
Israeli Weddings


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There were three flags. One Brazilian, one Israeli and one Maryland flag. As dozens of Rachel and Binny’s friends stood behind the flag that best represented their connection with the newlyweds, I felt a rush of warmth and happiness flood through my body. “Ok everyone!” I said smiling as big as can be. “Look over here!” I waved and started clicking the shutter.

As soon as we finished taking the photos, the flags were whipped off to the dance floor. “BE MORE LIKE BALTIMORE, BE MORE LIKE BALTIMORE” was chanted as the Marylanders took turns dancing with the yellow and red flag we (Marylanders) are all so proud of. As Robert and I continued to smile and snap away, I couldn’t help but be amazed by the incredible community Rachel and Binny had created for themselves. It is pretty amazing to see. Friends from childhood, from the IDF and even school were all there. People flew in from thousands of miles away. One of Binny’s oldest friends even surprised him from America.

Seeing this community, these friends, celebrate as if it was their own wedding, speaks volumes.

Binny and Rachel are both incredible people. I have known Binny for way over a decade and I know for a fact that my life would be completely different without him. Binny has always had more charm in one finger than I have in all 5′ 0″ of me! Seeing him with the love of his life, the one woman who could make him this happy was a a huge honor. I could barely hold back sobs of joy as I watched them under the Chuppah looking over the water in Caesarea! As Binny made his promises to love and protect Rachel for the rest of their lives, my heart sighed.

The second the ceremony was over, everyone rushed to congratulate the bride and groom. There was so much love, so much joy and so much community that I know, Rachel and Binny will only have the best of lives together. I know that their future is going to be full of love, kindness and happiness!

Rachel and Binny’s wedding took place at the beautiful Caesar Yam in Caesarea, Israel. With the enchanting old stone all around us, the flowers from Queens Flowers every where and the delicious smell of Israeli food lingering as we danced the night away. It couldn’t have been a more loving and incredible night.

Thank you Binny and Rachel for including Robert and I in this magical day! We will forever have you in our hearts!

Work With Yael

My mission is to not only craft images, but really celebrate the unique spirit of Jewish love. I'm here to honor our culture, capture the magic of your love, create family heirlooms for your future and do it all with a whole lot of heart and soul.