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I am currently sitting on the porch of our Airbnb located in the heart of Jerusalem, Israeli music is flowing from the cafe downstairs, the chatter of birds are chirping around us, I can still feel the buzz of the Israeli Shook and Robert is taking a cat nap inside.
This weeks tip of the week is not just for those brides and grooms out there planning a wedding, it is for all humans of all ages, demographics, careers and stages of life. This weeks tip is for my fellow Type A Personalities and it’s for anyone who feels like they are spreading themselves too thin.
Read these words carefully… It is ok to take sometime for yourself. Let me say it again; It is ok to take sometime for yourself. I know I struggle with this one a lot. I find myself always wanting to work and put my clients and business first, but sometimes you just need to take a day or two and just breathe!
I have spent the last few days surrounded by my favorite little guys, (aka my nieces and nephews) and exploring this country with an even deeper found love for the people and culture. This trip has definitely changed me.
As much as I love my work and my clients, today, I am taking the time to relax, refresh and recenter myself. Today, I will be hiking and running around Tel Aviv with Robert for the first time. Today, I am taking time for myself and I know, in the long run, my work will thank me for the time off. I know, that next week, when I land in Newark Airport and get back to my life as usual, I will be 100% ready to jump right back into the photography hustle. But not today. Today, I am taking time to be with the people I love most in life.
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Guys, I am lucky. As a small business owner, I don’t have the normal 9 – 5 schedule. I don’t have to be in a certain place for 40 hours a week. I don’t have to count my vacation days or call in when I’m sick. It is up to me to fit it all in, stay on task and never miss a deadline.
I like to consider my schedule flexible, yet consistent. That is why, all winter long, I had strived to get to City Fitness six times a week and always in the morning. It was great! I never had to wait for a bench. My favorite cardio machines were always available and all the dead lifting platforms were free. The gym was essentially empty, mine and one of my favorite places to be!
But winter has come and gone, the weather is nicer and the outdoor photography sessions are being booked one on top of the other! Being busy with what you love is the goal isn’t it?! It is a beautiful thing and I wouldn’t want it any other way!
So, when I found myself at the gym at 6:30pm, I was shocked. It was buzzing with people. As I waited my turn to use the Smith Machine, I didn’t let it frustrate me, (even though I am Type A through and through)! I actually took it as a win! I had spent that entire morning outside taking photos in the best city with the best clients! My afternoon was filled with coffee consultations and phone check-ins. If waiting for a machine at the gym was the worst thing of the day, I am insanely lucky. As I sat down on the Lateral Pull bench to work in an extra set or two, I kept my eyes on the Smith Machine and smiled.
Always keep your eyes on the prize. Never give up your goals. Go after your dreams and do it all!
Work With Yael
My mission is to not only craft images, but really celebrate the unique spirit of Jewish love. I'm here to honor our culture, capture the magic of your love, create family heirlooms for your future and do it all with a whole lot of heart and soul.