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Your bridal bouquet. You spent a lot of time and money picking out your bridal bouquet. You spent months dreaming about them. You walked down the aisle holding them. You said “I do” with them by your side. So, why wouldn’t you want to find a way to preserve them!? I mean how tragic would it be if you couldn’t keep them around! Here are YPPs favorite ways of keeping your bridal bouquet around long after your dress is hung up and the shoes are in the closet.

Press the Flowers

All you need is your flowers, parchment paper and a really heavy book, such as your old Chem Textbook or even a dictionary!

Take the flowers. Spread them out onto the parchment paper. Once the flowers are laid out, place the parchment and flowers into the heavy book. Sandwich the flowers with another piece of parchment paper, we wouldn’t want the ink leak onto your beautiful bouquet! Close it. Put something heavy on it. Leave it for 10 days and let them dry out baby!!

Hang the Flowers Upside Down

All you need is a string, your’ flowers and well, air! Gather up the stems, tie them together tightly and let them hang upside down. Place them in your hallway closet or any other dry, temperate area. Leave them there for a few weeks. Once you check on them again, they will be a full air dried bouquet of stunning flowers!

Preserve Your Flowers with Epoxy Resin

Want to go with a more fun, potentially usable method? Turn your bridal bouquet into a paperweight or some other decorative shape! You can use clear epoxy resin in a pinch! All you need to do is get a spherical mold from your local craft store. Fill it halfway with the epoxy resin and carefully arrange the flowers in the fluid. Once the flowers are in the exact right place, fill the rest of the mold with epoxy resin. Let it dry. Finally, when you take the mold off, your bridal bouquet has officially morphed into something that you can cherish and use forever!

Have your flowers painted

Not into dry flowers? That’s ok! Have them painted instead!

Although this isn’t exactly preserving your bridal bouquet, it is keeping the spirit alive! I know you will have plenty of photos of your bouquet from your amazing photographer, but having your flowers painted is a great and unique way of keeping your wedding day a live and hanging on your wall!

I love wedding flowers, I seriously do. I don’t think I have ever met a bridal bouquet that I didn’t like. I will never think a wedding day has too many flowers. If you ask me, your bridal bouquet deserve to be around for more than a day, they deserve to be preserved!

Work With Yael

My mission is to not only craft images, but really celebrate the unique spirit of Jewish love. I'm here to honor our culture, capture the magic of your love, create family heirlooms for your future and do it all with a whole lot of heart and soul.