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Can I tell you something?

I don’t watch Game of Thrones. I probably shouldn’t admit it, but I just couldn’t get into it when it first aired. Maybe it’s because it came out when I was living in Israel before Netflix and Video Prime were a real thing. Maybe it’s because I have a hard time paying attention to anything (besides photography and my nieces and nephews, of course) for more than like ten minutes at a time. Or maybe it’s because I am fiercely loyal to the fanciful Harry Potter World and have no room in my heart for any other magical universe (which might actually make me a Hufflepuff).

Who really knows what the real reason is but what I do know is that Robert refuses to watch Game of Thrones with me. I don’t even begin to understand any of the references or MEMEs and I have received a ton of blank stares when I admit to others that “I actually don’t watch GOT.” I think I’ve turned on the first episode twenty times and have pretended to pay attention to at least a dozen other ones, but nothing sticks and you know what, I am totally ok with it.

According to The Times, Game of the Thrones is literally the most popular show in the world, EVER. I mean ever, and I am completely sure I couldn’t tell you the first thing about any of the characters.

Robert sometimes jokes around about how I am in a photography bubble and this might be his proof!

It’s like I am in my own little club. When all of my friends are watching Game of Thrones on Sunday night, I get an extra hour or two to read, listen to my podcasts or get some really great editing done. When everyone else talks about the latest episode the next day, I smile, nod and day dream about what productive thing I want to get done this week! I usually hate being clueless, but when it comes to this, I am totally ok with it.

I know it is supposed to be an amazing series. I know that the graphics are incredible and the storyline is on a whole other level. Yet, I am still one hundred percent fine with being in the dark with this one. Maybe that’s my true Hufflepuff colors showing, or maybe I am just the one of the few people in 170 countries who would rather work than watch Game of Thrones.

One thing is for sure, in a couple weeks when the series officially ends, I still will have no input. I still will smile and nod and I still will be very cool with it.

For all those lovely people out there who love their Game of Thrones, I hope the last two episodes are even better and unexpected as you want them to be. I apologize for not understanding the pain or excitement you feel, but this Sunday, I am super thrilled to finish editing my latest engagement session!

Happy watching my friends!

Work With Yael

My mission is to not only craft images, but really celebrate the unique spirit of Jewish love. I'm here to honor our culture, capture the magic of your love, create family heirlooms for your future and do it all with a whole lot of heart and soul.