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Bridesmaids and groomsmen are like family. They have been through it all with you. The good, the bad. The happy, the sad. Having them up there with you, standing by your side as you make one of the most beautiful and important commitments of your life, means more to you than you can ever express. How can you show your bridesmaids and groomsmen how grateful you are? How can you even begin to thank them and express your gratitude? A small, personal gift can definitely do the trick! Here are YPP’s six favorite tips and tricks for picking out the perfect Bridesmaids and Groomsmen gifts”
Trust me when I say, a small token can go a long way!
We have all gotten those gifts that we put in the back of the closet and forget about . Focus on practicality, but aim for quality! Make your groomsmen and bridesmaids gifts something that they can use and appreciate for years to come! You want your wedding party to be in awe of how nice your gift is and be amazed by how many times they see themselves using it. The goal is to show them how much you appreciate them with something that they can cherish and use on a normal bases!
Some couples’ wedding party is one big friend group and that is awesome! Other couples have a mix of people from all different parts of their lives, which is just as amazing and meaningful if you ask me! If this is the case, all of your groomsmen may not appreciate the same gift. Same goes for your bridesmaids! If you have a college buddy and a little cousin, it might be wise to spend a little more time picking out personalized gifts for each of them. Remember, you want to show your wedding party how much you appreciate them. So, take the time to think about what each person will appreciate!
As we all may know, planning a wedding is expensive. The random miscellaneous costs can really add up. Your wedding party understands this. They know how hard you are trying to stay in your budget and they definitely don’t expect you to go above and beyond when it comes to their bridesmaid and groomsmen gifts. It’s the thought that counts. They will appreciate anything you do, no matter how expensive or inexpensive it is. Especially if it is something they love and can use over and over again!
Your friends are the best. Like seriously the best. Chances are this isn’t the first time they put on the nice attire, matching shoes and were a part of a couples big day! Keep this in mind, do a little digging and figure out what gifts they have already gotten at other weddings! You don’t want to get them the same flask as Tim did last year!
Between work, marriage and keeping up with your personal needs, carving out time to spend with your friends can be a little daunting at times. Use your bridesmaid and groomsmen gifts as a way to show them you really care and will always make time for them! Give them something you both can do together once the wedding is over. A spa day, wine tasting, fishing trip or even an axe throwing day can go a long way!
Sometimes, it’s the things that cost nothing at all that means the most. Write each one of your bridesmaids and groomsmen a personal message. This small, yet kind gesture will make them feel that much more important.
You know your wedding party better than anyone else. You know what each person will love and care about and you know that all they really want is to be there for you and share the love on one of the best days of your lives! Take your time, pick something that they will cherish and never ever forget that your bridesmaids and groomsmen are like family. They love you no matter what!
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It’s your wedding day. You are feeling it all! The excitement, the pure joy, the immense awe that this day is actually here and all you want to do is share it with your one and only. All you want to do is share this moment with the person you are going to spend the rest of your life with. One of my favorite morning of traditions is the love letter.
Side note: Some couples pre-write their letters and that is totally, 100% awesome too, but I find the letters that are written the day of the wedding are just that much more special and meaningful.
Never written a love letter before and want to do it right! Here are the YPP steps to writing the perfect morning of wedding love letter for the love of your life!
Writers block is totally a thing, specially if you aren’t one to usually write down your feelings. No one will blame you if you want to be prepared! The week before your wedding you will feel a rush of all different emotions, use those feelings! Take the time to think about what you want to say to your bride/groom on your wedding day. Jot down key points you know you will definitely want to include in your wedding letter… A little extra help or push is never a bad thing!
This is the moment you are expressing your most intimate thoughts to the person who knows you the best. Find a quite place away from all the commotion, a place where you won’t get distracted or overwhelmed by the people around you. Find a few minutes to be alone, collect your thoughts, process the excitement and share it with your favorite person in the world.
BONUS: Many brides and groom write their letters before the craziness of the day begins. Right after they wake up and it hits them, today I am getting married to my best friend!! Your feelings are fresh, your excitement is overwhelming and your love for one another is on fire!
Don’t forget to bring something to write on and something to write with! I know this may seem obvious, but this is the love letter you are writing to your future husband or wife on your wedding day, make sure you have something to write on other than a post-it, napkin or wedding itinerary. (Although, I am sure they will love the words all the same)!
This is your day to be as cheesy as you want to be! Actually, being cheesy and sappy is kinda expected. If it’s not your style, don’t force it, your SO wants it to be genuine and true. If you have all of the feels and want to express every last one, GO FOR IT! If your more of a humorous writer, story teller or even a dream wisher, write that! If you are a combo of all four, do it! Your bride/ groom will absolutely love whatever you write! Just stay true to who you are and the reaction will be priceless!
This letter, is intimate, personal and just for the two of you. Make sure you seal it and hand it off to someone you can trust! Have it hand delivered to your bride/ groom. You don’t want it to get misplaced or opened by nosy Aunt Harriet!
This letter, these emotions, this feeling will be something you will cherish for the rest of your life. Every year, on your wedding anniversary, pull out these letters, read them and you will feel the love, the excitement and the pure joy of this day over and over again!
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“Do you know how to do this?” the Best Man asked me as he held up his boutonniere in confusion. I smiled. This is a question I get asked at every wedding I photograph. No matter how many groomsmen there are or how many weddings they have all been to, this (along with the pocket square) is always a question and a debate. There is always that one guy who knows how to do it.
Do you want to be that guy??!
Great! Here is how to properly secure a Boutonniere!
First thing is first… Boutonnieres go on the left.
Follow these 5 steps to ensure that all the boutonnieres look on point and consistent!
The boutonniere should be pined in the middle of the lapel, above the pocket square and lower than the tie or bowtie. If you are pinning the boutonniere on to someone else, it should be to the right of the tie. People are going to ask you “Are you sure it goes on the left” YES, you are sure!
I like to call this “the taco move.” Once you have the boutonniere in the correct place on the lapel, hold the flower in place and fold over the lapel. The lapel should form a taco-like shape, hence “the taco move.” The boutonniere is the beefy delicious substance and the lapel is the shell that holds it all together.
Once you have your flower taco, take the needle, (which should have been supplied with the boutonniere), and insert the pin into the back of lapel and boutonniere in a downward angle.
You want to make sure that the pin is going through the thickest part of the boutonniere, which will be the stem flower. Remember, the thicker the more sturdy it is!
The best way to ensure the boutonniere is securely fastened is by inserting the needle at a downward angle. Check to make sure it is secure by moving the boutonniere from side to side. Use a second pin if necessary.
With these 5 easy steps the bridesmaids, and more importantly the bride will be insanely impressed by your fabulous boutonniere skills!
Work With Yael
My mission is to not only craft images, but really celebrate the unique spirit of Jewish love. I'm here to honor our culture, capture the magic of your love, create family heirlooms for your future and do it all with a whole lot of heart and soul.