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“OK, I think I am going to run to the grocery store and…” my phone started buzzing from my back pocket, ARMANDA in bright white letters showed up on the caller ID.  “It’s your grandmother!” I said with a huge smile. I sit down next to Robert and put my phone on speaker so we both can hear.

“Yael and Robert, I need a favor” She said in her thick Israeli accent with no time for greetings, “I have a new cell phone and I need your help. You are my new tech support. I am your favorite client!” She explained. Within 30 minutes, we were on our way to Armanda’s apartment in Center City, leaving the groceries and all of our other errands behind. Armanda came first and that was just a fact of life.

As the doorman ushered us in, I took a look at the beautiful lobby and was reminded of how incredibly blessed I am to be considered a part of this family. Armanda is one of the strongest women I know and her sense of style puts everyone else to shame. From the day I met Robert, I knew his grandmother was a fiery woman who he admires dearly. Now, almost four years later, she is someone I not only admire, but aspire to be like. Nothing stops her. No matter what life throws her way she holds her head up high and keeps moving forward.

Looking perfect and sophisticated in every way, Armanda answered the door with a huge, loving smile. I immediately felt grateful and honored all in one. Honored that she picked up her phone to call me. Honored to be hugged and kissed when I walked into the door. Honored to be the one she thinks is good enough for her eldest grandson.

Before I knew it, we were sitting amongst the beautiful Israeli art side by side as I showed her how to use her new Samsung. I admit. I was impressed. For someone who isn’t great with my own phone, watching Armanda try her best to understand technology was incredible. In a world that is totally different than the one she grew up in, she doesn’t let the unknowns hold her back.  I actually think Armanda understands how to use emojis better than I do! She is a constant reminder that no matter what, your inner strength can push you forward. She is a constant reminder that age is just a number. She is a constant reminder that you can always learn, grow and become a better version of yourself.

Work With Yael

My mission is to not only craft images, but really celebrate the unique spirit of Jewish love. I'm here to honor our culture, capture the magic of your love, create family heirlooms for your future and do it all with a whole lot of heart and soul.