
Philly Groom


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“Sean came up to me the other day and said that he could never thank me enough for hosting his wedding here on my property.” Mike paused and looked at Sean and Julie sitting at the sweetheart table. Every guest was quiet as they were waiting for Mike to continue…”But, in all honesty, I cannot thank Sean enough. I have spent every day of my life trying to get Julie to smile the way she does when she is around Sean. Sean thank you for making Julie the happiest I have ever seen her. I owe you everything” And with that, Mike put the microphone down, walked over to Sean and Julie and gave them both big bear hugs.

Julie, Sean, Mike and all of their closest friends and family spent the last year transforming Mike’s beautiful property into a fairytale wedding venue. The tent was absolutely breathtaking. I heard myself gasp as I walked up the long drive way, through the fun cocktail hour area, past the portable beer taps, all the way into the classy decorated tent. “Don’t forget to look up!” Julie shouted from the driveway as she saw me standing at the entrance of the tent. I looked up and heard myself gasp again.  There were a dozen beautifully white painted hula hoops decorated with vibrant pink flowers twinkling in the wind. I was in awe. Julie and Sean really did it! They had a vision for what they wanted their wedding day to look like and they put in the time, energy and love. And trust me when I say this, you could tell they loved everything about it.From the bonfire, to the dogs running around all the way to the coolest ice cream truck I have ever seen, every detail felt like them and I was amazed in every way.

Julie and Sean are the most genuine, loving couple. As individuals, they each have such a unique warmth to them that it only makes sense that they ended up together. The way they talk, the way they embrace their friends and family, the way they interact with everyone around them, is just sweet in every way. Witnessing Sean watch Julie walk down the aisle made the chili October day feel like a mid August day; beautiful, warm and full of admiration. There is nothing like it. There is no doubt in my mind that Julie and Sean will continue to create the sweetest marriage and family. I cannot wait to see the beautiful life they will share together.

Julie, Sean, my wish to you is that your life is full of amazing moments that are all as sweet as you.


Work With Yael

My mission is to not only craft images, but really celebrate the unique spirit of Jewish love. I'm here to honor our culture, capture the magic of your love, create family heirlooms for your future and do it all with a whole lot of heart and soul.