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The love, the laughter and the happiness that spread like wild fire from the moment the day started until the late hours of the after party was infectious in every sense of the word. You could feel the love getting deeper, the laughter getting louder and the happiness getting bigger as the day went on.
Between the Hamilton Manor’s gorgeous venue and Lauren and Tony’s impeccable style, I couldn’t have asked for a more incredible wedding to photograph. Lauren’s attention to detail made for every photographers dream.
From the moment I walked into the hotel room, Lauren was all smiles and giddiness. Tony, on the other hand, was a little bit more nervous. As soon as he saw his beautiful bride walking down the aisle, his expression changed from nerves to complete and total appreciation.
It is as simple as that. Tony loves Lauren with all his heart. He will do anything to make her happy and Tony will protect and cherish her till forever.
Lauren is the sweetest thing in the world. Just as I suspected, she was giggling through the entire ceremony and there is nothing more contagious and joyous than a giggling bride. She giggled her way into marriage and what could be better than that!?
Although Lauren and Tony are of course the best part of the day, one of my favorite moments was of Lauren and her darling father. As Lauren’s dad spun her around the dance floor, there were tears in our eyes. She has always been daddy’s little girl. You can tell by the way they adoringly look at each other, the way they enthusiastically talk to each other and the way they lovingly smile at each other as if they are in on a secret that no one else would understand. It is a bond that everyone wishes they had with their daughter. As the two of them danced around, a slideshow started playing in the corners of the room. Lauren’s dad had created a beautiful montages of her life leading up to this day; the day that he gave his little girl away to start a life with her new, incredible husband Tony.
Lauren, Tony, it was the biggest pleasure being a part of your wedding day. It was a dream come true and you two together, are what it is all about. Cheers to 150 years of marriage, health, love and happiness!
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As my second shooter and I walked in to the gorgeous suite at the National Harbor, I only noticed one thing, a beautiful bride getting her hair and make-up touched up right before she was ready to start one of the best days of her life. Coreene’s smile and elegance shined through and through on her wedding day and I couldn’t be more delighted that we were the ones to capture it. Her dress fit her perfectly, her nieces were dancing the entire time and her handsome Groom, Brandon, couldn’t take his eyes off her.
The ceremony was stunning and intimate, the smiles were full and warm and the bridal party was full of laughter and happiness. When I was driving from the church to the venue, I was thinking to myself, it couldn’t get any better than this… then I saw it, the magnificent reception tent, decorated in a sophisticated and tasteful manner, and now I thought to myself, “WOW.” Coreene and Brandon sure know how to throw a party.
After heartfelt toasts, parent-dances and the cake cutting there was only one thing left for Coreene and Brandon to do… dance their guests of out the reception tent. Let me explain myself, they didn’t just dance, they danced, marched and led the crowd as the two of them held these awesome umbrellas while all of their family and friends followed them swinging embroidered handkerchiefs in the air. Let me tell you, this New Orlean’s tradition blew this East Coaster away. I loved every second of it. The energy and vibrance of the crowd as they marched the Bride and Groom out of the tent and into the next stage of their lives was incredible to witness.
It was a gorgeous wedding, with incredible people and left me feeling all warm inside the entire drive back up to Philadelphia.
Thank you for the memories Coreene and Brandon : )
Work With Yael
My mission is to not only craft images, but really celebrate the unique spirit of Jewish love. I'm here to honor our culture, capture the magic of your love, create family heirlooms for your future and do it all with a whole lot of heart and soul.