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“So I think we found the perfect venue” one of my bride’s said as we were chatting on the phone.

“Oh great! Which one!?” I asked as I pull out my pen and notebook to jot it down.

As my excited YPbride continued, my heart sunk. I could tell she was thrilled! She found an amazing venue that fit her style, her budget and the coordinator even said they were still available for her preferred wedding date! She was over the moon excited! The only problem was, she was inviting over 350 people and the venue was slightly too small for her guest list.

As I waited for her to take a breath I calmly said “That all sounds great… but do you know the trick in figuring out how many guests can fit in the venue?”

She hesitated and said “oh… no, what is it.”


Friends and family come first. You want everyone there don’t you? That’s why you have to take into consideration how many people are near and dear in your heart before you find your venue. Ok, I will make this as easy as possible. If you are anything like me, numbers are not your friends. Your favorite number is now 30. All you have to do is multiply 30 x the number of names on that guest list and BAM, you have your number. The rule of thumb = 30 square feet per guest. It is that simple. I know, it sounds like a ton of space and you are probably wondering, “Yael, is that really necessary?!” I promise you it is! Think about it… you don’t JUST need a place for your incredible friends and family to sit.  You need room for not only the guests, but the tables they will sit at and enjoy the delicious food you chosen, a dance floor to show off their coolest dance moves, space for the amazing waiters and waitresses to move swiftly and comfortably and a good amount of space for the band, the cake, the incredible dessert table, the bar, and the other bar (because sometimes, one bar is just not enough). Your wedding is much more than a sit down affair and you and your guests deserve to be able to move around comfortably. So, when you start researching venues, pull out that calculator baby! 



Work With Yael

My mission is to not only craft images, but really celebrate the unique spirit of Jewish love. I'm here to honor our culture, capture the magic of your love, create family heirlooms for your future and do it all with a whole lot of heart and soul.