
my story


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I had an ice bandage wrapped around my right hand. How did I let this happen? How did I burn myself the morning of my first day of photography school! I was sitting on the passenger side of my new roommates car. Amanda was so poised and so ready to take on the world and here I was, icing my right hand, praying that it wouldn’t blister over too much. It was just so typical Yael.

As Amanda started telling me about her kickball team, I looked out the window, taking in my surroundings. OMG. Where the heck am I? It finally hit me. I was living in New England. The part of the county where Dunkin Donuts was beloved and the Patriots were a way of life. I am actually here. I was in complete awe. It was the first time I had ever been to New England, well, besides the one time I went to Boston with my Jewish sleep away camp, but if you ask me, that doesn’t really count.

I couldn’t believe it. I mean, yes, I had been talking about moving to Western Mass for months. I knew I was doing it. I packed my bags, I said my goodbyes, I left the friends and the roommates that I adored and loved, but, I was ACTUALLY here. I was really doing it. Was I really doing this??

“And we are here!” Amanda said cheerfully. I guess I was doing this…

She made a right turn into the long parking lot of Hallmark Institute of Photography. I took a deep breath in. Am I going to make friends? We saw the welcome balloons as we drove closer to the front of the building. Am I crazy for doing this? We saw the staff smiling at us as they waved. Am I going to be any good? Amanda and I climbed out of the car, I looked down at my burnt hand. Took another deep breath in and headed towards the front door.

The second we passed through the doors, I felt an energy that I’ve never felt before. I felt an excitement that was so deep and so right that my throbbing hand was a thing of the past. I was a photography student now and nothing was going to hold me back.

“And what’s your name?” a bald fellow said as he looked right at me. He was clearly on staff and had a kindness to him that I admired instantly.

“I’m Yael.” and I reached out to shake his hand… with my non-blistering, non-burnt hand of course.

“I’m Tony. Welcome to Hallmark Institute of Photography!”

I felt my entire face smile. I was here. I was finally here and I was so unbelievably ready!

to be continued…

Missed Part I? Check it out here: “How it all Began Part I”

Need to catch up on Part II? “How it all Began Part II”

Want to read Part III?: Check it out here: “How it all Began Part III”

Work With Yael

My mission is to not only craft images, but really celebrate the unique spirit of Jewish love. I'm here to honor our culture, capture the magic of your love, create family heirlooms for your future and do it all with a whole lot of heart and soul.