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Photo credit: Robert Goldberg : )

One week later: 

As I walked out of the metro station and turned to face DC’s Chinatown, I put my hand on the camera bag that was hanging from my shoulder. My Dad let me borrow his Canon Rebel and I was terrified of loosing it. I started walking down the street to the Starbucks on 7th, right around the corner from WeWorks.  I checked my watch, I was a little early, and I was NEVER early. To me, this meant one thing, I was SUPER excited to be there. As I ordered my customary Grande Soy Chai Latte (something I could never imagine ordering now), an older man, probably early 60’s, with long hair, a funky Hawaiian shirt, a cane and a fedora walked up next to me as we waited for our orders.

“You must be a photographer?” He nodded over to the camera bag on my shoulder.

I laughed. “Not really.” I say as I adjusted the bag strap awkwardly. “I’ve never actually used this camera before. I am about to take my first photography class.”

“That’s great! I love photography!”

“Really? I think I am going to also!” I said as the barista put my latte right in front of me on the counter. I grabbed the drink, muttered a quick thank you to the barista and said goodbye to the older man.

I was feeling pretty good about my new found hobby as I crossed the street to the WeWorks. I saw one other person waiting. Before I had a chance to introduce myself, I heard “Are you guys both waiting for the Photography Class?” I’m Sam.  I will be your teacher!” I turned around and lo and behold look who it is, the older man from the Starbucks. He had the biggest grin on his face as he watched my surprised expression.

He unlocked the door and held it open for us.

“What kind of DSLR do you guys have?” he asked as he turned on the lights and gestured to the conference table.

“What is a DSLR?”  I asked as I pulled out my seat and sat down.

“You must be a beginner” he said with a knowing smiling.

“Is it that obvious?” I carefully took my dad’s camera out of the bag. To be honest, it was the first time I was using any kind of camera, besides my phone and the disposable ones that I absolutely adored back at Jewish Sleep away camp, which totally doesn’t count.

The rest of the class started filtering in behind us “Welcome to photography for beginners. Let’s get started, shall we?” And with that, class began.

One hour later, I walked out of WeWorks. One thing was brilliantly clear, my life had changed forever. I know, it sounds a little dramatic, but it is 100% true. I cannot even tell you what Sam said in that one hour class, I cannot tell you which buttons I pressed or what I photographed that day, but I can tell you that I thank G-d everyday that I found Sam’s class online.

As I walked towards the metro ready to head back to Silver Spring. I pulled out my phone and texted Marisa. “What would you say if I told you I want to be a photographer.” I stepped onto the insanely long escalator, put my phone in my pocket and adjusted the camera bag again and felt a new type of warmth and satisfaction. My adventure began and I didn’t even really know it.

To be continued…


Missed Part One? Check it out here: “How it all Began Part I”

Want to read part III?: Check it out here: “How it all Began Part III”

Work With Yael

My mission is to not only craft images, but really celebrate the unique spirit of Jewish love. I'm here to honor our culture, capture the magic of your love, create family heirlooms for your future and do it all with a whole lot of heart and soul.