
healthy life


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“I just stopped eating meat” Lisa said holding up a piece of my hair to assess as I sat in front of her in her salon chair. “One day. I just stopped and I never looked back.”

“I’ve been the same way with dairy. Haven’t touched the stuff in years.” I responded. A few minutes later, we were done, my hair was looking way healthier and I was on my way but her comment and her lifestyle stuck with me.

It’s funny how that happens, a short conversation, a few exchanges of words with a complete stranger can make a huge impact. Maybe I’ve been subconsciously contemplating this for awhile, maybe hearing how easy it was and how better she feels was just a small push in the right direction, whatever the reason was, I found myself googling Pescatarian Diets at 2am that night and if I am going to be completely honest, I loved everything I was seeing.

Better for the environment, check, against animal cruelty, check, tons and tons of health benefits, check. Everything I read just furthered my desire to go cold turkey (no pun intended) and start my Pescatarian Diet right away and that my friends, is exactly what I did.

That night, after my late night googling session, I decided to give this Pescatarian lifestyle a real chance. I don’t know if it is a life long change or just a fun, healthy experiment, but I decided to go pescatarian for 30 days. To me, a month seemed like a great place to start, no pressure, no real commitment, but a chance to live a cleaner, healthier and fresher lifestyle.

It’s been seven days. Seven days with just vegetables, fruits and fish. I thought it would be harder. I thought my body would crave the things it is now lacking, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. I feel energized. My runs are easier, my sleep is deeper and I wake up feeling fresh and ready to go. Seven days down, twenty three to go, or maybe, just maybe this month will change my lifestyle forever.

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You know, it’s funny… If you told me five years ago that I would be this excited that Robert bought us a brand new Ninja 1200 Blender, I would have fell off my chair laughing. I couldn’t bake. I couldn’t cook, let alone use a blender for anything more than a milkshake. Appliances didn’t interest me. New recipes? Forget about it, I couldn’t have cared less. The only time you saw me in the kitchen, I was using the microwave; and that was if I felt like being fancy… My how things have changed!

Seeing our new blender sitting on top of the counter in the perfect location between the knives and the sink made me smile from ear to ear. This blender has opened up the doors to endless possibilities and I could not be more thrilled! This blender has made post-workout protein shakes even better. Pureed soups can now totally be a thing and don’t even get me started on the idea of making my own home-made Peanut Butter!

It is truly amazing what a few years can do. I find myself always looking and searching for healthy new recipes with no added sugar. I constantly swap delicious and nutritious ideas with my friends and my Pinterest boards are no longer just shoes and coffee, but also oatmeal muffins, cauliflower rice and dairy-free chia seed pudding (and a TON of photography, but that is besides the point).

Five years ago, you wouldn’t have seen me without a Grande Soy Dirty Chai Latte in my hand. You wouldn’t have caught me reading the ingredients on the back of the box. And you would definitely not have spotted me using free-weights at the gym. So, as I open up the Ninja 1200 Blender and I start adding in all the whole ingredients to make our favorite Protein-Oat Muffins, I smile.

Things have certainly changed. I have surely evolved and my health and mindfulness has 100% improved. Life’s turning out way better than I thought it would be : )

Cheers to a happy and healthy life!


Work With Yael

My mission is to not only craft images, but really celebrate the unique spirit of Jewish love. I'm here to honor our culture, capture the magic of your love, create family heirlooms for your future and do it all with a whole lot of heart and soul.