patted him on the head.

The rest of the wedding day was just like that, every moment, every detail had such a beautiful meaning behind it all. From the teddy bear that the rings were tied to on their way down the aisle, to Cassie’s necklace that she carefully wrapped around her bouquet. From the pearl bracelet, a family heirloom, that Cassie’s mom gently fastened  around her wrist as they both were teary eyed, all the way to the little rocking chair where the teddy bear sat with them on the sweetheart table. Every detail, every aspect and every moment of their wedding day was full of sincere emotion and importance. It was an incredible day to witness. From the beginning, Cassie and Logan made it clear that family meant the world to them and it showed in every part of their day.

The Brandywine Manor House was absolutely radiant on this beautiful Fall day. Decorated with symbols of love, gorgeous centerpieces that Melissa, Cassie’s dad’s fiance, created and sunflowers that made the room really pop. The ceremony took place as the sun shined right by the Manor’s waterfall. Although it was the fastest ceremony I have ever seen, there was more love, honor and commitment in those few minutes than anyone could ever ask for. Seeing Cassie and Logan share their love and their promises to each other in front of everyone they cared for the most, was a breath taking moment. I am touched and honored by Cassie and Logan and everything they stand for.

Cassie, Logan, my wish to you is to have everything you ever wanted. I know you will have the most beautiful family and your children will be just as loving and as sincere as both of you. Sending all the love in the world.





Yael Pachino Photography

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“Sean came up to me the other day and said that he could never thank me enough for hosting his wedding here on my property.” Mike paused and looked at Sean and Julie sitting at the sweetheart table. Every guest was quiet as they were waiting for Mike to continue…”But, in all honesty, I cannot thank Sean enough. I have spent every day of my life trying to get Julie to smile the way she does when she is around Sean. Sean thank you for making Julie the happiest I have ever seen her. I owe you everything” And with that, Mike put the microphone down, walked over to Sean and Julie and gave them both big bear hugs.

Julie, Sean, Mike and all of their closest friends and family spent the last year transforming Mike’s beautiful property into a fairytale wedding venue. The tent was absolutely breathtaking. I heard myself gasp as I walked up the long drive way, through the fun cocktail hour area, past the portable beer taps, all the way into the classy decorated tent. “Don’t forget to look up!” Julie shouted from the driveway as she saw me standing at the entrance of the tent. I looked up and heard myself gasp again.  There were a dozen beautifully white painted hula hoops decorated with vibrant pink flowers twinkling in the wind. I was in awe. Julie and Sean really did it! They had a vision for what they wanted their wedding day to look like and they put in the time, energy and love. And trust me when I say this, you could tell they loved everything about it.From the bonfire, to the dogs running around all the way to the coolest ice cream truck I have ever seen, every detail felt like them and I was amazed in every way.

Julie and Sean are the most genuine, loving couple. As individuals, they each have such a unique warmth to them that it only makes sense that they ended up together. The way they talk, the way they embrace their friends and family, the way they interact with everyone around them, is just sweet in every way. Witnessing Sean watch Julie walk down the aisle made the chili October day feel like a mid August day; beautiful, warm and full of admiration. There is nothing like it. There is no doubt in my mind that Julie and Sean will continue to create the sweetest marriage and family. I cannot wait to see the beautiful life they will share together.

Julie, Sean, my wish to you is that your life is full of amazing moments that are all as sweet as you.


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As Heather pulled out the two handkerchiefs from her black bag with such grace and care, both of our eyes began to water. Heather was still in her white robe and I was set up on the Hotel Alcott terrace photographing the rings and invitations. She handed the handkerchiefs over with such delicacy and love, I was truly in awe. As we held back the tears she explained, both handkerchiefs were from two incredible women whom were no longer with us. The first, was given to Heather’s mom by her grandmother the night of her mom’s wedding. The second, was from Heather’s Father’s Aunt who helped raise Heather’s Dad from the age of ten. You could tell by the tone in Heather’s voice how significant these women were to her and how connected she felt with her family.  Heather made it clear that the most important photos to both Billy and her were the family ones. They  loved their families with all of their hearts and cared more than anything to capture every single relative who was there with them.  This was much more than just two people’s wedding day, it was a family celebration and there is nothing more beautiful and more pure than families like these two.

As Heather and Billy made their promises in front of the people that mattered the most to them, I could see the pride and joy in every single guest. There were tears and there were smiles, but everyone in that room felt like they belonged and looked like they could not have been happier.  I too, felt an abundance of love and happiness as we all witnessed the sweetest couple in the world becoming husband and wife.

The entire day was amazing. I think I may have used the word ‘perfect’ a thousand times. The weather couldn’t have been better for a late September Wedding, the couple couldn’t have been more in love and the dancing couldn’t have been more fun. Even the center pieces were stunning and custom made by Heather’s talented mother. Every detail was lovingly and carefully planned and came together in the perfect way.

Heather, Billy, you already know how much being a part of your wedding meant to me. I wish for you to wake up every day and feel even more love and support as you did on your wedding day. You two deserve a life full of adventure, bliss and boundless love. Cheers to you, your family and everything you stand for!





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The music queued, the entire church stood and turned to look back at the door. Courtney was a vision; beautiful in every way. Total bliss and love radiated off of her as she walked down the aisle. Right next to her, arm linked, ready to give her away to the love of her life, was her brother Jamie. Jamie and Courtney are Irish twins and have been through everything together. It was only fitting that he would give her away. The bond that Jamie and Courtney share is so incredibly sweet and full that I could not imagine seeing anyone else walk side by side down the aisle next to Courtney. It was evident, from the way Gary looked at Courtney, that he could not wait to be her husband. Gary’s smile only grew bigger and bigger as Courtney and Jamie got closer to him. Courtney’s eyes sparkled with joy and admiration as she saw her groom waiting for her. It was the most wonderful moment to witness.

Capturing Gary and Courtney say “I do” in front of all their closest friends and family was an honor. It felt like I was watching one of my favorite scenes in a Romance Movie that I had grown up with. Their love is strong. Their love is fierce and powerful. Their love has matured together and has helped them blossom into two incredible people (Read all about Courtney & Gary, the early years here). Not only was their ceremony and reception exquisite, but it was 100% true to who Courtney and Gary are; elegant, classic, fun and above all, family oriented.

Their gorgeously tasteful reception took place at Courtney’s family farm, The Woburn Manor. This farm had been a part of her family for over 200 years. It was near and dear to all of them in the most heartwarming way.  Every detail was carefully thought-out, planned and executed by either Gary, Courtney, or someone else close to them. From the second I drove up to the stunning farm, through the moment I saw Courtney’s mother help zip up her wedding dress, and all the way to the tears we all shed during the first dance and family toasts, it was clear that this was a family affair. Courtney and Gary wouldn’t have it any other way. Family comes first to them. I walked out of their reception feeling warm and fuzzy.  Being a part of their love story, their special day of unity and their lovely family affair assured me that I am doing exactly what I am I supposed to be doing; photographing love, life and families.

Courtney, Gary your love for each other and your love towards your friends and family is all consuming and magnificent. I could not imagine a world without the two of you being the power couple that you are.  I wish only the best to you and the newest addition to your family : ) I cannot wait to continue to watch your bond grow stronger and your love grow deeper. Cheers to hundreds of years of joy and adventure!


xo – yael

Work With Yael

My mission is to not only craft images, but really celebrate the unique spirit of Jewish love. I'm here to honor our culture, capture the magic of your love, create family heirlooms for your future and do it all with a whole lot of heart and soul.