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“How do I not have enough friends to help with my wedding projects” asked my bestie as she was describing how many hours she spent on her DIY centerpieces the night before. “I mean, when we started all this wedding stuff, I seriously thought we’d have it all done by now.” Her wedding was only a few weeks away and it sounded like she needed all hands on deck. “What can I do to help?” I asked as we made our way through the hustle and bustle of Rittenhouse Square. “OH MY GOD. Seriously!?? You want to help me put the rest of the centerpieces together tonight??? I’ll buy the wine!” She asked me with the biggest puppy dog eyes possible. “Of course!” I said, and with that we walked into La Colombe and I could tell she felt a little bit closer to her goal.
DIY weddings – keep it helpful, not stressful: DIY Weddings can be an awesome idea; Cost- effective and adds that extra little something that makes your wedding personal and intimate. But, and this is a big but guys, DIY takes a lot of time, planning and energy. Some brides absolutely love it! They have a vision, the organizational skills and the creative touch to be able to DIY without even a sweat. And for those brides, I say go for it! You do you booboo! But for those brides who are more like me: for those brides who find themselves never having enough time or never having the specific details in mind and more of a general idea of what you want, I advice you to be very selective on your DIY projects. Don’t go overboard! Sometimes, just like in business, it is easier to outsource than do it yourself. You don’t want to overwhelm you, your family and your fiance even more!
If I was you, I would choose three big DIY projects that can be done months in advance; for example, centerpieces, table numbers and even party favors. This way, you can work on them over time instead of rushing to the finish line. Don’t forget! You are engaged to the one you love! This time is special and should be cherished. These DIY projects are your wedding details and should be meaningful and loved instead of stressful and rushed. Leave the time sensitive details to the professionals. It will make the wedding planning that much less taxing!
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“Yael!” Everyone is booked! I cannot find a single decent band that isn’t already booked! Please tell me you have some incredible connection and can find me a band of my dreams!” My bride was getting married in three months and she and her fiance just couldn’t agree on a band… so they put it off, got caught up with everything else on their never-ending todo list and all of the sudden, their wedding was right around the corner and they were left without a band!
“Ok. Don’t worry, we will figure it out! Let me ask around! I’ll be in touch ASAP” I hung up the phone and began calling all of the local vendors I knew, I am sure SOMEONE knew someone who might still be available and within her budget. For all of my readers out there, don’t fret! She found an awesome band that she, her husband and all of their guests absolutely loved! It was an incredible wedding with tons of dancing and great music. Everything worked out just the way it should have!
One thing at a Time! Being engaged is a magical time in your lives as a couple. You just agreed to be partners for life. You and your best friend promised to spend the rest of your days next to each other, cheering each other on and being each other’s biggest support system. Planning a wedding should be exciting and fun. It’s the beginning to your marriage! It breaks my heart when I hear how chaotic and stressful it can be. The todo list feels like it just goes on and on and there is no end in sight! Take a deep breath! It is going to be ok! Instead of looking at everything all at once, focus on one big task at a time. Once you finish one thing, then go on to the next. Trust me on this one, it is way easier. I know what you’re thinking “Ok Yael, that makes total sense but what do I focus on first!? What should be my top priority when?! How do I know when to book what!?” You are in luck! I have put together a YP cheat sheet to help you figure out the ideal time to book your favorite wedding vendors!
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“Do you think people will like this!?” one of my brides texted me. I waited for the screenshot to download. It was the cutest save-the-date. They looked happy, in love and stunning in every way. I started typing back, “YES!” but hesitated, shook my head and backspaced, “The more important question, is do YOU!?” I could just imagine my bride grinning ear to ear as she read my text and looked back at the screenshot of her card. A few seconds later my phone buzzed again “I really, really do.”
Does this make me happy? I know sometimes it is easy to get caught up with other peoples opinions, specially the mother’s of the world. Sometimes, and don’t get me wrong, I am no exception, we all can agonize over the little things… Should you have the pink champagne or a speciality drink? Do you pay extra for the bigger floral centerpieces? Do you splurge for the chiavari chairs?? Sometimes, you even find yourself comparing your plans with your best friend (who happen to be getting married a month after you), wedding plan’s. While you agonize, question and compare, please take a step back and ask yourself these questions…. “Do you like it!? Do you even really care? Is this thing you are stressing about now really going to add that extra little something to your big day?” If the answer is yes, then good! Keep doing what you are doing. If the answer is no, then stop your worrying! Everything will be beautiful, lovely and completely and totally you.
Let me fill you in on a little secret… Wedding guests really only care about three things; dancing, food and whether or not they had a good time. They don’t think about how much time and effort you put into handwriting, rewriting and then re-rewriting the seating chart. They don’t know how many hours you spent contemplating if there are enough peonies in the centerpieces. And they definitely don’t have any real understanding how many emails you sent questioning the number of candles on each table. You are better off focusing on the bigger picture and most importantly, what makes YOU and your fiance happy. So, when in doubt, ask yourself this yes or no question…”Does this make me happy?”
Work With Yael
My mission is to not only craft images, but really celebrate the unique spirit of Jewish love. I'm here to honor our culture, capture the magic of your love, create family heirlooms for your future and do it all with a whole lot of heart and soul.