Raise your hand if you get anxiety when your friends start talking about this years Secret Santa, Hanukah Harry or White Elephant parties… I know I do! I find myself always overthinking what to get, looking at things that are just WAY over budget or choosing things that are just too basic; but not this year! This year I did my research ahead of time and found an array of gifts that are perfect for any gift exchange and I am so excited to share them with you! Here is “Yael’s 2018 Top Ten Holiday Gifts under $50” with all of you! Hope this relieves some of the holiday angst!
Aero Press: $34.99
Aero Press I don’t know about you guys, but I have a boyfriend who absolutely loves coffee. He loves trying the different roasts, attempting different brewing methods and tasting the unique notes in each blend. Me on the other hand, can’t tell the difference between dark and light roast. If you have a coffee lover in mind, the Aero Press is an awesome and user friendly coffee brewing system. It is easy. Fast. And OH so tasty!
Garden Jar Herb Kit: $20 for one herb
Garden Jar Herb Kit-Shoot, I forgot to pick up basil… Ugh I don’t want to drive ALL the way to the store just for basil… Does this sound familiar? I think Robert and I end up throwing out 75% of the herbs that we buy and I wish this wasn’t true… I know what you are thinking, just plant your own garden! That would be a lot easier if I didn’t live in a city house with a cemented backyard! So, if you have a friend who loves to cook with herbs, but complains about wasting produce, this garden jar herb kit is the perfect gift! Plus, it waters itself which is a game changer!
Fruit Infusing Ice Balls: $10.00
Fruit Infusing Ice Balls Do you have that friend who is obsessed with drinking water? The one that talks about how important it is to stay hydrated? Or that friend who hates drinking water but knows it is good for him/her so they try and force themselves to drink as many cups as they can but complain about the taste (and yes! I know there are people out there who hate the taste of water, I used to be one of them)! These Fruit Infused Ice Balls will add that little extra something to each cup of water and they will forever thank you.
Pinrose Style Kit: $47.00
Pinrose Style Kit Now this one is for your bestie who is always looking to smell fabulous but gets bored of perfume quickly. This kit will make her the happiest! Give her the gift of mixology! It will give her the chance to mix it up, layer and explore her fragrance. Every time you see her she will be proud of her unique scent : )
Barkbox: $35 for one month
BarkBox Oh I know I have some dog lovers reading this (including myself!) and I also know that everyone has at least one friend who loves their dog more than life itself. Barkbox give you the option to not only make the friend happy, but their furry baby happy too! What is Barkbox you may ask? Think Naturebox but for dogs!
Twist World Adapter: $37.95
World Adapter: We all have a friend who has #Wonderlust, but like for real, not just the instagram version of Wonderlust. The friend who saves up money, to spend it all on an epic trip… just to come home to save up money to go on another trip. This little gadget will be her/ his prized possession. They will never have to go out and by another adaptor again and they will be thinking of you, thanking you, and potentially buying keychains for you all around the world : )
Book of the Month: $44.99 (three months)
Book of the Month: This one is for the friend who is always in search of a new book to read. Its for the book-warm of the group; the Rori Gilmore’s of the world. The people who would so much rather read a book than watch a movie every night of the week.
Moshi Touchescreen Gloves: $29.95
Moshi Touchscreen Gloves: That friend who is always cold… like always cold…. needs this! These gloves will come in handy any time they are outdoors, or even indoors in the winter. You will never hear “Sorry I didn’t respond, it was too cold to text” again! These gloves are made specifically for your smart phone, and they are cute too!
Raspberry- pi: $35.00
Raspberry-pi: Ok guys, this one I don’t even begin to understand how it works, but I am sure your techie friend will! It is a great gift for any hobbyist who wants to tinker around, program and have endless projects! It is small, affordable and a gift that will make your tech friend smile from ear to ear!
Frozen Desert Maker: $45.99
Frozen Dessert Maker: This one is for the friend who LOVES dessert. The one who says, “OMG I am so full… who wants to get ice cream” the friend who you know is eyeing the cookies at every cafe you walk into. That friend will absolutely love you for the rest of time with this Frozen Dessert Maker! It can turn any fruit into soft serve. The best part about it is, you know EXACTLY what goes in. No added sugar, no unwanted dairy or additional ingredients. They will thank you a million times over!
And there you have it, “Yael’s 2018 Top Holiday Gifts for Under $50
Do you have any gifts your excited to give this holiday season?! Comment below! I’d love to hear!
Oh! And don’t forget to keep visiting my Facebook Business Page and Instagram for more details about “Yael’s 8 Days of Chanukah Give-Aways!
My mission is to not only craft images, but really celebrate the unique spirit of Jewish love. I'm here to honor our culture, capture the magic of your love, create family heirlooms for your future and do it all with a whole lot of heart and soul.