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“I have so many kids coming to my wedding.” She said as we were looking over the timeline. “Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE kids. Specially the ones coming to my wedding. I just don’t want them to get bored mid-ceremony you know?” I totally knew. This is actually a big concern for a lot of couples. They love the idea of having all of the little ones around, but get nervous about missed nap times and skipped over snacks. “Well, you know what I just saw the other day” I said as I closed my laptop to focus completely on my bride. “One of my couples put together these little fun goodie bags for all kids and gave them out right before the ceremony” She smiled.
“You mean like a bag full of distractions?”
“YES!” Exactly like that. And with that, we both opened our laptops again and started searching for the best things to put in her goodie bags.
Distract the little ones. I love kids. I mean, I do have nine nieces and nephews of my own and I want nothing more than to see them in their pretty dresses and cute bowties at my future wedding. There is nothing sweeter than seeing a child’s face as they witness the magic of a bride and a groom getting married. But, with strict timelines, the crazy chaos and complete newness of a wedding day, it can be a little much for the little ones. By the time the ceremony comes around, the children can be exhausted, hungry and overwhelmed. So, give them a goodie bag just for them. Right before the ceremony, have someone go around to each of the kids with a bag full of quite toys, such as a container of bubbles, a yoyo, stickers and even some crayons with a fun “wedding day coloring book. Anything that is quite and can keep them sitting and entertained. Their parents will thank you and you will love to see what pictures they colored at your ceremony!
Work With Yael
My mission is to not only craft images, but really celebrate the unique spirit of Jewish love. I'm here to honor our culture, capture the magic of your love, create family heirlooms for your future and do it all with a whole lot of heart and soul.