“Ok, I don’t know what to do… my parents keep telling me that it’s bad luck to do a First Look, but I don’t know… I think seeing him in the morning will make me feel a lot less nervous!” my bride explained as we were sitting across from each other at Starbucks. I just nodded. This is a conversation I have with a lot of my brides. “Plus we can get ALL the photos done before the ceremony,” she continued. I nodded again and took a sip of my tea. “I don’t know Yael. Do you really think it is bad luck?” That was my cue…
“I think doing a First Look is a great idea! And NO it is not bad luck! Seeing each other a couple hours sooner won’t change your marriage in the least! It is going to be the most incredible day no matter what. You are marrying your best friend! Seeing him sooner will just make it that much sweeter!”
First Look? Or no First Look.. That is the question… there are plenty of reasons why couples opt out of doing a First Look, and that it totally fine! If you are more traditional and want to wait until you walk down the aisle to see your husband-to-be’s face drop in awe as he sees you in your white dress, I say go for it! But to be honest, if it was me, I would definitely do a First Look and this is why…
Calm those nerves: Wedding days can be hectic, crazy and extremely exciting! There are so many little things to keep track of. So many details to take care of and so many people to interact with. Just so many things! If you are anything like me, that combo creates one heck of a lot of nerves. I absolutely love when my couples opt for a First Look. The second you walk up behind your SO, tap him on the shoulder and see the admiration in his eyes, the nerves wash away and all you have left is complete and total bliss. I mean, it is your wedding day and you are marrying your best friend, why not spend as much time as possible together!
Looking fresh AF: No matter how much hairspray you put in your hair or how much you try not to get any part of your attire dirty, you will look the best before the ceremony! Think about it, it is right after you finish getting your hair and make-up done, your dress is perfectly in place and your mascara hasn’t been cried off yet. You’ve spent a lot of time and energy putting together your wedding day attire, may as well get photographed when you are looking as fresh as possible!
Finally, some alone time: The First Look is an intimate moment between you and your hubby-to-be. No one else is around, it is just you, the love of your life (dressed to the nines I may add), and your photographer (who will give you guys enough space and time to have all the feels). For the first time all day, you will have a second to breath, take it all in and just spend some alone time with your one and only.
Photos, Photos, Photos: This one may be my favorite reason… I am a photographer ya know? Not only does the First Look provide incredibly intimate and awesome photos, but it gives you a chance to get the majority of your formal portraits done before the ceremony, which come on, who doesn’t want that! There is less stress, less rush and everyone is excited and ready to go. If for some reason there is a delay, because let’s face it, delays can totally happen on a wedding day, everything will be ok because you planned! You carefully scheduled plenty of time to capture every photo and every person that means the most to you! I have never had a couple say, “I wish we didn’t get all the formal portraits done before the ceremony.” I have never had a couple say “I wish we had less time for photos.”
Party as much as possible: You spent months, maybe even years, planning your wedding and I want you to do enjoy every moment to the fullest… but without sacrificing any photo opportunities, of course. A First Look gives you the time to get the most out of your party and your photography! It gives you more time to talk to your guests, but also make sure you have plenty of photos with Great Aunt Margie. It gives you the time to enjoy the present but also create lasting photos for the future. At the end of the day, your party will end, the wedding details will be stored away, all the cake will be gone but your photos will forever keep the day alive in your wedding album or on your walls. If you ask me, it is a win, win situation
Don’t get me wrong, no matter what you decide, first look or no first look, you will have incredible photos an amazing wedding and happy memories that will last a life time! I just want you to enjoy every second of your wedding day!
My mission is to not only craft images, but really celebrate the unique spirit of Jewish love. I'm here to honor our culture, capture the magic of your love, create family heirlooms for your future and do it all with a whole lot of heart and soul.