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I know what you are thinking, “Of course Yael. Of course I am going to try on my wedding dress and shoes together to make sure it all looks exactly the way I want it!”
It may be a no brainer for you, but as a Type A Personality, I like to be 120% confident that every bride and groom out there knows to do exactly this! I personally don’t like surprises, especially when it comes to wedding day attire! I want to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible for you the morning of your wedding, that includes knowing exactly how to secure your wedding dress and how to pin his own boutonnière!
I like to be sure. Sure that your wedding shoes are broken in, the earrings match perfectly and the groom knows exactly how to tie his wedding day bow tie! I want you to feel relaxed and ready to go. I want you to be confident that things will run smoothly when it comes to your wedding day get-up. The best way to do this is simple. Try it on. Try it all on! All of it! Don’t leave anything for chance!
For my beautiful brides, make sure you know how to climb into your dress without messing with your hair and that you know exactly how to fasten your wedding day jewelry.
For all my awesome YP grooms out there, if you do not already know how to properly secure your suspenders, cufflinks and tie, learn how to do it sometime prior to your wedding day! It is amazing what YouTube can teach you these days. Plus, if you let it slip to the future Mrs. that you are trying on your wedding outfit, she will beyond touched and excited… I like to think of it as a win, win, win!
Trust me on this, there is nothing better than having everything fit perfectly and run smoothly the morning you say “I do!” So trying on your wedding day attire before your big day, can never hurt! Plus, you chose this outfit for a reason, making sure it all works and fits correctly should be fun!
BONUS: Helpful Links for the Groom:
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“So, what are your wedding colors!?” I asked my future bride as we sat at Starbucks sipping our caffeinated drink of choice. I always love asking this question. The look that a woman has on her face when she is envisioning her wedding day is priceless. The way my future brides describe their wedding details in such bliss, brings a huge smile on my face. And the way they love their wedding day, love their fiance and love celebrating their love story, warms my heart each and every time.
I took one look at the sweet, beautiful future YPbride in front of me and realized, she was unsure.
“I have absolutely no idea what colors to choose. I fall in love with every photo on Pinterest!” I totally get it. I fall in love with every wedding I photograph so I can only imagine how difficult it can be to pick your own wedding colors.
Picking your color palette helps set the stage for the rest of your big day. Once you choose the colors, your centerpieces, flowers and reception decor will all follow suite. So, for those brides out there who are overwhelmed by all the breathtaking color ideas they have seen all over Social, here are the 5 things you should consider when choosing your own wedding color palette, but first… grab yourself a color wheel!
If you don’t already have a color palette in mind, turning to the venue and date is a great way to get inspired. You already fell in love with your venue’s aesthetic, play up the colors that are already there! Similarly, let the season guide you! Getting married in mid- October and late June can strike two totally different color palettes (especially if you live on the East Coast like yours truly)!
Sometimes, you just have a favorite color and that is that! Take a look around your house, what colors do you see in each room? Do you have a color that keeps appearing? Do you automatically go straight to the Olive Green sweaters when you are shopping? Does Navy Blue catch your eye every time you see it? Does Merlot Red accessories give you a little extra spark of confidence? If you have a favorite color, don’t hold back! Remember, it is your day! As long as your favorite person in the world agrees to it (aka your Groom-to-be), go with what you love!
So, you might already have a color in mind, let’s say pink… but which shade of pink? Rose Pink? Fuscia Pink? Blush Pink? The options can go on and on! Instead of choosing one shade of pink, choose them all! Go Ombré or go home! Indulge in it all. Showcase pink from the lightest pastel to the deepest shade. Your wedding will be the epitome of chic!
Want to make sure your wedding day has that timeless feel and classic look?! Add white or another neutral color into your color palette. Beige and cream add an extra layer of color sophistication while white matches with everything and can really tie in the other ascent colors.
Most importantly, do not forget about your own sense of style. Sometimes, it can get overwhelming. There are so many people willing to offer their guidance and opinions that your own voice can get lost. If everyone around you is telling you to go with Burgundy and you are more of a Lavender kinda gal, choose Lavender! Your wedding is your special day! You and your happiness is so important!
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Bridesmaids, they are like sisters (or are sisters). Your bridesmaids mean the world to you. I mean, let’s be real, you asked them to be your bridesmaid for a reason! You want your girls to be as happy as possible but you cannot get Katherine Heigl from “27 Dresses” out of your head!
The idea of finding dresses and a color that works for everyone is a little overwhelming… “What if they can’t agree on a style? What if they don’t feel comfortable in their dress?! “First off, I just want to say, you are a sweetheart for being so concerned about your ladies! Secondly, don’t you fret! With the right attitude, time and communication all your bridesmaids will be excited to put on their dress!
I know, I know, talking about finances is never easy, but trust me on this one. Your bridesmaids will feel a lot better knowing that you are being mindful of how much time, effort and money they are investing in your wedding day. Being a bridesmaid is such an honor, and they are SO excited to be a part of your big day, but let’s face it, it can get expensive. So talk to your bridesmaids, remember they are like family. They will appreciate it more than you know!
I am a huge fan of research! Knowledge is power! Know what you are getting you and your bridesmaids into before you walk into the bridal shop! Make yourself an excellent source for your ladies. Have opinions, come up with ideas and offer advice as you and your girls are sifting through all the lace and chiffon!
This one seems like an easy one, but I just had to put this one out there. Sometimes, we can get caught up in the excitement of shopping with our girls and forget that your wedding dress is important and must be considered! So before your girls say yes to their dress, ask yourself this “does this compliment my wedding dress?”
I know, in our instantaneous world, we forget that sometimes, we are actually going to have to wait! Bridesmaid dress shopping should be done 7 – 8 months out! I know what you are thinking… you can’t be serious? Most dresses are actually made-to-order and have a shipment time of 12 -16 weeks. Think about all the necessary steps that have to be taken between finding the dresses and actually putting them on. You have to make sure you have the correct measurements, correct order, have the dress actually made, pick it up (or wait for it to be delivered), make alterations and then finally have it all ready and perfect for the big day!
Yes you read that correctly! Bridesmaid dresses do go on sale and more often than you think! There are always sales on the major annual shopping days like Black Friday, Memorial day and Labor Day… but there are also sales through out the year. Get on email lists, check websites every so often and keep your eyes pealed for the Magic word “SALE.” Your bridesmaids will be SO appreciative!
Ok, so now that you have some tips, GO have a great time! Sip the bubbly, get lost in all the amazing texture! Shopping with your best friends is supposed to be fun! Let the stress melt away and enjoy this bonding experience with your girls!
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Hello my beautiful bride!
I have a serious question for you… How is your wedding shoe shopping going? Do you find a new pair of shoes that you absolutely love every three weeks? Are you going back in forth between a subtle, strappy nude, the classic, fun pump or that pair of Mexican embroidered wedges that you have been obsessing over since before you got engaged?! Do you change your mind five times a day? Have about 100 pinned photos and still can’t decide what will go best with your dress?
Trust me on this when I say, I understand completely! I personally love shoes. All shoes. I don’t discriminate. There hasn’t been a shoe I have seen and not loved. So, I get it, how do you decide?
Shoe shopping for your wedding can be insanely overwhelming, that is why, I have created a list of my YP Sharp shoe shopping rules to live by!
So this is what you should do… even before you go wedding dress shopping, even before you pick out the flowers, jewelry and your something blue, create your Wedding Shoe Pinterest Inspiration Board. Look to see what is out there. Find the shoes and styles that speak to you the most and THEN go shopping for your dress. With all your favorite options pinned, it will be a heck of a lot easier to make a shoe-dress combo that is your match made in heaven!
Don’t get too adventurous for your big day! I know sometimes are imaginations can run wild, especially when it comes toyour wedding plans, but keep your shoe choice consistent with who you are and what you are comfortable with on a normal bases. If you are a normally a 5-inch stiletto kinda gal, go for it. If you are never caught in anything besides sneakers or sandals, keep it simple and find a pair of gorgeous flats that will keep you moving and dancing all night long!
Always ensure that your shoe choice works well with the venue. Is your ceremony in a garden? on a beach? On a cobblestone pathway? Indoors? Outdoors? Is your reception taking place in the dead of winter or under the blazing sun? Keeping the place and time of year in mind will make you that much happier on your big day.
Seriously though, your feet will thank you!
It is your wedding day for crying out loud! You should feel like the beautiful, special princess that you are! Even though your wedding dress will probably hang all the way to the floor and therefore, hide your feet, your shoes will still be seen. Between the dancing, walking and the bustling your shoes will definitely grab your guests attention. So don’t just settle for a boring pair that you are fine with… make sure they make you feel like the incredible person that you are all day long!
This one is my favorite! Who says you need just one pair of wedding shoes!? For all those shoe lovers out there, I feel you. Choosing just one is like choosing just one chocolate out of the assortment box! How can you choose! If you find two shoes that you absolutely adore, bring them both! One for the ceremony and one for the reception. It will make you that much happier : )
And there you have it ladies! Now go on, get on Pinterest, get inspired and find yourself the perfect style for your wedding!
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“I just don’t know about the dress” she said as she looked down. “I just can’t tell if it is the right look for me. ” My friend said as she twirled around to see the back in the mirror.
I just stared at her, in awe. My eyes watering, my mouth wide open. “Are you serious? It is perfect!” I said.
She put her hand on her chin and started squinting “I just don’t know”
As I watched her all I could think was… She looked incredible. It was the perfect dress. It was everything she described all wrapped up into one beautiful white dress. How could she not see how gorgeous she truly looked!
Then it hit me. Her hair was in a messy bun on the top of her head. She was wearing her big, round glasses. Her bra-strap was showing and her sneakers were peaking out at the bottom. She needed to feel confident in herself before trying on wedding dress….
“I love it!” I said, ” I think we should put in on hold.”
“What? Why!” She asked as we start unbuttoning the dress.
“Trust me on this one” I said.
A week later, we went to her favorite hair salon, got her hair and make-up done… on me of course. Once we were done, we went back to the bridal boutique, tried on the dress again. When she turned around to see herself in the mirror. We were both in tears.
“This is THE dress!” She said.
Primp First, Shop Second. Bridal Boutiques are great when it comes to having the best lighting, great mirrors and incredible customer service. But, and there always is a but, you will be much happier with the experience if you felt confident and beautiful walking in already! Dress shopping can be a little intimidating and you are the bride for crying out loud! You deserve to feel beautiful and gorgeous so, instead of showing up with your usual shopping hair and glasses on, primp a little. Walk in feeling your best! You won’t regret it : )
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There is a lot to do for your wedding day, so many big decisions and small details. It can get super overwhelming. You are going to want to procrastinate. I hear a lot of couples say things like “I’ll just get this done the week before the wedding” or “this can be put off for a few months.”
Get that to- do list done early: The small details that seem easy now, will not be so stress-free a few weeks before your wedding day. You don’t want to be using a glue-gun at 2am four days before your big day in an attempt to finish your centerpieces. You don’t want to be praying that Amazon Prime will arrive on time before your wedding because you JUST ordered your bridesmaids gifts. And you definitely don’t want to be running around trying to put together your Wedding Welcome Bag for all of your out of town guests.
What you will want to do the week before your wedding is relax. You will want to have time to enjoy your mani-pedi appointment. You will want to take a breath as you go and get your engagement ring cleaned and shined. And you are going to want to spend some quality time with your beloved grandma who is in from out of town.
In other words, get that to-do list done early! Make sure you don’t just run around like a chicken without it’s head the last week of your single life. Make sure all the small details that can wait until the last minute, don’t actually wait until the last minute. Let’s be honest, of course some small things will pop up, but it will all be ok, because you got the rest of your to-do list done already!
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“I want to have at least five minutes alone with him before our wedding day ends! But I am not so sure how to ensure that!” one of my brides expressed on our phone call a week before her wedding.
“I just saw the cutest thing!” I said excited to share this adorable idea.
“Do tell!” She said intrigued
“Well, have you thought of having two first dances?!”
“What do mean?”
“Well, everyone knows about the classic first dance in front of all your family and friends, but what do you think of this? What if you had everyone move into a different room to grab some dessert and coffee, and you two love birds can have the entire reception room for yourself. Pick a second song, to slow dance to, just the two of you!”
A second first dance might not be the right choice for you and your fiance, but you get the idea! This is your wedding for crying out loud, it should be all about you and your SO, but sometimes, with all your friends and family around celebrating and loving you, you don’t have a chance to be alone. So even before the day has started, plan to take 10 minutes to yourselves. Excuse yourself from the reception for a nice little walk alone, be the first to try the double scoop from the ice cream truck before the guests come out or take 10 minutes to escape all the fun and get some night portraits done. Whatever you do, make sure you spend a few minutes at the end of the night alone. You will thank yourselves!!
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” I was thinking about getting me and the girls matching phone cases for the wedding day” one of my brides said to me “Look! Aren’t they cute!?” she said as she showed me her a picture on her phone.
“They are super cute! But can I just make a small suggestion…” I said as she started scrolling through the photos of the different colored cases. “don’t have your phone on you during your wedding day.” She looked at me with a blank expression. “I know… it sounds crazy, but you will thank me later!”
Unplug for the day. You aren’t going to need your phone. It will only distract you from one of the best days of your life! Give your phone to your Made of Honor and have her do all the answering. You can even put it on airplane mode and give all your vendors your bridesmaid number and have someone else be in charge of taking the selfies. You deserve to enjoy your wedding and take a break from the digital world. I mean, let’s be real, everyone important to you will either be in that getting ready room with you or see you in the next 5 hours. So, this is what you want to do. Wake up on your wedding day. Turn off the alarm. Hand that bad boy over to whoever is closest to you and enjoy every moment of your wedding. You have spent months, possibly years, working towards this day, don’t miss even one second of your magic. Have your bridesmaids and family take care of all the loose ends and last minute phone calls. Pour yourself a mimosa, put on your “Bride” robe and get ready to be the happiest girl alive.
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“I have so many kids coming to my wedding.” She said as we were looking over the timeline. “Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE kids. Specially the ones coming to my wedding. I just don’t want them to get bored mid-ceremony you know?” I totally knew. This is actually a big concern for a lot of couples. They love the idea of having all of the little ones around, but get nervous about missed nap times and skipped over snacks. “Well, you know what I just saw the other day” I said as I closed my laptop to focus completely on my bride. “One of my couples put together these little fun goodie bags for all kids and gave them out right before the ceremony” She smiled.
“You mean like a bag full of distractions?”
“YES!” Exactly like that. And with that, we both opened our laptops again and started searching for the best things to put in her goodie bags.
Distract the little ones. I love kids. I mean, I do have nine nieces and nephews of my own and I want nothing more than to see them in their pretty dresses and cute bowties at my future wedding. There is nothing sweeter than seeing a child’s face as they witness the magic of a bride and a groom getting married. But, with strict timelines, the crazy chaos and complete newness of a wedding day, it can be a little much for the little ones. By the time the ceremony comes around, the children can be exhausted, hungry and overwhelmed. So, give them a goodie bag just for them. Right before the ceremony, have someone go around to each of the kids with a bag full of quite toys, such as a container of bubbles, a yoyo, stickers and even some crayons with a fun “wedding day coloring book. Anything that is quite and can keep them sitting and entertained. Their parents will thank you and you will love to see what pictures they colored at your ceremony!
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” I already know that we are going to spend HOURS trying to figure out who sent in their RSVPs and who we need to reach back out too. I am already dreading it” my friend said as we walked along the Schuylkill River. She was about to send out her beautifully custom wedding invitations, designed on Basic Invite (shout out to my amazing card company partners at Basic Invite), and was trying to balance her work, school and wedding planning. This was one thing she really did not want to spend time on. “I just learned this awesome trick” I said as we started picking up the pace to more of a jog. “If you take a pencil, and mark each RSVP card with a number…on the back of course, it will be SOO much easier to keep track of.” I said as the beat of the music started picking up tempo in my ear. Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks, “That is a genius idea!” She explained as she threw her hands in the air. I smiled and said “Come on, I bet we can finish this run in under an hour!”
Excel + Pencil = Time: Numbers make everything better….Make things as easy as possible for yourself. I know what you are thinking, I don’t want to ruin my RSVP cards with a penciled in number in the corner. I get it, you spent all that money and all that time making sure your wedding stationary is perfect, You are going to love your stationary a lot more when it is easy to organize. All you have to do is three easy steps:
Therefore, when the RSVP cards start coming in but number 43 is still not returned, you can go to your EXCEL sheet, look up number 43 and BAM, you now know you need to call Aunt Margret to see if she wants the fish or chicken.
Work With Yael
My mission is to not only craft images, but really celebrate the unique spirit of Jewish love. I'm here to honor our culture, capture the magic of your love, create family heirlooms for your future and do it all with a whole lot of heart and soul.