
New York


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There we were, on a roof deck bar on the 24th floor of a Manhattan hotel. The view of the city was absolutely stunning. It was the first time in years that I felt this kind of awe for the City. We were surrounded by friends. The weather was perfect and Robert and I just spent the afternoon admiring an incredible art exhibit. For the first time in years, I thought Wow, I totally get you New York.

When I was a Sophomore in college I was convinced I was a New Yorker at heart. I thought it was the only city worth living in and I could not wait to graduate from Maryland, move to Brooklyn (or Queens) and take the world by storm. I mean, the bagels and lox alone is reason enough right?

“So apparently there is a huge power outage that hit over 45000 people just a little north of here.” Ryan said as he read his news alert off of his phone.

No one seemed too concerned. The music was going. The drinks were flowing. We were totally content watching the sun go down, chatting and witnessing half of the city completely dark. It felt like nothing could touch us.

But then, all at once, the music stopped, the lights turned off, and we were sitting in darkness ourselves. The power outage finally hit our little bar oasis.

“So time to go, right?” Robert turned to me and smiled.


Robert grabbed my hand and we ran down the 24 flights of stairs, down to the street and headed to the parking garage. As we walked through the darkness, I was shocked. I felt giddy instead of overwhelmed. Maybe it had to do with the fact that I knew Philadelphia had power and as soon as we got to our car, we would be headed home. Maybe it had to do with the fact that I was with Robert and there is no one else I would rather spend a power outage with. And maybe it had to do with the way the darkness seemed to bring New York together and everyone was lending a helping hand. Or maybe it was a combination of all three… whatever the reason is, I found myself thinking again, I totally get you New York.

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“I’ve had a lot of big decisions to make in my life, Sophie isn’t one of them. Being with her is hands down the best and easiest decision I have ever made.” Yossi said as my heart melted into a huge pile next to him. The best word to describe Yossi and Sophie’s love is absolute. They are absolutely best friends. Absolutely supportive of each others hopes and dreams. And absolutely and completely in love with each other.

It is one of the coolest feelings in the world to see someone you grew up with build a beautiful and strong relationship with their one and only. I have known Yossi for years, we went to Middle School together and I can still hear his shocked gasp as he stuck a hairpin into a wall outlet in the middle of our morning prayers. If you told me then that I would have the pleasure of witnessing his absolute love for Sophie, I would not have believed you.

For their engagement session, we walked around Dumbo Park on the hottest Sunday in January, It was an incredible day, we created a ton of awesome photos, talked about our lives and sipped on some kick-ass Brooklyn coffee. As I drove back home to Philadelphia that night, I was grinning from ear to ear.

Sophie is one the kindest women I have met in a very long time. Her energy and her genuineness makes you warm from top to bottom. Her smiles brightens the room, her wit makes you laugh, and her excitement for life makes you excited for life. She has this way of talking to you that makes you feel like you are the most important person in the room.

Yossi is just as kind. He has this ability to relate to everyone and anything. He is sharp, sincere and very funny. He had me laughing the entire engagement session and more importantly, he had his Sophie smiling and giggling the entire time too. There is just so much love between the two of them. It is so real, so strong and so very absolute.



Work With Yael

My mission is to not only craft images, but really celebrate the unique spirit of Jewish love. I'm here to honor our culture, capture the magic of your love, create family heirlooms for your future and do it all with a whole lot of heart and soul.