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As Sarah walked up behind Al, you could see the excitement in his eyes. He was ready. He was ready to see his beautiful bride. They have been planning for months. They have been waiting for months. They have been talking about this wedding every day for over a year. And now, it was finally here. He was standing with his back turned away in the courtyard of the cute AirBnB they rented, and his Sarah, the love of this life, was right behind him and he was not allowed to look. He had to patiently, or should I say, not so patiently wait for her to tap him on the shoulder. As Sarah’s finger was in the air, about ready to tap, she looked directly at my camera with a knowing look and a witty smile. TAP! TAP!  Al turned around with absolutely no hesitation.  As their eyes met, the nerves washed away and the only thing left was pure, total bliss. Now, the prep was all done, the planning all over and all they could do was enjoy each other and enjoy the first day of the rest of their lives.

Sarah and Al’s wedding ceremony and reception took place in the Anthenaeum in Old Town Alexandria. With the beautiful artwork, incredible windows and their closest friends and family surrounding them, they exchanged vows that made my heart melt. Their love for each other and the life they have already built together shining through with every word and every promise uttered. I have no doubt in my mind that Sarah and Al will continue to have an amazing journey as husband and wife. The love, passion and commitment they share with each other is nothing less than a vision and I feel like the luckiest photographer in the world to have the honor to capture their big day.

Sarah, Al, the joy and devotion I witnessed on your wedding day still gives me goosebumps (in the best possible way). I remember chatting with Sarah, years ago, about the nice guy, Al, she just met. Now, you two are partners, best friends and each others biggest support system. Seeing how much your love has blossomed over the years is breathtaking. I wish you a marriage full of growth, warmth and never ending happiness.

xo – Yael

Work With Yael

My mission is to not only craft images, but really celebrate the unique spirit of Jewish love. I'm here to honor our culture, capture the magic of your love, create family heirlooms for your future and do it all with a whole lot of heart and soul.