
YP Announcements


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I am not the first one to say this and I definitely won’t be the last one, but 2020 has been quite a year! During all the ups and downs, adjusted plans and crazy lock downs, one thing has been consistent and so very clear, I have the best and most incredible clients a person could ask for.

The joy, the love and the intimacy that I had the luxury of capturing this year has been an honor. All of you have filled my life with even more purpose, more happiness and more warmth than ever before.

It has been such a special and unbelievable experience witnessing all of my 2020 couples celebrate their love in one way or another. I know this year has been tough and devastating in general, but this year has also reassured me that true love is strong, true love is epic and true love can be everything.

I feel blessed on more levels than you can imagine.

I am SO excited to announce that for the third year in a row Yael Pachino Photography LLC won “The Knot Best of Weddings” and none of it was possible with out you, my amazing, kind and strong couples. This is all because of you. Because of your support. Because of your encouragement. Because of your strength. And because you were kind enough to share your YP experience with The Knot, so thank you for not only filling my 2020 with beautiful moments and wonderful memories, but for the heartfelt words that left me speechless!

From the bottom of my heart, I could not be more touched and honored by this truly magnificent award!

Not only do your testimonials earn YPP fun awards, but your words also help future brides! They speak louder than radio ads, Facebook boosts and even magazine spreads. 84% of people trust online reviews just as much as they trust their friends. That means that you have an impact on others. You have the chance to help future brides who are just like you find the perfect wedding vendors for them. So, thank you!

I am overwhelmed by the love I get on a daily bases. I could not be where I am today without all of you. I cherish every moment I spend with you, every phone and every ZOOM meeting. You all mean the world to me!

Thank you to each and every one of you! My heart is so full because of you!

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I know right now you might be thinking “Will this ever end? Will my kids ever leave the house? Will I be home-schooling them forever?”

Let me just say, it will end! Corona will pass, we will be back to work, your kids will be out of the house and life will go back to normal. Celebrate the fact that your family not only made it through Corona but are stronger than ever with a family portrait session!

And this is the cool part! 50% of your session fee will be donated to No Kid Hungry. A charity that works with food banks and families to make sure children in need can find healthy meals until the schools reopen.

So not only will you be getting some amazing family portraits, but you will also be helping children in need thrive during this unsettling time!

Interested? Great! Here are the details!


A 25 minute session with an online gallery to go with it!


Sunday July 12th, 2020 (all sessions with be between 8am-10am and 4pm-7:30pm)


Morning: LinwFod Park (199 E Athens Ave, Ardmore, PA 19003)

Evening: Fairmount Waterworks (640 Waterworks Dr, Philadelphia, PA 19130)


  1. Well, first off, you are helping children in need during a pandemic that we were not prepared for.
  2. You survived Corona together. Isn’t that enough of a reason to celebrate your family!
  3. It is a proven fact that children who see printed family portraits every single day have a higher sense of belonging and higher self-esteem! It reminds them that they are not only part of a unit, but they are loved and they will never be left alone. It gives them a sense of connection that photos on your phone or computer cannot provide. It gives them physical proof that they have an unconditional support system! What is more important than that?!


The YPP family mini session fee is usually $300 but as a special Corona special, if you book before April 14th, I am offering the same exact session for $225 (plus tax)!


Sessions are non-refundable (but may be transferred to another family or in the case that Corona is still in effect, postponed to a different date)! Sessions are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. When they’re gone, they’re gone, so don’t miss out!

Book Now!

Email me yael@yael.photos or by my contact form. Send me an email with your name and preferred time!

Here is a little sneak peek of what we can create together!!

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Thank you, thank you, thank you… and a million more times, thank you!🎉🎉

Pop the champagne because we are celebrating!! 🍾 I am so excited to announce that Yael Pachino Photography LLC has received the “WeddingWire’s Couples Choice Awards” ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐for the second year in a row and I couldn’t have done it with out all of you! Because of your love ❤️and your support. Because you continue to cheer me on 📣and lift me up every single day. And because you were kind enough to share your YP experience with the WeddingWire, so thank you! 👩‍💻👩‍💻👩‍💻

I am beyond touched by your words, your kindness and your hearts.  I couldn’t be doing what I love, with the people I admire and with the art that I obsess over, without all of you! 📷📷📷

From the bottom of my heart, thank you to all the incredible people who have been with me from the beginning and who continue to support me throughout this journey as a person and as a wedding photographer! My dreams are coming true and growing even bigger because of you!  I cherish every moment I spend with my amazing clients and my loving support system. So, thank you.

Cheers to all the amazing Ypbrides and Ypgrooms of 2019 and here’s to all my 2020 Ypweddings! I cannot wait for what is yet to come!

I know this year is going to be even better than last! I cannot wait to spend this year growing, laughing and capturing with all of you!

Thank you to each and every one of you!

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The only thing I can really say is THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

Oh, and WOW!!!

I have to admit, I honestly believe that I have the most inspiring, loving and sweetest YP Couples I could ever ask for. It was a year full of magic, love and happiness. Thank you for always giving me something to smile about!

I feel blessed on more levels than you can imagine.

I am SO excited to announce that for the second year in a row Yael Pachino Photography LLC won “The Knot Best of Weddings” None of it was possible without you! This is all because of you. Because of your support. Because of your encouragement. And because you were kind enough to share your YP experience with The Knot, so thank you, thank you, thank you!

It has really been one awesome year! From the bottom of my heart, I could not be more touched and honored by this truly amazing award!

Not only do your testimonials earn YPP fun awards, but your words also help future brides! They speak louder than radio ads, Facebook boosts and even magazine spreads. 84% of people trust online reviews just as much as they trust their friends. That means that you have an impact on others. You have the chance to help future brides who are just like you find the perfect wedding vendors for them. So, thank you!

I am overwhelmed by the love I get on a daily bases. I could not be where I am today without all of you. I cherish every moment I spend with my amazing clients and my loving support system. So, thank you.

Cheers to all the amazing Ypbrides and Ypgrooms of 2019 and here’s to all my 2020 YPweddings! I cannot wait for what is yet to come!

Thank you to each and every one of you! My heart is so full because of you!

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I love late summer in Philadelphia. There is nothing like it! With the warm season coming to an end and school year just around the corner, it is the perfect time to capture family portraits! That’s why I am super excited to announce this year’s mini family portrait session date!

Interested? Great! Here are the details!


A 25 minute session with an online gallery to go with it!


Sunday September 8 (all sessions with be between 8am-10am and 4pm-7:30pm


Linwood Park (199 E Athens Ave, Ardmore, PA 19003)


  1. I would absolutely love to photograph your family. Nothing makes me happier than capturing a family’s unique, corky love
  2. It might just be time for some new family photos
  3. School is right around the corner and every moment, every age, deserves to be photographed!

The investment

The YPP family mini session fee is $300 but if you book before August 14th, 2019, you will get $50 off!

Ten percent of all earnings will go towards The Jewish Wedding Project.

Limited Spaces Available

Sessions are non-refundable (but may be transferred to another family) and are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. When they’re gone, they’re gone, so don’t miss out!

Book Now!

Email me yael@yael.photos or by my contact form. Send me an email with your name and preferred time!

Here is a little sneak peek of what we can create together!!

Work With Yael

My mission is to not only craft images, but really celebrate the unique spirit of Jewish love. I'm here to honor our culture, capture the magic of your love, create family heirlooms for your future and do it all with a whole lot of heart and soul.