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You are engaged, you are planning your future with your best friend and you want to fill your home with your own personal style. Now is your chance! You get to put together a wedding registry! You get to put together a list for all your closest friends and family who want to help you fill your home with all the things you want, the things you need and all the small details that compliment you, your lifestyle and your future family. Here are YPPs top 12 tips for creating the Perfect Wedding Registry!
First thing’s first. Check to see what you both already have! Don’t get me wrong, I like new shiny things just as much as the next girl, but if you already have a blender that works like a charm, maybe skip the NINJA!
If you ask me, no need to wait for gifts : )
Sometimes, just like your stomach, your eyes are bigger than your storage… Make sure you have enough space!!
Do you like your things? Are you looking around your kitchen wondering what you possibly can put on your registry but daydreaming about hiking in Europe? Well, guess what!? You can put your honeymoon on your registry! You can put charities and experiences, not just products! You can even have your guests give to The Knot Newleywed Fund!
Register for the things that will make your home feel like you not just the ones your Mom or Future Mother-in-Law suggest. Don’t get me wrong, they are a well of knowledge and tips, but you guys have your own style, your own sense of home, keep that in mind! If your style is more traditional, great! If you love being comfy and having warm tones all around, go for it! Register for the things you want around you after you had a long day at work or when you are binging your favorite Netflix show!
Your guests and their wallets will thank you!
Registering at one store isn’t enough, registering at ten is too many, giving your guests two to four options of places to shop will keep them happy and give you options!
Turn registering into a date night! You are registering for gifts for your future together! Did you hear me? This is for your future! For your family! For you and your boo so make it fun! Go out on a date together, choose the China together, get his input on the fancy champagne flutes and definitely on the grill!
The more plates you get, the better! Your house is going to be full of love, laughter and dinner parties! Don’t settle for just the average 8 plate set, get 12 or even more!
Storage!? I know what you are thinking, why am I registering for storage!? But, this one is important! You want to keep your new sterling silver ware from tarnishing and scratching right?! Register for a place to keep them, for example, a silver chest with slotted insets (or a tightly closed drawer) lined with felt linen. Anything to keep from scratching!
A couple weeks before your wedding, check what is left on your wedding registry online. See what your guest have already bought, what is left and add MORE! Your last minute shoppers will thank you for the bigger variety!
You finally have put together your perfect registry, it is time to tell your friends, but you can’t exactly post online or send the link to everyone can you?! Have your bridal shower host put it on the invitation, slip the news to your best friend and I promise, the word will get out!
Starting your registry may seem daunting, but once you get the ball rolling, it can be fun, exciting and pretty awesome if you ask me! I mean come on, who doesn’t love putting together a list of things they want : )
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Your bridal bouquet. You spent a lot of time and money picking out your bridal bouquet. You spent months dreaming about them. You walked down the aisle holding them. You said “I do” with them by your side. So, why wouldn’t you want to find a way to preserve them!? I mean how tragic would it be if you couldn’t keep them around! Here are YPPs favorite ways of keeping your bridal bouquet around long after your dress is hung up and the shoes are in the closet.
All you need is your flowers, parchment paper and a really heavy book, such as your old Chem Textbook or even a dictionary!
Take the flowers. Spread them out onto the parchment paper. Once the flowers are laid out, place the parchment and flowers into the heavy book. Sandwich the flowers with another piece of parchment paper, we wouldn’t want the ink leak onto your beautiful bouquet! Close it. Put something heavy on it. Leave it for 10 days and let them dry out baby!!
All you need is a string, your’ flowers and well, air! Gather up the stems, tie them together tightly and let them hang upside down. Place them in your hallway closet or any other dry, temperate area. Leave them there for a few weeks. Once you check on them again, they will be a full air dried bouquet of stunning flowers!
Want to go with a more fun, potentially usable method? Turn your bridal bouquet into a paperweight or some other decorative shape! You can use clear epoxy resin in a pinch! All you need to do is get a spherical mold from your local craft store. Fill it halfway with the epoxy resin and carefully arrange the flowers in the fluid. Once the flowers are in the exact right place, fill the rest of the mold with epoxy resin. Let it dry. Finally, when you take the mold off, your bridal bouquet has officially morphed into something that you can cherish and use forever!
Not into dry flowers? That’s ok! Have them painted instead!
Although this isn’t exactly preserving your bridal bouquet, it is keeping the spirit alive! I know you will have plenty of photos of your bouquet from your amazing photographer, but having your flowers painted is a great and unique way of keeping your wedding day a live and hanging on your wall!
I love wedding flowers, I seriously do. I don’t think I have ever met a bridal bouquet that I didn’t like. I will never think a wedding day has too many flowers. If you ask me, your bridal bouquet deserve to be around for more than a day, they deserve to be preserved!
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“Look at all these flowers!” one of my brides said as we walked around the park during her engagement session. “We should just pick some flowers from here for our wedding!” she joked as she looked over at her fiance with a big smile.
“Do you know how much flowers cost!?” The groom said as he turned to me. “It’s literally insane!” He said picking one of the flowers and handing it to his beautiful bride-to-be. My heart melted…
Mix it up: For all the bride and grooms out there who are on a budget but are dreaming of a wedding day with beautiful flowers and petals all around. I get it, and I will be the last person to tell you to nix your flowers. Flowers are some of my favorite wedding details myself! It is your wedding day and you deserve to have everything you want! How do you get the flowers of my dreams? Three simple words. Mix it up!
Instead of sticking to just one floral centerpiece on all of your wedding tables, ask your florist to create several arrangements at a variety of sizes. Size variety = different price points. Different price points = more flowers! Instead of 20 tables with $800 floral centerpieces, you can have 5 tables with $800 centerpieces, 5 tables with $600 centerpieces, 5 tables with $400 and 5 tables with $300. This way, you stay in your budget and get to add a little bit of flair You will still have the WOW factor and your wallet isn’t hating you! Can you say, “bring on the flower!”
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“I just don’t know about the dress” she said as she looked down. “I just can’t tell if it is the right look for me. ” My friend said as she twirled around to see the back in the mirror.
I just stared at her, in awe. My eyes watering, my mouth wide open. “Are you serious? It is perfect!” I said.
She put her hand on her chin and started squinting “I just don’t know”
As I watched her all I could think was… She looked incredible. It was the perfect dress. It was everything she described all wrapped up into one beautiful white dress. How could she not see how gorgeous she truly looked!
Then it hit me. Her hair was in a messy bun on the top of her head. She was wearing her big, round glasses. Her bra-strap was showing and her sneakers were peaking out at the bottom. She needed to feel confident in herself before trying on wedding dress….
“I love it!” I said, ” I think we should put in on hold.”
“What? Why!” She asked as we start unbuttoning the dress.
“Trust me on this one” I said.
A week later, we went to her favorite hair salon, got her hair and make-up done… on me of course. Once we were done, we went back to the bridal boutique, tried on the dress again. When she turned around to see herself in the mirror. We were both in tears.
“This is THE dress!” She said.
Primp First, Shop Second. Bridal Boutiques are great when it comes to having the best lighting, great mirrors and incredible customer service. But, and there always is a but, you will be much happier with the experience if you felt confident and beautiful walking in already! Dress shopping can be a little intimidating and you are the bride for crying out loud! You deserve to feel beautiful and gorgeous so, instead of showing up with your usual shopping hair and glasses on, primp a little. Walk in feeling your best! You won’t regret it : )
Work With Yael
My mission is to not only craft images, but really celebrate the unique spirit of Jewish love. I'm here to honor our culture, capture the magic of your love, create family heirlooms for your future and do it all with a whole lot of heart and soul.