
New Jersey


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 “Tail!”  Robert yelled as he started running through the tall, unkept grass. 

“What?” I said as I followed.

“TAIL! I saw something with a tail”

OH NO! Robert zipped by me making a path for me to follow, my adrenaline kicked in and I was on the move. As we rushed through the trees and snake holes, I couldn’t help but smile. There is no one else in the world I would rather run through a forest away from danger than with Robert Goldberg. There is no one else I feel safer with. Granted, maybe I should have been a little bit more terrified of the Bobcat, Mountain Lion or whatever other terrifying animal that roams the forests of New Jersey, but I couldn’t help myself, I knew I was with the one person who I could count on. I was with my person.

“So, what would you have done if the Mountain Lion saw us and went after us” I asked as my heart beat slowed down and we stepped onto the clear marked trail. 

“I would have beat him up” I shook my head and laughed. Ladies and gentleman that is Robert for you. Of course he had a plan. Of course he would know what to do in a crisis.

This man continues to amaze me. Robert’s love for adventure and thirst of knowledge is truly inspirational. I am lucky to have someone who gets me up and out from behind the camera and hiking on a Sunday morning. I am lucky to have someone who appreciates the view of the journey instead of only focusing on the destination. I am lucky to have someone who tries to live life to the fullest. I am lucky to have my Robert. 

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“This…” said the Rabbi as he stood under the Chuppah, holding up a beautiful Jewish Wine Cup. “Is mine and Yossi’s Grandfather’s Kos (wine cup) which survived the Holocaust” the guests were quite. He continued as he poured the wine. “The Talit (a fringed garment traditionally worn either under or over one’s clothing by Jewish Males) that is part of the Chuppah above, was our Grandfather’s as well” and with that, he handed Sophie the cup to drink out of.  In that moment, I watched Yossi and Sophie underneath the Chuppah, the Chuppah that Yossi’s father built. They were surrounded by four generations of family, all lined up on both sides of this incredible couple. The entire bunch of them, were completely encompassed by these beautiful family heirlooms that had survived the worst of days and I felt a direct connection to the past and an abundance of hope for the future. There is something so immensely special and something so breathtakingly meaningful about a wedding ceremony like Yossi and Sophie’s. Every detail was carefully chosen and every aspect represented a part of their heritage, their family and their hearts. As Sophie took a sip of wine out of Yossi’s Grandfather’s cup, my heart was full of pride, admiration and a feeling of unity.

Yossi and Sophie as a couple are amazing in every way imaginable. One of the most inspirational parts about them together is the way they treat their family and friends. The love that I felt from every-which direction at their wedding was copious and never ending. One of Yossi’s nieces even sat on Sophie’s lap throughout all of the speeches! And with a family like this one, everyone had a funny anecdote, cute story or loving expression to share. Listening to Yossi and Sophie’s family talk about them as individuals and as a couple had me smiling and laughing the entire time. And the best part of all, throughout every single speech, I had the chance to  witness Yossi admire his beautiful bride with the most kind and loving eyes I have ever seen.

Yossi and Sophie spent the entire day laughing and dancing wholeheartedly with their closest friends and family. I have personally never seen two people laugh so much during their wedding ceremony but it was the quintessential  way for these two to tie the knot. Both the ceremony and the reception took place in Sophie’s Aunt’s sweetly stunning backyard… and what better place for a sweet and stunning couple, such as Yossi and Sophie, to start their marriage.

Yossi, Sophie your love is kind, your hearts are bigger than life and your smiles are contagious. Don’t ever stop being the “yophiest” couple that ever was!

Vendors: Catering: Bistro70 | DJ: David Jacob Productions | Flowers: Avenue Flowers Gift | Videographer: Pretty Elektrik Company | Tent: ALMAR Party and tent Rentals | Keyboard for Chuppah: Yisroel Shonek | Salon: Yoni Kreger Salon | Mesadar Kedushin: Rabbi Yisroel Munk


Work With Yael

My mission is to not only craft images, but really celebrate the unique spirit of Jewish love. I'm here to honor our culture, capture the magic of your love, create family heirlooms for your future and do it all with a whole lot of heart and soul.